Bruce Willis to Retire from Acting


The most of you should be ashamed for omitting Hudson Hawk as one of his top roles. Guess you’re not really fans after all

I’m sorry to hear you don’t like Bruce Willis movies. He’s a great actor.
This a dumbass reply that makes no sense in relation to what I said, as you seem confused but not trying to hijack a thread about Bruce Willis medical condition. Carry on

You ready? You look ready.
The most of you should be ashamed for omitting Hudson Hawk as one of his top roles. Guess you’re not really fans after all
Don’t forget Last Man Standing.

True fans recognize true fans, so in the words of the great man himself:

This a dumbass reply that makes no sense in relation to what I said, as you seem confused but not trying to hijack a thread about Bruce Willis medical condition. Carry on

Though I posted this video before, it bears repeating:

Anyway, I'm guessing that the combo of the newfound attention that RedLetterMedia & The Razzies (who smartly decided to rescind the "award" they were going to give him for his worst performance this year) brought to his recent career choices may have played a role in the decision to end it, but if so, then it came at about the right time, given the above vid; I mean, given all the Action movies he was doing and all the prop guns he had to handle, it might've just been a matter of time before he ended up like Baldwin in pulling a Crow on someone, and then his legacy would be even more tragic as a result, you know?

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

Bruce's wife recently posted this photo. Despite his medical condition, Bruce looks to be in good spirits.
It's All About the Movies

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
Another one of Willis' final films will be out in September, called Wire Room, co-starring Kevin Dillon. There's still "Die Like Lovers" (also in September), "Detective Knight: Rogue" (TBA), and "Paradise City" (TBA) which co-starred John Travolta left to be released.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

Here's a pic of Bruce with ex-wife Demi Moore, current wife Emmy, and their family.

Bruce stars in the first two installments of a final franchise, Detective Knight. It is a trilogy of holiday-themed action films where Willis plays a LAPD detective who finds his moral compass in question. The first one, "Rogue" was released in November and is set on Halloween. The second film, "Redemption" was just released this past Friday and is set on Christmas. The third and final film, "Independence", which you can guess is set during the 4th of July, will be released on January 20. He has one film after that, "Assassin" which will be his last film released and is tentatively set for a March 2023 release.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
Bruce's family made a major announcement today about his condition. Willis has been officially diagnosed with frontotemporal demtentia. You can see the statement here. Willis' final movie, Assassin, is coming out at the end of March.

Bruce's family made a major announcement today about his condition. Willis has been officially diagnosed with frontotemporal demtentia. You can see the statement here. Willis' final movie, Assassin, is coming out at the end of March.

Thank you for the update. If anything, I'm learning more about this horrible ailment / disease / syndrome. Really don't know what you call it.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

Bruce's final movie, Assassin, is coming to theaters, VOD, and Digital next Friday (March 31) from Saban Films. He celebrated his 68th birthday yesterday!

That's sad. Any time you see the word "dementia" in a diagnosis, it doesn't go anywhere good and age just makes it worse. I didn't have a name for what I've noticed, but the past few times I've seen him, I wondered if something wasn't right, since the words just didn't seem to flow.

That's sad. Any time you see the word "dementia" in a diagnosis, it doesn't go anywhere good and age just makes it worse. I didn't have a name for what I've noticed, but the past few times I've seen him, I wondered if something wasn't right, since the words just didn't seem to flow.
Life is generally pretty good. The entrance and exit can be tricky. Hard to stick the landing with dementia.

Gotta respect the Viking ethos in this sense. They had 99 problems, but old age wasn't one of 'em. Going out dramatically, on your own terms, fighting. It's either that or chillin' in Marvin's Room. Pick your poison.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

Bruce Willis made the most and strived on his 68th birthday. Demi Moore took the video...glad to see he is in happy spirits!!!