MoFo Big Brother


As soon as we have all 14 people, I will begin our first Head of Household competition.

I have a feeling I'm that fat old guy that makes it half way through because everyone forgets he exists.
It's a tough decision, but if pressed I'd evict moviefan1996 first. But it would hurt.
Thanks for mentioning that you would evict me if you won the first HOH competition. I gladly appreciate reading your thoughts online.

Let the night air cool you off
JJ is obviously PM his way to some early alliances so my radar is up.
I brought my Casablanca dvd to the house. You wanna pop some corn and crack open some tasty beverages and watch it with me?

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
It's a tough decision, but if pressed I'd evict bluedeed first. But it would hurt.
I'd be hurt too, and for that, it looks like I have to join

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I brought my Casablanca dvd to the house. You wanna pop some corn and crack open some tasty beverages and watch it with me?
Our first luxury reward. I'm in.


To become the first Head of Household...

Get me FIVE people to join the game.

Have them join the game and reference who got them to join.

Either someone who gets five people or the most people to join the game and reference them will win the first HOH competition!


Someone who hasn't yet joined the game could become HOH if they get enough other people to also join. It doesn't have to be someone who already joined the game as of right now.