POLL: Who's more annoying?


jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
Back to the OT. Meg Ryan is one of my favorite contemporary actresses. Her films won't win any academy awards, but they are entertaining. I'll never forget the restaurant scene in "When Harry Met Sally."
Jim Lewis
To BE or Not to BE, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Barium Enema
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jamesglewisf's Avatar
Didn't see it.
I own both. I think "The Conversation" was better, and I really liked "Enemy of the State."

Lol! You know I was talking to my friend about making a Shockwave game where we spray soda in the Pepsi girls mouth until she explodes. My friend thought I was nuts, but now that I see other people hate her too I think it's a great idea for a game.

Registered User
lol...I think that's a very good idea - let us know when you finish it (hint...make the game...)

One of the great parts of Enemy of the State was when Lisa Bonet is talking to Will Smith in the open plaza. It is specifically set-up to be reminiscent of the opening scene in The Conversation. I thought that was a nice touch.

Originally Posted by Yoda
Funny, but true.
  • The Fugitive - his wife is dead.
  • Regarding Henry - he cheats on his wife.
  • What Lies Beneath - don't want to spoil anything, but there's a problem with his wife.
  • Mosquito Coast - his wife is upset with him dragging them all over the place
  • Frantic - his wife is missing the whole movie
  • Patriot Games - terrorists force his wife into a car crash and into the hospital.

hehehe good observation about Harrisson Ford!
Also got another one for you - in Random Hearts (1999) - story starts with his wife and her lover dying in a plane crash - perhaps it was karma - moral of the story - dont cheat on Harrison Ford in a C grade movies.
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

ok I'm going to declare this right now! As bad as they may be, people should stay with what they know!! I'm tired of crap singers trying to make it on the big screen. For example Beyonce Knowles or Jennifer Lopez with her recent "hit" Gigli which cleaned house at the raz awards. I understand thats where Jen started out (selena) but that was a fluke decent movie... let it go.