Jury duty question


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Their website isn't too helpful. From what I can tell, you can request a postponement by sending in the questionnaire - where I live you can do all this online. Tell them what you told us and do it ASAP so you can get a quick answer. Also be aware that unless they pick you the first day, you'll have to call once or twice each day for a week to find out if they need you later that day or the next one. The last time my wife got call-in jury service, when the days came, she forgot all about calling them. We never heard from them again.
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Jury duty rules vary by state, so you'd have to look into what your state allows. In my state you can send in a postponement form requesting to reschedule for another date, but that's about all you can do short of going in on your assigned date and claiming a hardship.
I got the postponement date.

What happens if you don't show up? Jail? A fine? Just curious.
A bench warrant is issued. More than one & jail could be in the offing.
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