
Trouble with a capital "T"
That's right. Does anyone know the show Happy Days was spun from?
Love American Style...sort of. Happy Days was made as a TV pilot but didn't sell, so got recycled into an episode of Love American Style. Then when the movie American Graffiti came out and the 50s were popular, ABC put Happy Days on the air and rest is history.

That's Earth, of course, referred to in both the title of the TV series and the Garth Brooks song. Speaking of aliens, who was the Orkan superior to whom Mork reported at the end of each episode (It was often the best part of the show.)? Citizen Rules, you may get this even if you didn't watch Mork & Mindy.

As a matter of fact, I do:

Meagan Fay, Terry Kiser, Peter Krause, Richard Kind, and Anita Barone were all regulars on what NBC variety series starring a television legend?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Meagan Fay, Terry Kiser, Peter Krause, Richard Kind, and Anita Barone were all regulars on what NBC variety series starring a television legend?
I don't know the answer to this question, but ...

Why not to me? it's my turn
Next TV trivia question. Where is the third rock from the sun?
That's Earth, of course, referred to in both the title of the TV series and the Garth Brooks song.
I just wanted to mention that the song "Third Rock from the Sun" was sung by Joe Diffie, not Garth Brooks.

@average joe, You might have confused it with the Garth Brooks song "Ain't Goin' Down ('Till The Sun Comes Up)", which sounds similar.

If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

We still have this one out there:

Meagan Fay, Terry Kiser, Peter Krause, Richard Kind, and Anita Barone were all regulars on what NBC variety series starring a television legend?

I guess no one knows this one, so I'm going to go ahead and reveal that the answer is Carol and Company, the NBC variety series starring the iconic Carol Burnett.


I opened the floor for a week and nobody posted a question so I'm going to go ahead and post another one:

On the ABC series Roseanne what was the name of the restaurant that Roseanne, Jackie, and Nancy started together with Roseanne's mom as a silent partner?