Best Of The Year/Every Year


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Best Scene 2017

Another hard choice to make. I really love the Roosevelt phone call in The Darkest Hour. Could have chosen ten different scenes from Phantom Thread...kind of, the meet cute or first date would have been my likely choices. Tom Hardy's landing in Dunkirk. Elvis hologram in Blade Runner. All have stuck with me and would have been good choices but I decided to go with a musical scene. There is really something about a great musical interlude that can immediately evoke the emotion I am feeling for the film. A good song kind of wraps up the whole story arc like the interlude in Magnolia. What I love about the words of this song in Meyerowitz stories is that the words are simple, he wrote it for her when she was very young, but it still tells the entire story. It is basically a father and daughter singing to each other about what they mean to each other. The phrase "you'll always..." is repeated over and over. There is really only one reason to tell someone that you will always feel a certain way about them. That is because sometimes you know you will do things that will make it seem like you don't feel that way. It's how love works and it is how human intimacy works. Beautiful even if very simple song and scene. I love it. Meyerowitz Stories


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Best Scene

Not as iconic of a year as last year was in my honest opinion but there still were a handful of great scenes.

The best of Florida Project is Willem Dafoe chasing the pedophile off of his motel. Such a great performance by Dafoe and this is probably his best scene which gives him a shot at contention here.

Like Sean I have a soft spot for Darkest Hour and I too very much enjoyed Oldmans conversation with President Roosevelt. It was a wonderfully made scene.

Thor in the ring finding out he's facing The Hulk in a battle was just pure genius filmmaking and it was quite a scene grabber as well, I had to add that one in here.

Number one is going to Phantom Thread though. The brilliant scene where Day Lewis is in bed and sees his mother watching him in it evokes chills. Even more so with Vicky Krieps character in the room and that is the scene that I'll put down as my favorite for this year, although I could have chose quite a few from that film, it's the one that sticks with me the most.

Mines is probably the Rose dress scene in Phantom Thread. Not that i thought it was the best scene of the year or even in that film, but it really changed things up in a movie i was nervous was going to lose steam. No single scene had as big of an impact on me from last year i don't think.

Best Scene

For me the best scene of the year was probably the opening scene to Baby Driver, mainly because the scene is incredibly well directed and extremely entertaining to watch. Overall this was a fantastic scene from one of the most fun films of the year.


Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Best Supporting Performances 2017

Supporting Acress: Apologies to Manville and Metcalf who are getting much deserved attention. I can't ignore an actress I always loved coming back and owning the screen, even if for a short time. mother! is fantastic and she is fantastic in it.

Supporting Actor: I loved Jenkins and Shannon in Shape Of Water but the performance that has stuck with me is another from an actor I love that we don't see much of anymore. Hoffman was perfect for Baumbach's dialogue. The way he is so dismissive of those around him, Hoffman really nails it in The Meyerowitz Stories

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Best Supporting Actor

My nominees would be:

Tracy Letts- Lady Bird
Michael Shannon- Shape of Water
Sam Rockwell- Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri
Idris Elba- Mollys Game

With the winner being....

Willem Dafoe

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Best Supporting Actress

These would be my nominees....

Cate Blanchett- Thor Ragnarok
Kristin Scott Thomas- Darkest Hour
Allison Janney- I Tonya
Lesley Manville- Phantom Thread

With the winner being....

Laurie Metcalf- Lady Bird

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
@rauldc14 ; Letts was pretty great, blanked on him for honorable mention. I did love Defoe as well.

Gotta check out this Twin Peaks movie Camo is going on about. I would if I could log it as 10 movies.

Supporting performances

This is probably a difficult one for me because I haven't seen much from 2017 again.

Best supporting actor

Harrison Ford - Blade Runner 2049

Best supporting actress

Holly Hunter - The Big Sick

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Yes because cinema previews are the golden grail of film classification. Weird that it was shown before a movie, probably because it was theatrically released like all movies
Was a joke just thought it was funny.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Best Screenplay

Often the best writing for me ends up being the best film for me, hence a good chunk of overlap for me. Here's my nominees:

Get Out
Phantom Thread
Lady Bird
Wonder Woman

The winner for me though is Shape of Water

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Damn forgot about screenplay. I will try and be better organized next year. Killing it with the word play tonight fellas.

This might just do nobody any good.
For me there were so many great moments, taken singularly if you must, that I’m having a hard time choosing just one. There’s the omelette eating scene from Phantom Thread, the opening credits to Baby Driver (if only the rest of the film had maintained that energy...), there’s a few wonderfully understated moments of self realization in Logan but, at this very moment, I can’t get one, in particular, from The Last Jedi out of my mind...

WARNING: spoilers below
Throughout the film Poe Dameron is kept in the dark regarding the resistance’s plans. He’s a hotshot pilot, a rebel and the most obvious parallel drawn to Han Solo in the new trilogy (see: his introduction trolling Hux). Leia sees this. Admiral Holdo understands it. Poe has potential but lacks perspective. He can be a great leader, but he needs to learn to see the bigger picture. In one instantly iconic moment, Holdo hammers the point home. At once she teaches the would-be scoundrel how to choose his moments and also embodies the spirit of the resistance/rebellion - that is to say that’s it’s not about any one individual and certainly not about glory. It’s about everyone else and their chance to fight another day.

In Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the rebellious Han Solo character gets a lesson in heroism from his two moms. I love everything about that.

This might just do nobody any good.
I had listed a bunch of scenes I liked before i realized the prompt was “moment”, singular. That would be a fun “end of year” thread, actually.