Rate The Last Movie You Saw


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Evolution 2001 7 / 10

"A fire-fighting cadet, two college professors, and a geeky but
sexy government scientist work against an alien organism that
has been rapidly evolving since its arrival on Earth inside a meteor."
Underrated fun comedy this one.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Noah was big surprise for me. I watched it randomly, but I it engaged me. I didn't expect, the old story has been done with a new form.
Your rating says, you didn't enjoy much

Yeah. Shame as I like Aronofsky but this just didn't do it for me.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

(Marc Webb)

A real surprise here, Gifted offers an engaging look at the lengths one will go for love. Despite a fairly predictable plot, the cast is charming enough to deliver an plesant drama that will have you cheering or grabbing tissues. Maybe both.

Frank is a single man raising his niece, child prodigy Mary. Frank knows her brilliance but wants to shield her from the way society treats prodigies, hopefully he can give her a normal life for a 7 year old girl. Things get complicated when a teacher notices Mary's brilliance and word spreads. Soon Frank's mother comes into the picture and demands that Mary is given the tools needed to explore her brilliance. A nasty custody battle ensues which reveals dark secrets from the family's past that no one really wants to talk about.

Much of the film's success lies with the chemistry that Chris Evans has with his on screen niece, Mckenna Grace. Mary is intelligent, but lacks the social norms a child of her age should have. Her only interactions are with her uncle, their neighbour (Octavia Spencer) and a one eyed cat. Grace manages to portray Mary as completely innocent, fun and wise beyond her years, all rolled into one cute little package. She is a strong anchor for the film and people instantly gravitate towards her. She has a likable spunk to her that sets her apart from other kids.

Chris Evans is mostly known for wearing a shield, but look at his other work and you'll find some earnest performances that may surprise you. He has the charm, the witty humour and looks, but there is so much more to him than that. Here he's a man who is out of his element, yet does what he thinks is the best thing for Mary. Is it the best thing though? Who knows, he has his reasons and uses them as firepower against his mother Lindsay Duncan, who comes in gun blazing for her own agenda. They both want what's best for Mary, they just have completely different views on that. Although, one can argue that the mother has a bit more of selfish reason for her goals, which explode in a sad scene towards the end.

Despite being predictable, Gifted is a heartwarming film that has flown under the radar and I encourage people to give it a chance.

Monsters (2010), rewatch – 8.5/10

I originally watched this on Christmas Day 2016 and I'm sure I rated it but can't find the relevant post. Something tells me I gave it 7/10.

The increase in the rating this time is for various reasons:

WARNING: spoilers below
I watched it on Blu-ray, so the colour, detail, sound and visual effects were far richer. Not only that, seeing the extras brought home the sheer achievement of making the production by all concerned.

So many things came up that I didn't know or were far more involved than I first thought. The colossal workload in producing the visual effects; the tiny crew that went out to make the film; the mountain to climb that was the editing process; that the actors were improvising and that the supporting characters were not actors; and finally that the leads were in a relationship themselves. I think they did a very good job of disguising that established connection and having the characters' feelings develop throughout.

The only part for which my appreciation didn't become enhanced was Jon Hopkins' music, which is already one of my favourite film scores – it's magical.

Labelled as a crime, horror, romance but thriller/romance is more like it. Not bad but a little slow. A couple pose as brother /sister while the man seduces other women with the intention of robbing them. Unfortunately, the sister half of the equation is a wee bit jealous of some the techniques the brother half uses to get close to the victims and this leads to problems for everybody. Based on the Lonely Hearts Killers which I knew nothing about. This is more a dysfunctional romance story than straight up thriller.

Based on the Jonestown murders/suicides. Found footage movie where a documentary crew gains access to the Eden Parish group and finds out that life isn't quite as idyllic as advertised. If you know anything about Jonestown this is essentially a re-telling of what happened. Not a bad movie but knowing how it was going to end probably took a bit of the suspense out of it for me. If you're into cults and creepy stuff like that you may enjoy this one.

Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)

The Affairs Of Cellini (Gregory La Cava, 1934)

A pretty easy watch

Good Time (2017, Benny Safdie, Josh Safdie)

Fast-paced, gritty, often funny, and completely devoid of melodrama. Solid performance from Pattinson.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Suicide Kings -

dammit Suspect
It's very much a 90's Tarantino-Crime-Twists for the sake of twists-Bad acting-cliched Walken of a film.

It was indeed on my list of movies people would hate but I love. So.....

The Bat Whispers (Roland West, 1930)
The Caped Crusader: Origins

Murmur of the Heart (1971) by Louis Malle

A brilliant coming of age film from nouvelle vague director Louis Malle. Set in Dijon in the context of the colonial war in Vietnam, this is an intriguing insight into the boyhood in a bourgeois family. With incestuous subtexts in the relations between mother and son the film draws on the sexual (in)experience of the teenage son. A far more interesting watch than the recent Boyhood by Linklater, albeit not as magical as The 400 Blows by Truffaut, this is an underseen gem from a director, who is more well known for The Fire Within and Au revoir les enfants.

Highly recommended

You can't win an argument just by being right!
That was fun. I remember seeing this as a little kid and being desperate to go to college. LOL.

78/52 (2017)

Documentary on the infamous shower scene from Hitch's Psycho. Highly recommend this for anyone, not just fans of Hitch. If you are a fan of Hitch, then this is a must see.

Does it include any of the homages/parodies by any chance? Mel Brooks's skit in High Anxiety is brilliant.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
God's Own Country (2017)

Really liked the look of this film, it really captured the beauty, harshness and isolation of farm life. This is sort of part of the British tradition of kitchen sink drama but with a rural twist. The way Josh O'Connor manages to convey his character's growth and awakening without saying much at all is remarkable. The soundtrack is excellent and all the more so for being used so sparingly. And it absolutely also convinces as a love story as well.


For Love Or Money (1993)

A run of the mill but still very nice 90's romantic comedy with Michael J. fox and the incandescently beautiful Gabrielle Anwar who it is a shame I am not married to.

I added a half point simply for early 90's Gabrielle