Things that annoy you...


Psychopathic Psychiatrist
The automatic Windows-Update happening this morning.

Update was at 35% after a few minutes.

74% after 15 minutes.

98% after 25 minutes.

32% after 30 minutes (we are still talking UPDATE here).

47% after 35 minutes (´s still saying UPDATE).

92% after 40 minutes (yup...UPDATE!).

0% after 45 minutes (´s saying "CLEANING" now).

0% after 50 minutes of cleaning.

0% after 55 minutes of cleaning.

0% after 120 minutes of cleaning.

DONE! After 180 minutes.

Of course the process was not taking 180 minutes for real, but it really felt like that.

When people assume that if you compliment someone's appearance, then you must have a sexual/romantic interest in that person. Sometimes an innocent compliment is just an innocent compliment and people shouldn't make assumptions or judgements about it.

The automatic Windows-Update happening this morning.

Update was at 35% after a few minutes.

74% after 15 minutes.

98% after 25 minutes.

32% after 30 minutes (we are still talking UPDATE here).

47% after 35 minutes (´s still saying UPDATE).

92% after 40 minutes (yup...UPDATE!).

0% after 45 minutes (´s saying "CLEANING" now).

0% after 50 minutes of cleaning.

0% after 55 minutes of cleaning.

0% after 120 minutes of cleaning.

DONE! After 180 minutes.

Of course the process was not taking 180 minutes for real, but it really felt like that.

Was it updating multiple apps and stuff?

When people assume that if you compliment someone's appearance, then you must have a sexual/romantic interest in that person. Sometimes an innocent compliment is just an innocent compliment and people shouldn't make assumptions or judgements about it.

Lucky for me my outside persona is seen as very earnest. I've even gotten away with that's what she said jokes at Dunkin.

People who feign an interest in you and ask you a lot of questions, but then, for some unrevealed reasons have a problem with all your answers.

They become judgmental about your life choices (whether it be about relationships, career, finances, home, health, etc.)

Their subsequent questions or comments all seem to be designed to create some insecurity in you about your decisions. You leave the conversation feeling that you've been put on the defensive.

Then it seems those same people pop up later asking favors of you (the type that are beyond the current state of your relationship) and you realize that what they were doing with their previous interrogations was probing you - finding out your schedule, finding out your situation so they can then propose the favor in a way where they know you have few excuses to refuse or back out.

Conversely, there are people who may ask questions about the same exact stuff (because they are genuinely interested or are just making conversation) and their responses are things like... that's nice, I hope that works out for you, well, at least you get to make your own hours, hey, you've gotta be grateful for what you've got, etc.

In other words, you don't leave the conversation feeling like you have to defend all your decisions or try to win someone over to your side who is opposing you for some reason.

P.S. this is all based on something that happened recently.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
Was it updating multiple apps and stuff?
Well it wasn´t telling. It just told exactly that what i posted, a bunch of percent numbers with either "update" or "cleaning".

I wish i could say i was already canceling the last 30 updating-processes but i actually wasn´t, since last update was a few weeks ago.

Well on the other hand, it´s windows! What do you expect.

Trouble with a capital "T"
People who feign an interest in you and ask you a lot of questions, but then, for some unrevealed reasons have a problem with all your answers.

They become judgmental about your life choices (whether it be about relationships, career, finances, home, health, etc.)

Their subsequent questions or comments all seem to be designed to create some insecurity in you about your decisions. You leave the conversation feeling that you've been put on the defensive.

Then it seems those same people pop up later asking favors of you (the type that are beyond the current state of your relationship) and you realize that what they were doing with their previous interrogations was probing you - finding out your schedule, finding out your situation so they can then propose the favor in a way where they know you have few excuses to refuse or back out.

Conversely, there are people who may ask questions about the same exact stuff (because they are genuinely interested or are just making conversation) and their responses are things like... that's nice, I hope that works out for you, well, at least you get to make your own hours, hey, you've gotta be grateful for what you've got, etc.

In other words, you don't leave the conversation feeling like you have to defend all your decisions or try to win someone over to your side who is opposing you for some reason.

P.S. this is all based on something that happened recently.
That's an interesting post. Do you mind giving us the exact details of what the person said and then requested? I'm just curious.

That's an interesting post. Do you mind giving us the exact details of what the person said and then requested? I'm just curious.
Kind of a long story...

This guy (let's call him "Bill") who is an old friend of an old friend called out of the blue just about a week after my mom died in 2022.

I thought he was calling to offer condolences, but he had no idea of my mom's passing. He was instead calling to ask if I'd come give his father daily insulin treatments! I told him that after the trauma I'd just been through with my mom, I really didn't want to get involved in becoming a home health aid.

Plus, I had worked for his father years ago doing yardwork, but at one point his dad put a gas & oil mix (intended for a weed whacker) in his lawn mower and then blamed me for breaking the lawn mower. I was subsequently "let go" from that gig. His dad also had a drinking problem.

Bill recently contacted me again, asking if I'd drive him to a medical test - I agreed and he paid me. Afterward we went out to lunch. Since our mutual friend had kind of stopped speaking to both of us (apparently), Bill suggested things like we get together for weekly dinners. He also asked if I'd want to resume doing jobs for his dad again. I explained that after being falsely accused by his dad, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to put myself in that position again (because, who knows what might happen next?)

The lunch was like an interrogation with him asking many questions, then presenting arguments as to why most of my answers would spell some kind of disaster for me in the future. Ultimately he made a lot of suggestions about getting jobs for me, us getting together on a regular basis (to dis our former mutual friend & just to engage in activities).

Since these were all his suggestions, I left the ball in his court (he has a history of ruminating all sorts of plans or asking me if I'd be interested in doing jobs for him, and then I never hear from him again - he once even arranged to have me take care of his cat while he went on a trip just days before leaving - then I never heard from him about it again).

After the lunch (over a month ago) I never heard from him - until today...

He shows up at my door and the first thing he says is "You don't answer your phone?" (This is projection because our mutual friends always said this guy was notorious for never answering his phone). I told him my cell phone (which is my business phone) was upstairs since it was Sunday.

First he hands me a job application - he works for the IRS! (Personally, I have no intention of ever commuting to Trenton everyday nor working for the IRS under the current administration).

So I thanked him for the thought, then he announces that his dad's wife is going on a trip for two weeks and I'd just need to stop in to check on his dad everyday for the next 2 weeks. (And that the wife is leaving tomorrow!)

He didn't even put this in the form of a request, but rather as something I'd be doing and that he'd pay me for to "help me out" while I "helped him out."

The job application was like a Trojan Horse - a "gift" to make saying no harder.

I was caught off guard and tacitly agreed. Later I thought about it (and the fact that I'd explained how his dad had already burned his bridge with me). So I called his phone (which HE did not answer) and left a message saying that, after I checked my schedule, I wouldn't be able to commit to driving out and sitting with his dad EVERY DAY for TWO STRAIGHT WEEKS!

It's obvious "Bill" really wants nothing to do with me... until he needs something that could save him the cost of hiring professional help.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks for posting that Captain. 'Bill' sounds like a prime case of a manipulator/user. I'd say you made the right call in guessing that he was priming you with the IRS job app to do him a favor as an obligation in return with you taking care of his dad for two weeks. 'Bill' sounds weaselly to me. IMO it's a good thing you didn't agree to give his father daily insulin treatments, especially with the dad already falsely accusing you of ruining his lawn mower...Definitely a real liability issue for you if you had administered insulin shots to his father. You made a wise call!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thanks, Rules!
I even feel a little better now, having written about it and gotten feedback from you!
If you feel better now, that's probably because 'Bill' tried laying a guilt trip on you, a common thing for manipulators to do. Anyway happy to help!

When people assume that if you compliment someone's appearance, then you must have a sexual/romantic interest in that person. Sometimes an innocent compliment is just an innocent compliment and people shouldn't make assumptions or judgements about it.
Creepy guy in Dunkin complimenting me on my very ordinary sunhat. I said thanks & then couldn’t get him to shut up. I noticed he was wearing his dirty teeshirt inside-out & back-to-front. I always seem to attract strange people.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

I'm trying to figure out the people who come here in the middle of the night and spam the site.

They either bump a bunch of old threads, or create a bunch of new threads or just post gibberish or few-word responses to current threads (usually with the same replies that aren't really in response to anything on every thread).

I'm just trying to understand what it is they hope to accomplish or are trying to accomplish? Are they trying to get members like me to talk about them? (If so, then mission accomplished).

But really, what is the point? Next day their posts are deleted and their (usually) one-day membership is now banned.
I don't get it.

Psychopathic Psychiatrist
I'm trying to figure out the people who come here in the middle of the night and spam the site.
Most people do compensate certain things, they cannot do or have in real life.

In my opinion, actually everyone is compensating things because there really is no point in registering in forums at all.

It is also a fact that good as everyone is behaving differently (even if it is just a tiny bit) as soon he is logging into the net and those who claim "Wwwaah! I am online exactly the same as in real!" are the worst liars.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm trying to figure out the people who come here in the middle of the night and spam the site.

They either bump a bunch of old threads, or create a bunch of new threads or just post gibberish or few-word responses to current threads (usually with the same replies that aren't really in response to anything on every thread).

I'm just trying to understand what it is they hope to accomplish or are trying to accomplish? Are they trying to get members like me to talk about them? (If so, then mission accomplished).

But really, what is the point? Next day their posts are deleted and their (usually) one-day membership is now banned.
I don't get it.
Spambots or human spammers. Spam is easy to spot as you noted. When I see spam I do this:

1st) I click on their profile and then their ABOUT page....where usually they have a link to some cheesy web site half way around the worldm then I know they are spammers!
2nd) While on their profile I click on their Post link and open up each post they made in a new tab...then I look at all those post to confirm they are all spam and then I click the Report button for each post the spammer made. When two people make a spam report for a spammer that individual post will go poof!

I make a spam report for every spam post I see, usually a spammer will make a quick 10 in a row so they can then post an active web site link in their 11th post. I report all those post!

*Note Yoda reviews the reported post and so make sure it's a spammer and not one of my post

Trouble with a capital "T"
Speaking of spam...someone just now spammed this thread: Movie Forums: Movie Countdowns Archives - Links & Info

I made a spam report but if another person will go to that thread and make another spam report the post will automatically be removed. Try it and see.

Speaking of spam...someone just now spammed this thread: Movie Forums: Movie Countdowns Archives - Links & Info

I made a spam report but if another person will go to that thread and make another spam report the post will automatically be removed. Try it and see.

Christmas mentioned too early... went on Facebook today and one of my friends posts came up planning a trip to a christmas market, it's June!!

Sorry I mentioned Christmas too early...

Trouble with a capital "T"
Speaking of spam...someone just now spammed this thread: Movie Forums: Movie Countdowns Archives - Links & Info

I made a spam report but if another person will go to that thread and make another spam report the post will automatically be removed. Try it and see.
OMG now there's another spammer on that thread. Some one please use the report spam link and it will be removed.

It's easy to do, see...

Spam now gone!!! Remember MoFos, report spam it's an auto system, two reports and spam goes poof.
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