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Is there any tv section on forum? Would be cool to have a search engine for tv movie titles while they are broadcasting.
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I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Thanks, Is it a phrase common in British slang?

Yes, the series is worth watching; the main actor, who I had already seen on Line of Duty, is solid.
Yes, Stephen Graham is a terrific actor.

I live in America. Not updated on Brit slang.

I don't know, as I've not seen the prorgramme, but it's ususally used over here to mean someone who 'walks in' for an appointment rather than attending a pre-organised meeting. I'd guess, considering the plot for this series, that 'the walk in' would be the person who was going in to meet the MP at their surgery. All MP's (are supposed to) have a weekly surgery where constituants can talk to them about whatever they wish. You can either make an appointment to see them (so you definitely do) or can just 'walk in' and if they're available chat to them then.
A walk-in is someone who turns informant.

Finally watched S1 episode 1 of Reacher. I've read 27 of the 28 novels and by the end of it I was really impressed. I hope the other 7 episodes of S1 are as good.

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Can i share a public and free iptv link for movies here?

If it's legal, yes. If not, then any sharing of the link has to be done privately. Assuming it's also not just you promoting your own site, of course, too.

If it's movies, though, you naturally wouldn't want to share it in the Television forum/a television thread anyway.

Finished up Season 1 of Reacher. The shows hits the ground running in it's first episode. There is some filler. But there's bound to be when you stretch a novel (the paperback I have on my bookshelf is 407 pages long) to eight one hour or so episodes. But they pretty much nailed the casting with Alan Ritchson. The guy's a walking oak tree. I thought he did a pretty good job acting-wise too. All in all I give it an 85/100.

I didn't plan on watching Dave Chapelle: The Dreamer all in one go. I just started it to get a feel for the one hour show from The Lincoln Theater in Washington, DC. But just like every other Chapelle special it draws you in. He sets out to offend the same people he always seems to offend while entertaining the rest of us. I liked it and thought it was funny and can unreservedly recommend it.

Peacock falling all over themself to renew Twisted Metal is 🤔

Is it fair to say Anthony Mackie can’t act or is it the director’s fault? Throw in Will Arnett’s voice in a body clearly not his and we end up with more questions than answers.

Is it fair to say Anthony Mackie can’t act or is it the director’s fault?
Haven't seen Twisted Metal since I'm too cheap to pay for Peacock but this goes back to what I posted once about the new Captain America movie. I just don't find Mackie all that charismatic. I'm not sure how much that has to do with his acting chops. I just feel that he's not a strong enough lead to carry that kind of big budget superhero flick. I'd suggest they could downsize it, you know. Make it more intimate or character driven. But this is Marvel after all. I'm not sure they even can. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier touched on some interesting themes but there was so much going on that it came off as shorthand. They'll probably expand on it with Captain America: Brave New World. But with all the backlash and kerfuffle that other, seemingly more innocuous, films have triggered it doesn't bode well.

TL; DR: Marvel is so boned.

Peacock was the cheapest way to watch The Holdovers. Left with a month and a dreary day, I speed-watched Twisted Metal. Fast-forwarded through episodes and skipped a few. Left me pining for the direction and production values of ST:TNG.

Series 1 of Such Brave Girls.


Tried, but bailed out. A lot of tacky humor coming from the UK. Sort of making the point that dysfunctional people can be entertaining too. I guess so.

NYTimes gave a good review to the series about the post office in the UK. Can’t remember the name, but a true story with Toby Jones.

Rewatching S1 and 2 of Resident Alien in preparation for the S3 premiere on Valentines Day next month. Looks like they'll be bringing in Linda Hamilton's character of General Eleanor Wright as a regular.

Finished Rick & Morty Season 7 which is streaming on MAX. I still haven't seen a noticeable drop in quality (outside of a couple of seasons ago). But that was just the one season. And I also couldn't really tell that Justin Roiland had been replaced. Maybe if you concentrate and listen really hard. To me the only noticeably obvious difference was Mr. Poopybutthole.

I never thought I'd be typing that combination of words.

Finished up Season 1 of Reacher. The shows hits the ground running in it's first episode. There is some filler. But there's bound to be when you stretch a novel (the paperback I have on my bookshelf is 407 pages long) to eight one hour or so episodes. But they pretty much nailed the casting with Alan Ritchson. The guy's a walking oak tree. I thought he did a pretty good job acting-wise too. All in all I give it an 85/100.
I watched both seasons in a row. I haven't read the books, but maybe they're more pulp than I expected. The show itself is also somewhat twofold; in a way, I like the throwback nature but at the same time it's annoyingly childish. There are still more positive aspects, so maybe I'd give it something like 6/10.

I watched both seasons in a row. I haven't read the books, but maybe they're more pulp than I expected. The show itself is also somewhat twofold; in a way, I like the throwback nature but at the same time it's annoyingly childish. There are still more positive aspects, so maybe I'd give it something like 6/10.
I have read the books and I don't like the show, mostly because I think they've miscast the Reacher character. I watched all of Season 1. He is a good physical embodiment of the character, which Tom Cruise, the previous actor who played the character in the movies, was not. But, I think he's both too young in the show and the way they've portrayed him, he doesn't have that world-weary wisdom, the hardness borne from a lifetime of experience, or the intelligence that the Reacher character does. In the books, Reacher is a lot more than an action hero. In my opinion, in the show, he doesn't come across as an intelligent guy, while in the books, his intelligence, in combination with his imposing physicality, are what makes the character. What do others who have read any of the book series think? Do you agree, or not, and why?

I watched both seasons in a row. I haven't read the books, but maybe they're more pulp than I expected. The show itself is also somewhat twofold; in a way, I like the throwback nature but at the same time it's annoyingly childish. There are still more positive aspects, so maybe I'd give it something like 6/10.
Child's books are not what you would call nuanced or even profound. They're exactly what they're meant to be, escapist page-turners. But with an engaging protagonist, which is what most thrillers aspire to. It's is a well written character though and Child's Reacher just happens to be one of the most successful in a crowded field. I don't know if his brother will be able to continue this success but maybe he'll bring his own fresh take.

I have read the books and I don't like the show, mostly because I think they've miscast the Reacher character. I watched all of Season 1. He is a good physical embodiment of the character, which Tom Cruise, the previous actor who played the character in the movies, was not. But, I think he's both too young in the show and the way they've portrayed him, he doesn't have that world-weary wisdom, the hardness borne from a lifetime of experience, or the intelligence that the Reacher character does. In the books, Reacher is a lot more than an action hero. In my opinion, in the show, he doesn't come across as an intelligent guy, while in the books, his intelligence, in combination with his imposing physicality, are what makes the character. What do others who have read any of the book series think? Do you agree, or not, and why?
Ritchson is the same age as Reacher is in the books, 37. He's 3 inches shorter at 6'2" but he's still worlds apart from Cruise. I thought the first Cruise movie was great even though it helped to see it as more of a straight ahead thriller independent of Child's character. As far as the difference between literary Reacher and TV show Reacher I'm hoping it's more of a growing pains thing. If the show lasts and everything settles in maybe they'll flesh the character out more. But it is an action show first though and Prime wants as many eyes as possible watching.