Things that annoy you...


I found a summer job as a waitress before June and all this time I've been going to various places to take care of all my work papers.Yesterday I got a call from the cafe that I could come today.And I was going,I got a call and the management said that my age is not good for the job,although in the first job interview they said that everything is ok with it.So I just hate such people who promise something and ruins everything.Now,I'm without a job. :/
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Queensland drivers...more in fact - Gold Coast drivers. I've travelled around Australia, Sydney & Melbourne drivers are bad though the thing is, more people in them Cities, more problems. On the other hand, the Gold Coast don't have many people, around 150,000. In Sydney 3.5 Million & Melbourne 3 Million people. When you think about it, the Gold Coast have a lot of retiree's, like Florida

I got really annoyed the other day while I was leaving the store and this guy was with his girl and was parked a ways away. I put my stuff in the my car started it and got in. He was watching me as I was getting ready to go while his girl was putting the cart away. as I was about to pass him, he decided to try and take a crappy U-turn and almost hit me.

In all I hate crappy drivers. They annoy the hell out of me.


Celene Dion
Tom Green
Dan Akyroyd
Kiefer Sutherland
Mathew Perry
Martin Short

Though, I love Rachel McAdams

We've gone on holiday by mistake

I'm just trying to take the dogs for a walk and they are all like, trying to eat me and ****.


When my computer freezes for like 2 seconds for no apparent reason.

Ooh don't even get me on religion.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
LOL at some of those boards. Especially the top one with the bent over stick man soldiers. Some truth in that I suppose.


Ooh don't even get me on religion.
For me, it's not about religion, it's about faith for or whomever believe in it looking out for you. S***! happens, going to Church may help you, though, whom helps you....your power who almighty, whomever that maybe!

For me, it's not about religion, it's about faith for or whomever believe in it looking out for you. S***! happens, going to Church may help you, though, whom helps you....your power who almighty, whomever that maybe!

I hate preachyness and pressure to follow things. Why can't you just live with morals and not have to believe in a higher power? I'm not saying every person who has religious beliefs is like that but it really gets to me when people tell me I should leave my boyfriend and live a more "religious life" and marry someone in the church.

It annoys me that people think they need me to change because I stopped believing. Even if they are just looking out for me.

I hate preachyness and pressure to follow things. Why can't you just live with morals and not have to believe in a higher power? I'm not saying every person who has religious beliefs is like that but it really gets to me when people tell me I should leave my boyfriend and live a more "religious life" and marry someone in the church.

It annoys me that people think they need me to change because I stopped believing. Even if they are just looking out for me.
Eventhough, I might of been preaching? I don't know! It wasn't intention at all. People shouldn't tell you what to believe way!!

As you said "Why can't you just live with morals" Most God fearing people are not morally people, not most...but, quite a few.

You weren't being preachy lol. I can listen to someone tell me there opinions and beliefs but I can't listen to them wanting me to join up.

Just don't be this prick.

Christian GP reprimanded for telling patient he would be haunted by devil
A Christian GP who told a patient "the devil haunts people who do not turn to Jesus" has been given a warning about his behaviour by medical watchdogs.

Dr Richard Scott, 51, a former missionary doctor, "crossed the line" during the consultation because of his deep religious convictions and pushed his faith on a psychologically disturbed patient, which left the patient distressed, the General Medical Council (GMC) ruled.

But the GP branded the four-day hearing a charade and questioned why the GMC had pursued the case when his accuser had initially refused to give evidence and then only did so over the telephone with the public and press banned from the hearing room.

The father-of-three from Margate, Kent, said: "I think the judgment had been made in advance, whatever happened. The GMC was determined that I was to get a warning. This has effectively been a four-day charade.

"The panel has chosen to believe a patient with massive and multiple problems against a doctor of 28 years' standing, embedded in his local community with hundreds of testimonials from other patients of his.

"Whether it was reiki, acupuncture or even Islam, that particular doctor would not be in our position now. I think they are discriminating against Christians.

"I am both angry and disappointed in my professional body."

Dr Scott was found to have pushed his religious views on the suicidal 24-year-old man, known as patient A, during the 25-minute consultation.

Patient A, whose own religion was not disclosed, had attended the "expressly Christian" Bethesda Medical Centre in Margate in August 2010, where Dr Scott has worked since 2003 with his wife, also a GP.

It was only after the patient's mother complained that the GP was accused of breaking the rules about imposing personal views on patients.

He was issued with a warning from the GMC that will stay on his registration for five years.

During four days of evidence at the hearing in Manchester, the GMC's investigations committee heard conflicting accounts of what was said during the consultation, which the GMC committee said were due to differing perceptions.

The GP, who worked as a missionary doctor in India and Tanzania, claimed that, after the usual medical consultation, he made a "gentle offer" to the patient to broach the subject of faith and was told "go for it".

But later Dr Scott said the patient "cut up rough" and told him it was "a load of bollocks".

In an 11-page finding, the GMC committee ruled that the GP had told the patient he was not going to offer him any medical help, tests or advice and stated if he did not "turn towards Jesus then he would suffer for the rest of his life".

The committee also found that the GP had said no other religion in the world could offer him what Jesus could and he had used the phrase, or something similar to "the Devil haunts people who do not turn to Jesus and hand him their suffering".

Issuing the GP with a warning, committee chairman Dr Christopher Hanning said: "The committee consider that you went beyond the limit of such spiritual guidance as would have been appropriate.

"Your actions caused some distress to Patient A, which was foreseeable.

"He said that he felt abused. This is plainly inappropriate and not in his best interests. In this way you sought to impose your own beliefs on your patient.

"You thereby caused the patient distress through insensitive expression of your religious beliefs."
5-time MoFo Award winner.

You weren't being preachy lol.
Thank God...Lol!

A buddy of mine came round today... I made him a cup of coffee and we nattered, played playstation, passed the time... like we usually do.
After about an hour or so, he asked if he could have another coffee.
I said yes.

Rather than getting a fresh clean spoon from the drawer, he opened the sugar pot, used that spoon for the sugar, coffee AND to stir his drink once it was made...

... then put the wet, coffee covered spoon back into the sugar pot.

I now have coffee lumps and wet sugar in the sugar pot.


On the Gold Coast it is bloody terrible in getting bands at pubs. In Sydney & Melbourne no problem at all. The Gold Coast are backwards in that area and also may others...

Also.. I was speaking to the bar waitress at my local pub the other night and she said "we use to do karaoke night, though not now". There is hardly any pool tables at pubs. I know why, everything is about the pokies and gambling. I had a good discussion with the bartender about bands on the gold coast and he even said "It's s*** on the Gold Coast".