The OFFICIAL MOFO Hall of Fame


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
And the last of the inductions for this group......

Alfred Hitchcock


-Won Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award in 1968

-Nominated for best director 5 times (Spellbound, Lifeboat, Psycho, Rear Window, Rebecca)

-His film, Rebecca won best picture in 1940

-Easily one of the leaders in the most films in the IMDB Top 250 as well as AFI's Top 100

Best Known Films
You could honestly go on forever, but....

Rear Window
North by Northwest
Strangers on a Train
The Birds

17 votes

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Well here we our with our 2nd batch of MOFO Hall of Famers. This time to just make it a bit more interesting I will go from most votes to the least votes to keep the suspense up somewhat. Thanks everybody for the votes as we had 28 submitted ballots.

Our first member from the 2nd batch:
Charlie Chaplin


-Plainly considered one of the most pivotal stars of early hollywood and silent genre
- 1 Oscar Win
-Won Honorary Oscar in 1972
- 3 Other Oscar Nominations

Best Known Films
City Lights
Modern Times
The Gold Rush
The Great Dictator
The Kid

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
While I'm not very familiar with much of his work certainly a very worthy addition. A little surprised actually he didn't make the first round