The Secret Life of cinemaafficionado


I dont remember ever talking with faccianado until he got exposed, so I really dont know his posting tendencies other than lying about everything regarding himself. I caught him one time getting lippy to Yoda, and found out he supports Trump. What a complete idiot.

He supported Trump? Thought he was gone way before that.

The only time i really talked to him was about Richard Kuklinski in this iceman thread -

I don't come off great myself there but i was using facts he was just repeating stuff he had read on wikipedia, and he actually claims he talked to guys who knew Kuklinski and who confirmed he did everything he said . Obviously the ridiculous claims would become his defining trait.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
During our nearly hour (!) long call, CA claimed the following things:
  • He watches two movies a day.
  • He speaks six languages, including "some people have never heard of."
  • He was good friends with Donald Scott, toilet paper magnate.
  • He once had a hit put out on him.
  • He's friends with Larry Flynt.
  • He works for Blackwater Executive Protection.
  • He holds a High School track record in Japan (he gave me the exact time).
  • He's been with "hundreds" of women over the last several years.
  • He's been with many high class Geishas, the type usually reserved for politicians.
  • He's writing a book about his life. Which I will absolutely read.
Many, many times during the call he offered extraneous details about all the claims above, despite my continually reminding him that just going into further specifics wouldn't prove anything.

I asked him about working for Blackwater and tried to explain that it was an exceptional claim, to which he replied "I'm an exceptional person."

He talked about Donald Scott, in particular, quite a bit. Scott was killed in a drug raid a number of years back. He said he met him in Malibu, I think it was, because he was swimming with a girl who turned out to be his babysitter. She invited him back and he and Scott played chess and became friends. I summarized this back to him to demonstrate how unusual it sounded: "You're saying you became friends with an eventually infamous toilet paper magnate by swimming with his babysitting in Malibu and then playing chess with him?" His response: "Well I didn't just swim with her..." I'm not making this up.

For example, he told me a little factoid about Larry Flynt. I pointed out that either a) it's not a publicly known fact about him, in which case you can say whatever you want and I can't verify it, or b) it's a fact, but a little hard to find, in which case you volunteered it just because it's something you happen to know. Another time he tried to prove himself by giving me a question to ask him. I pointed out that he can't feed me the question he uses to prove his truthfulness. The only thing close to a test would be for me to ask him something he ought to know quickly enough that he wouldn't have time to look it up.

And guess what? I got to do just that. I pointed out to him that everything he was saying about Scott (and it was quite a bit) were easily found on Wikipedia; I knew because I had the page open. So when he mentioned Scott's first wife, and I noticed she wasn't mentioned by name on the Wikipedia page, I pounced: "What was his first wife's name?" Probably 5-10 seconds of silence followed. He tried to remember, but couldn't.

I asked him, point blank, if he was willing to provide any corroborating evidence for any of this. He talked more about how he had to remain anonymous (because of the hit put out on him!). I pointed out that it was kind of weird to say he could post a photo of himself from a few years ago, and a photo of his girlfriend, but not of a photo of him standing next to his girlfriend. I pointed out that if he's trying to remain anonymous it'd be bizarre to divulge where he works, what countries he's visiting, and where he holds high school track records. He seemed somewhat compelled by this, and hemmed and hawed about the possibility of posting some photos when he got back to his computer, which is apparently going to be in January.

So...that happened.

What a great thread. I've only read the first few posts, but wow.

You really can see that the writing style is exactly the same.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Yeah the paragraphs were one of the biggest giveaways. There was also a bunch of stuff where he was referring to past conversations he had with me, and an avatar i had in 2013 when he was around. He was terrible at disguising himself.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I scoured the internet and I found a pic of Cinemaafficianado;

This totally reminds me of the documentary "Catfish", even when the woman is caught out she tries desperately to maintain the lie, and in the end never really admits to doing anything, just kinda goes silent.

I had a friend Kevin back at School who was a compulsive liar. He claimed his Dad was a fighter pilot, like I remember a fighter plane going overhead when we were in the school playground and Kevin would say "that could be my Dad", we were all very impressed but later we found out his Dad was an unemployed overweight alchoholic. Kevin also claimed to have an older brother who simply didn't exist.

Cinema, does Blackwater mind using you as a Bodyguard considering the fact that you have a hit out on you?
Re reading hilarious thread.

The same Kevin I talk about here recently appeared on "Naked Attraction", a UK naked dating show uncensored. I mean who does that, just comes across as a desperation for fame. He has also appeared on the UK version of Jersey Shore (Geordie Shore) as a background extra, his Facebook is full of pictures of him with celebs from these types of show.

There is clearly in underlying problem with the lying and trying to be famous.

I'm probably not in a position to ask since this appears to be before my time here but who was CinemaAfficionado and why did he get banned?

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand

Another legendary thread! Meant to reread it in its entirety, but I'm already late for my date with Scarlett Johansson and Leonardo DiCaprio is at my door, bangin' like a drunkard, the bastard. Gotta go MoFos, bye.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

wait this isnt locked?
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

[*]He was good friends with Donald Scott, toilet paper magnate.
This is definitely the best part of Yoda's bulletpoints. How on earth did he end up saying that?

Also forgot about this: his Memoirs of a Geisha avatar as Des:

He's been with many high class Geishas, the type usually reserved for politicians.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I'm probably not in a position to ask since this appears to be before my time here but who was CinemaAfficionado and why did he get banned?
LMAO. Not before my time either Yam but I'm going downstairs to buy me some decent coffee and some popcorn.

Did CA ignore people just because he contradicted himself constantly, like would start a thread about insults being the downfall of american society then start insulting a mofo who dared to question him politey?

Lol, when I was arguing with him about MJ, I knew there was something off about him. And I also knew he was indirectly insulting me; hence why I called him scum. (Which he f**king is.)

What a scoundrel.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Lol, when I was arguing with him about MJ, I knew there was something off about him. And I also knew he was indirectly insulting me; hence why I called him scum. (Which he f**king is.)

What a scoundrel.
He insulted everyone, especially if he found out they were female. You know, we females should just STFU and GET IN THE KITCHEN AND MAKE HIM SOME PIE! So I became a 1950s housewife.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Personally, I speak ONE language (including ONE that some people have never heard of)!
I speal a few but cant tipe in any of them

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
So wait, Des was CA? So what's the whole story? How did you finally know for sure?
Read (past tense) his posts.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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