The 11th Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
Fair enough! I suspect I will like Her.

I hope MM chooses a great nom (you have stiff competition MM!). Neiba and I were the only one's who liked his last nom. I almost wish he would go with that one again.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
I'm all for MM joining and sean staying!!!

MM, don't try to please the members of this HoF, just please CR and me, like you did last time!

MM better nominate something great.
Suddenly I became reluctant to joining.

This HoF has a weird balance to it of sorts, but the movies seem individually strong and subjective and I really gotta think hard about what to nominate...

One thing's for sure, there is no way I'm gonna find something in the quality range of Le Cercle Rouge. Given I haven't seen it, but it is praised everywhere and I really loved Melville's Le Samouraï - probably became a favorite of mine too.

I will most likely watch sean's nom no matter what, but since I haven't seen it myself yet that's already good enough reason to not just "steal" his nom. Anyhow, these HoFs are a lot about personal picks that you want some light shined upon and that has been my goal with every HoF I've been in.

So... I guess I'm in then! I'll come back with a fresh nom in a few hours time.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm really sorry guys. I have never dropped before so wanted to do it early. I was on the fence because I knew I was too busy but I also love these. Should have just stayed out. I will try and watch some of these for sure, and will be around to stick up for my boy Wes.

Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
Dir. Wes Anderson
Starring: Jared Gilman, Kara Hayward, Edward Norton

I know not every movie needs to have a point to it, but for almost half the film I really didn't understand what Moonrise Kingdom was trying to accomplish. I decided to quickly check its description on Wikipedia, where I saw it listed as a coming of age film. That made a lot of sense to me, particularly because that's a genre where I can never seem to connect to any of the characters or the experiences they have. They just don't resonate with me at all. Similarly, Wes Anderson is a director whose work I have yet to really enjoy, with this film actually being the first one I've been able to watch from start to finish.

I really tried to give this movie the benefit of the doubt. I waited until I was in just the right mood to watch it, and was very forgiving of Anderson's quirks – particularly that strange, fact-stating, monotone manner in which characters spout existential dialogue that always seems to take me out of the moment. I was more interested in the story towards the end, but...

WARNING: "Ending" spoilers below
...I was really hoping someone would die. With how ominous things were getting, it seemed possible.

That said, I didn't think the movie was bad by any stretch, it just wasn't my cup of tea. As per usual for Wes Anderson, the colours of the film were pleasing to the eye, and it had great editing and camera work that's very typical of his visual style. I plan to revisit this movie closer to the voting deadline to see if I feel any differently about it, and I might even try to finish some more Wes Anderson films in the meantime. I'm not holding my breath, but I'm going to try and keep an open mind.

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Moonrise Kingdom (2012)

Wes Anderson proudly presents: Peter Pan: the untold story

I have to date watched three Wes Anderson films: The Grand Budapest, Fantastic Mr. Fox and now Moonrise Kingdom. I thought Budapest was very funny, one of Ralph Fiennes best comedic roles, and Fox was a childhood memory put to film (if with some wierd inserted midlife crisis feelings for Mr. Fox). Both, I think, are in serious need of a rewatch and a proper review. But let us discuss this latest film now, this story of a pair of kids on the run from their respective situations. Who plans to run away from their grown up guardians and find a new life for themselves.

I'm sorry, but am I the only one who gets Peter Pan vibes from this? A orphan boy meets a young girl and together they run away from her parents to find their own little world to live in. They even get some lost boys for the Wendy character to read stories to. It dosen't work in the end (not the way they thought, at least) and the young girl goes back to her family.

It's probably just me, especially since these are the only similarities I thought of during the movie, but they lingered and I thought I could chuck them into the review and see if anyone else thought the same thing. Discussion and such. But now, on to the structure.

This was the most unusual of the three movies I've seen by Anderson, in so far as in this movie, everyone is wierd. The background characters in Budapest were more or less normal (with a few exception koff koff Norton koff koff). The guests of the hotel seemed like normal folk and in Mr. Fox we have a suburb of people who decided to dress in Furrie costumes. They are as near to normal as characters in a movie gets. They work, they have families, they buy food, they simply live...until Mr. Fox gets restless. In Moonrise, every one's some degree of abnormal. Suzy's mother comunicates with her children exclusivley through bullhorn, for **** sake. I'd say Bill Murray didn't give a flying **** throughout this movie, only I think you have to act your @ss of to seem that aloof/oblivious to things going on. And when he does engage, he has to work of his residual emotions on a random tree. With an axe...and a bottle of wine...topless.

The story as such was...not what I expected. It took a while for me even to understand what was happening. 10 minutes in and we still hadn't a firm grasp on who the leads was. We'd met one of them, but that wasn't made clear and wouldn't be for another while yet.

Still, I liked it. Sam and Suzy were funny, in a deadpan kind of way. Camp Master Ward (Norton) seemed to truly enjoy his situation and still took his job deadly serious, if somewhat incopetently. Suzy's parents were a bit flat as was Bruce Willis portrayal of the local police officer. And the troups sudden, out of nowhere heel-turn regarding Sam annoyed the crap out of me. Establish feelings of guilt first, then you can succumb to them.

Overall though, the movie was funny and somthing I could watch again.
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

In Moonrise, every one's some degree of abnormal. Suzy's mother comunicates with her children exclusivley through bullhorn, for **** sake.
To be fair, in a large house that's actually pretty practical haha.

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
So, was I then the only one who got the vibe of Peter Pan from this movie? Also, my spontaneous first thought after seeing Suzy reading aloud for Sam and then seeing them walk around half naked, making out and touching each other: Movie...why do you want me contemplating wether or not Peter Pan ****ed Wendy? Not cool movie!

I can see where you're coming from with the Peter Pan thing, but it's not something I thought of on my own while watching the movie. But I also don't really like Peter Pan, so I likely wouldn't have been thinking about it unless the connection was super obvious.

Sorry, y'all gotta wait a little on that nom. But hey, there is plenty of good movies to watch in the meantime.

I want to make sure to pick one I will be satisfied with and I do got my eye on one atm...

So, was I then the only one who got the vibe of Peter Pan from this movie? Also, my spontaneous first thought after seeing Suzy reading aloud for Sam and then seeing them walk around half naked, making out and touching each other: Movie...why do you want me contemplating wether or not Peter Pan ****ed Wendy? Not cool movie!
This movie has scenes that border on pedophilia.

Anyway, since it's a coming of age movie and it's full of colors it reminded me of Spirited Away, which I decided to watch on the same day.

I'm fine with you sending a list but i'm going to need everybody to say they don't mind. So if your cool with it say so in the thread, if you have any objections and don't want to say so in the thread you can PM me.
I don't mind.