How do you review?


Registered User
you mean to be inserting hyperlinks to your review and similar or something else?
It's that, using keywords in a strategic way, using meta titles, etc. it's a whole thing, worth a Lynda course if you are interested in making content online.

I love the rating part. Shot straight from the hip. No rhyme or reason to mine other than a gut feeling.
I wouldn't hate them if not for most people taking them so seriously, most people skim through the review and react to the rating. It also feels like an oxymoron, a subjective opinion quantified. Maybe I overthink it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Originally Posted by doubledenim
I love the rating part. Shot straight from the hip. No rhyme or reason to mine other than a gut feeling.
...I wouldn't hate them if not for most people taking them so seriously, most people skim through the review and react to the rating. It also feels like an oxymoron, a subjective opinion quantified. Maybe I overthink it.
I gotta agree with Vini, I can write a longer and balanced movie review about a popular movie...I can write about the positive aspects of the film, BUT...if I give it less than a high rating, people assume I hated it....I assume they didn't read what I wrote

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
I tend to keep my reviews short and sweet. I write a little about the story, the cast, highlights, and then my final verdict. I find it easier to write as tho i'm answering a question.
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I have been in the process of mapping out changes for the new year for a bit. Some have been implemented the past month or so, in order to avoid New Year's overload. Maybe you've heard of the world famous 2017 DVR Movie Relegation thread ?

I am a self-avowed horrid writer, lacking any ability to form or convey any thoughts about movies. I am also proficient in grammar destruction. For the new year, I am going to keep a running record of movies viewed accompanied by at least two strong, coherent sentences.

Feel free to share any thoughts on how you develop your thoughts or musings on what you look for in movie reviews.
I DID do a keyword search, I swear!!! For whatever it is worth, I really dig your detailed response. Much appreciated. Now I must go hide. in shame. Again.

I don't know if you use mobile, but I can't ever get anything to pop on mobile. Desktop is my only hope.

For me the most important thing is WHY someone liked or disliked a film. i.e. the reasons for their rating.
"Loved it" or "Hated it" or just a number tells me nothing without exploring the reason why.

Another thing I don't like to see is a film summary (IMDB reviewers are famous for this)... here's why: if I haven't seen a film, but am just curious as to if it's worth watching, then I don't want to know all the details & plot turns & surprises & climaxes & endings. If I have seen a film, but now want to know what someone else thought of it, I don't want to read a summary because it is redundant information. So either way (seen it or haven't seen it) I don't want to read a summary.

For me the most important thing is WHY someone liked or disliked a film. i.e. the reasons for their rating.
"Loved it" or "Hated it" or just a number tells me nothing without exploring the reason why.

Another thing I don't like to see is a film summary (IMDB reviewers are famous for this)... here's why: if I haven't seen a film, but am just curious as to if it's worth watching, then I don't want to know all the details & plot turns & surprises & climaxes & endings. If I have seen a film, but now want to know what someone else thought of it, I don't want to read a summary because it is redundant information. So either way (seen it or haven't seen it) I don't want to read a summary.

I agree with everything you said here. I believe that reviews are written primarily to recommend or to not recommend a movie. You place the film in a context by mentioning the director, the original source if it was a book or play, TV series etc., to contrast it with other films from the same Genre (Godfather's relation to Goodfellas, or other Gangster movies), and then give it an honest evaluation that you can defend. You do not have to convince anybody else, but I think you should be able to say why you recommend it or refuse to recommend it even if it is rating from the gut or just that it was entertaining for you. Why was it entertaining? If you say I like long movies that promote a philosophical view, than the audience knows that it might not be what they are looking for in a movie. The same goes if you like a lot of action and want to watch for an hour and a half of escape. Than those who read the review have more information to determine whether it is something they want to see.