I wish more people would write reviews


Not to put the pin in the ballon...

Writing and analysis are hard to come by. They truly are a talent imb. People that do book report reviews are a dime a dozen and brevity seems to be lost on some.

There is a place for long form stuff, but people shouldn't expect "the internet" to give them more than 30 secs of their time.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Reading time required: 45 seconds
Not to put the pin in the ballon...

Writing and analysis are hard to come by. They truly are a talent imb. People that do book report reviews are a dime a dozen and brevity seems to be lost on some.

There is a place for long form stuff, but people shouldn't expect "the internet" to give them more than 30 secs of their time.
Times up...you lost me after the 'imb' part I'm a slow reader!

The trick is not minding
Well, I read most all of your reviews, and enjoy them. I've commented on a bunch of them, but oftentimes I'll simply use the "thumbs up" icon.

I don't write commentary on every movie I see, although I've written quite a few; but I make a point of saying something about the big movies; or, if I've been impressed with any film.

I almost always read reviews before watching a film, for the reason that most stuff put out today to my taste is poor, so I try to save myself the time or the disappointment of watching a dud. Ironically when I was a kid we'd usually go to the pictures every time the movie changed at the local theater, which was probably every week or so. And we generally enjoyed all of them. I think there were a higher percentage of good films then. Of course movies were not yet shown on TV...

I like to read movie reviews, but only after I've seen a film and usually only from fellow MoFos. That way I know (sort of) the person who wrote the review, and so I know what their taste are. That helps me to judge a film better myself. I don't watch much new films but this years there seems to be a lot I'm interested in, but availability is my problem.
I like to read your reviews, and a few others here (Edarsenal,Gbgoodies,Missvicky,siddon,cricket, and few others), but I don’t comment often because I don’t usually have much to add.
It’s nothing personal.
I will say there have been a few times a few on here have reacted unfavorably towards certain reviewers, because the reviewers had Given a negative review to one of their favorites. There’s a few here that I just don’t want to discuss anything with because they have this idea that they’re somehow more deep with their way of thinking in general, and look down on the rest of us with some sort of disdain.
No thanks. I don’t need that. There’s a few I can talk about certain movies here, and that is usually in the HOF anyways and I’m ok with that.

One of the main reasons I like this website is that I get to look over reviews that people have written in order to decide if I'd like to watch that particular movie myself. I've gotten a lot of good recommendations for films that I'd otherwise might not have noticed.

Movies that are "rated" without any explanation don't give me enough information to decide if I want to see the film. I high rating might compel me to investigate the picture on IMDB, Wikipedia, or elsewhere. But some commentary would be even better.

Some people might feel that they can't write well enough to post a review. But actually all that's needed is a little explanation. "I like the story." What did you like about it? "It's a really good movie." Why did you think it was good?

One doesn't have to be Roger Ebert or Rex Reed to write a simple review. Anyone can write an informative commentary just by indicating why they have any given opinion.

It seems to me we have roughly 20 or so people who write reviews or commentary. It would be nice if we could have double or triple that. Give it a try!

i have done many reviews, however seems not many people are interested so i stopped

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Di je Karlo?
I started writing reviews a few months ago, though I don't do it so often because I want to have something interesting to say. As in: something other than "this movie is good/bad/mediocre for this, this, and this reason".
At other times, it's hard to review a movie I have strong feelings about without sounding angry, or like a snob.

I also had a reviews page which I stopped using, but I’ve been meaning to get back into it.

Welcome to the human race...
I wrote close to a thousand reviews on here, most of which were done as part of a personal challenge to see if I could do at least one a day for an entire year, but I slowed down and eventually stopped for a multitude of reasons (some of which have already been cited by others, some of which are my own). I'd like to keep going, but it's just not practical.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

For those of you on the fence, give it a try. Even if you only write a paragraph or a few points indicating what it was about the film you liked.

People who liked your review or who liked the movie you referenced oftentimes give "like" tabs. Occasionally you'll get comments, and once in awhile, discussion. But I like to do them simply to contribute to the site, and share my opinions.

The important movies, or the ones that get more buzz usually get more comments. But I've gotten a whole bunch of recommendations for movies by reading reviews of less well known or older films as well; sometimes for movies I'd otherwise probably not have watched.


I like to read reviews here and there, but actually I think reviews can't depict/fulfil a films character and minimize it's magic. Everybody see's something different and individual in a Film, and that is what make films great.

“I was cured, all right!”
I like to write reviews, I have two blogs dedicated to that.
My problem is ENGLISH, not my main language. It's hard to write a lot.
I'm very good reader and very good listener, but writing and speaking... I suck.

I notice many times in a “review” thread that, rather than write a review, the author writes either a synopsis of the movie or tv show or he writes a play-by-play account of the same. These can go on & on for paragraphs and, whilst appreciating the time & effort, I cannot see the point.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Yeah, in our Review Guidelines, the general notes we give to explain why some things get tagged and not others, we mention the whole synopsis-as-review thing, since it can be strangely common.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I notice many times in a “review” thread that, rather than write a review, the author writes either a synopsis of the movie or tv show or he writes a play-by-play account of the same. These can go on & on for paragraphs and, whilst appreciating the time & effort, I cannot see the point.
I try to avoid that as I find it boring to read myself.

If people writing a mini review would just treat it like they were telling a friend about a movie they seen last night, the review would then be easier to write and more rewarding for the reader too.

I try to avoid that as I find it boring to read myself.

If people writing a mini review would just treat it like they were telling a friend about a movie they seen last night, the review would then be easier to write and more rewarding for the reader too.
Prolixity, IMO, is very tedious. Anything longer than a paragraph (maybe 2) is unnecessary. But that’s just my opinion.

Prolixity, IMO, is very tedious. Anything longer than a paragraph (maybe 2) is unnecessary. But that’s just my opinion.
Nice use of the word, prolixity. Please take a seat at the head of the class...

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I try to avoid that as I find it boring to read myself.

If people writing a mini review would just treat it like they were telling a friend about a movie they seen last night, the review would then be easier to write and more rewarding for the reader too.

That's what I would do.. Sometimes, I'd put a backstory, how it related to my life, or an experience similar. I think I stopped because I haven't been watching much, and the ones I've watched haven't been good, but I noticed after leaving a 10/10 score, no one would ever watch the movies I'd post, despite putting YouTube links, etc..

If I see someone give a high score, and I like that person's tastes, I'll watch it very quickly. I've found many movies this way, but I only read the review afterwards.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That's what I would do.. Sometimes, I'd put a backstory, how it related to my life, or an experience similar.
I love reading reviews like that. We had a person who did HoFs (no longer on MoFo) who often would relate personal antidotes in their reviews. It made for a good read!

I noticed after leaving a 10/10 score, no one would ever watch the movies I'd post, despite putting YouTube links, etc...If I see someone give a high score, and I like that person's tastes, I'll watch it very quickly. I've found many movies this way, but I only read the review afterwards.
I can't image many MoFos watching a film just because it received a near perfect rating. It's cool that you do and a good way to find great films one has never seen...but I don't think many people will go outside of their movie comfort zone.

I love reading reviews like that. We had a person who did HoFs (no longer on MoFo) who often would relate personal antidotes in their reviews. It made for a good read!
If you enjoy personal anecdotes, take a look at my new Judy review...