Favorite Film Podcasts?


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I used to listen to The Autuer Cast, but I think they disbanded.
Yeah, I was going to go back to them. Looks like it doesn't exist. Brad and Laremy became subscription only. That ain't happening.

i don't listen to any right now but i would love to because i just started getting into normal podcasts. i have bookmarked "the cinephilliacs" and i plan on starting it soon. it looks awesome. i did listen to "filmspotting" once and thought it was fine but didn't care to continue.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
i don't listen to any right now but i would love to because i just started getting into normal podcasts. i have bookmarked "the cinephilliacs" and i plan on starting it soon. it looks awesome. i did listen to "filmspotting" once and thought it was fine but didn't care to continue.
Inmate I don't know exactly what your looking for. If you enjoy a more loose fun cast than Filmspotting try Film Junk.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Peter Labuza's Chinephiliacs podcast is pretty good. His reading of his own writing comes off very awkward usually but the film's he talks about are interesting, as are the people he talks with.

Care for some gopher?
I'm a slashfilm podcast listener, too. I also listen regulary to a German film podcast called "Celluleute".

Don’t Draft Me, I Watch Anime!
Forgive me if this has been a topic before, but what’re some of your favorite film podcasts? My new job has me driving a lot so I’m willing to check out pretty much anything. Here’s what I’m into:

Maltin on Movies
WTF with Marc Maron

Review / General:
SinCast (like 80% of the time)
SiftPop (like 60% of the time)
We Hate Movies

You Must Remember This

Didn’t like:
Blank Check

Mad About Movies is the main one I listen to. The Binge is okay as well.