

You can't win an argument just by being right!

No woman wants a penis, I can assure you.

I'd be able to finally take you seriously if you pull out your phone and take a photo of that amazing crystal ball you own. Which walmart did you buy that from? TIA.

You took the word right out of my mouth, Joel (all business here now.Thsi is a serious topic and doesnt deserve me mucking around like baby goat any longer).

I am fully with you on this,Joel.I'm sure every generation has said it, infact I will play sheep stations on it! I am really bloody tired of the wont you think of the children brigade.Sometimes they are worse than religious idiots(disclaimer, no offence to any idiots on here who may be religious). Idiocracy ndeed, and yes I have seen the movie. The scourge of humanity - blind stupidity! I've been blind and stupid. Sometimes at the same time. Fancy that. But my continued education and awakening couch keeps picking little tiny moats from my eyes. Its a damn shame I had to get a chronic incurable illness to finally open my eyes, hey.

I am, however, still interested in becoming a vegan for good and not just for one day or one month or one years. Forever.
Well, I hope you can sustain a good feeling at least 75% of the time, realistically wishing you. Obviously 100% would be ideal.

And thank you for being decent, even though you agree with me, anyway.

All of this agenda floating around like swamp gas. It's just thinly disguised hate. I lied. I'm not finished, not until the ultimate typer shows up. For now, I just want to say that the left, and the right..are all just groveling pigs who are killing each other with words.

It's like sports. Your team sucks! No, YOUR team sucks!

The thing that gets me is that I know we are better than this. We. Not you, not me, not him, not her.

This boat is sinking, and since it's an ark and no one person can paddle ass enough to keep it afloat, one can only hope that intention by way of thinking hard into the air will somehow change the tide.

Hell, I was just about to publicly shame dunkin donuts for their eggs and hash browns before I took one more chance out of lunch time desperation and it tasted decent for once.

It must've worked!!
One step at a time.

BTW, how do you f#ck up a hash brown?!

Tasted like dirty dishwater smells.

All values of western civilisation--liberty equality fraternity---are going to die out if western civilisation is not perpetuated by producing children. Please perpetuate your civilisation by producing some children. Right now towns villages school colleges are emptying out due to lack of young people. You got to have your own progeny to take care of you in your old age .

So if a woman can carry cargo, she’s a brute?

If a woman wants to join the infantry or whatever, let her decide for herself. It’s not up to you.
I think @Joel was talking more about drafting women

No woman wants a penis, I can assure you.

Joel, you sound so much older than you are. IIRC, you’re 30, 31? I hear baby boomers & their fathers talking like this. Come into the 21st century where men can do anything a woman can do. Except bear the pain of childbirth.
They Can- but the averages aren't equal for skill. Men can lift more weight- there'll never be a woman who breaks the male world records for power lifting. I'll give you 10,000:1 if you want to put money on it
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Everyone has their own goals in life. Men/women,hermaphrodites, what have you.

Genrally speaking, women are softer and more delicate - generally speaking. Generally, not specifically.

Lets go into those god-awful stereotypes for a moment and remember that women have long served as nuturers for children and have been great artists with music, paint, filmmaking, writing, etc.

I've heard such beautiful music from women. Angelic, breathtaking. I'd go so far as to say that sometimes I feel like women have an adge, musically in some instances. But that's subjective.

Men, utilitarian as they tend to be, generally speaking, Generally speaking, can withstand rigorous training and physical work, torture, all the while compartmentalizing certain things to serve the agenda of a greedy government for war and fighting. It's just how it is. A lot of women count on this. While they take care of the life they've set up for themselves and their loved ones.

Now I understand this has changed, and has been changing drastically for years. Mr. Moms, role reversal..and that's what it is. Sometimes it works, other times it probably doesn;t, just like anything in life.

But if the message now is to drill into people that men must embrace themselves as women, and vice versa, and this message keeps getting drilled, it can have a peripheral effect by way of exhaustion=brainwashing. An eventual "wearing down" effect on people's minds. It becomes the norm, and people who speak out about it will be endlessly shamed or tried to be made to feel inadequate, misinformed, acting like a dinosaur, non progressive thinker, and so on and so forth.

But, this is just a tactic, after all.

Maybe one day nature will reclaim its course and people will be relaxed and happy enough to not try and re-code things out of boredom and frustration with their own lack of contributions in a realm outside of silly social politics.

To put it more directly...no one should be feeding the war machine, neither men nor women. That's my belief. But if one side of the coin has to protect, let it be the guys. If we all perish, at least the women will hold down the fort of arts...the arts being the single most important thing in life. A means of creation.

Creation - children. Forward into the world with future generations. Wisdom passed down,. Real wisdom. Not gossip, not sports fanatics, not hateful passive aggressive shaming.

Creation, the arts, music, painting, building. The art of love, the art of life, the art of living. Happiness by way of subtracting the acids like hate and fighting.


Better think twice, because if everyone is going to be accountable for future death squads, you'd better start practicing your ninja moves to Hollywood action flicks now because when it gets real and you have NO OASIS or fancy flights of non reality...no one is going to be back at the studio or the garden or at the easel. No one.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Maybe even fake snake plissken will show up and take me to school again...

All values of western civilisation--liberty equality fraternity---are going to die out if western civilisation is not perpetuated by producing children. Please perpetuate your civilisation by producing some children...

And when I say re-code, I not talking about being enlightened, at least enough to feel differently in a new age, or wake up.

I understand we evolve in our thinking and realize past mistakes (sadly not always enough).

By re-code I mean to try and meddle with nature just like a mutant scientist making mutated notions and spreading it around like cheap pate on an Imperial cracker.

I should also clarify that I am not trying to shame those who decide to identify as another gender. That would be childish. If you were born a man but feel you are really a woman, by all means, sort it out and enjoy your life as you deem it's meant to be. But at the same time, let's not dip those same hands in the tax cookie jar, ya know?

Boundaries are important, and I'm not referring to a great big wall like Cheetos talks about. I just mean boundaries. Staying within parameters and not trying to acrylic spill a bunch of dull paint into the cracks of a society that has functioned well enough with certain rules in play. It's still very possible to be forward thinking and open minded without completly facelifiting planet earth with bully tactics disguised as "important protests for equality."

But equality.

There is no such thing. Men and women are NOT EQUAL. NO.

NO one is equal. If everyone was equal, we'd all be able to play Beethoven with our eyes closed on paino or harp, or classical guitar.

If everyone was equal, we'd all be able to massage the clitoris before a big test to relax.

Comments like "welcome to the 21st century, where men can do everything women can, except bear the pain of childbirth". That is a gigantic sexist comment.

That's sexism, folks. Learn it, be aware of it.

It isn;t about even men vs women. That's hate.

"Yeah, let's make a baby and love each other, by the way, I secretly hate you and want to compete with you, using old stereotypes like 'you think with your penis' or 'you belong in the kitchen and shouldn't be able to vote'."

Equality wouldn't exist, equality can't fully exist because things aren't so GENERAL. If generaliztions an dstereotypes were true, equality especially couldn't exist. Does this make sense?

Everyone is SPECIFIC. DIfferent. One woman can bench press 200 lbs...another MAN can't even benchpress 115 lbs.

One man can benchpress 350 lbs, another WOMAN can't even get the bar off of the bench.

Some girls raise their children with strict rules like no tv, only books until age 14. Some women raise their kids allowing them to do whatever they want. Results vary.

Men, same thing. Some men make good dads, or make good moms in some ways. Some women, same thing.

But trying to BLANKET men/women into categories is exactly what is happening because all of these PROGRESSIVE things are being based on stereotypes and getting lost for motivations because things are inherently different and therefore not equal. Not equal.

I think I just contradicted myself in several ways and blew this thing wide open, teaching myself something by way of error in communication and thinking.

Whatever it takes. Throw it all against the wall and see what sticks.

"Life is a bowl of spaghetti." - Al Fountain, May5, 2018. checks watch), 2:09 pm.

This might just do nobody any good.
If everyone was equal, we'd all be able to massage the clitoris before a big test to relax.

So, to recap...
Equality. What the hell is that?

Respect. Please. Absolutely respect.

So, if a man or a woman can perform the same functions at the place of work, there is no excuse for an unequal salary.

But the media is selling everyone hate ammo. The battle of the sexes doesn't seem to want to go away. I see this venom instilled in even the most scholarly adults. It's in there like $3 pasta sauce.

If we want REAL equality, we will respect each other and realize "most" anything can be possible within reason, and people have the capacity to change or reach for the stars, but we must realize and accept our limitations.

We have been experiencing social justice CGI.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Please perpetuate your civilisation by producing some children.
Yeah, I'll make a child and then the little bastard will hate on arthouse, or even worse - start listening to rap music. Thanks, but no thanks.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Stirchley, please...give me a break.
LOL. You started the thread & now you want me to give you a break?!

Originally Posted by Joel
And no woman wants a penis? Might wanna sk around on that ione, lol.
I have never heard any woman say she wants this. And why would she?!

Men can lift more weight- there'll never be a woman who breaks the male world records for power lifting. I'll give you 10,000:1 if you want to put money on it
What woman on earth gives a fig about power lifting?!

If everyone was equal, we'd all be able to massage the clitoris before a big test to relax.
Definitely the most bizarre statement I am going to read this week!
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Stirchley, please...give me a break.
LOL. You started the thread & now you want me to give you a break?!

Originally Posted by Joel
And no woman wants a penis? Might wanna sk around on that ione, lol.
I have never heard any woman say she wants this. And why would she?!

Men can lift more weight- there'll never be a woman who breaks the male world records for power lifting. I'll give you 10,000:1 if you want to put money on it
What woman on earth gives a fig about power lifting?!

If everyone was equal, we'd all be able to massage the clitoris before a big test to relax.
Definitely the most bizarre statement I am going to read this week!
Have you watched Tootsie yet?

Its not bad. Love Dustin Hoffman.

Have you watched Tootsie yet?

Its not bad. Love Dustin Hoffman.
Ha. Nice pivot.

Well we can still be internet friends, Stirchley. If you want.
I’ve always loved Aries men.