Christmas Movie Collection


Deck the Halls

lol there is a street 2 minutes down the road just like this one.

Possibly the worst Xmas movie ever and right up there on the worst movies ever list.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Possibly the worst Xmas movie ever and right up there on the worst movies ever list.
I could not agree more. It's extremel;y irritating. I find most xmas movies pretty horrendous but that takes the cake.

Watched Deck the Halls the other day and apart from The blonde twins it's atrocious, and I'm only in my 20's so no it's not weird.

The Grinch (2000) - I watched this at the cinema with my Turkish Uncle and Auntie in London when I was 10 years old, they can't speak very good English. Safe to say they've never forgiven me for taking them "why he is green man" and "how he eat glass?" were the sorts of questions I received afterwards and they still look at me funny now, still, this and Will Ferrell's Elf are the most nostalgic of all the xmas movies for me.
"If you're good at something never do it for free".

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - This Christmas classic was pretty much known as the best holiday movie of all time. It becomes a Christmas staple. It have me laughing until cry.

Love Actually (2003) - a heartwarming Christmas classic, with a talented ensemble cast of eight very different couples dealing with their love lives the month before Christmas. You'll laugh, cry, and feel warm and touched inside when you're done watching.

I'm looking for a list of movies proper for Christmas. Some criteria might be;
- embraces the spirit of Christmas even if violent action may be taking place. Lights, trees, music, carolers, etc. Is there an overlooked comedy that may encompass Christmas well? Christmas Ambiance.
This may be stating the obvious, but there are several tried and true classics that still warm the heart today:

Miracle on 34th Street (1947)
It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
The Bishop's Wife (1947)
The Man Who Came to Dinner (1939)
Holiday Inn (1942)
Christmas in Connecticut (1945)
White Christmas (1954)

There are many others. Happy viewing, and Merry Christmas!


Nice additions, Mofo's! Thanks...

Now...a modern day Christmas film...something that celebrates the holiday in true fashio...atmospheric lighting, lots of colored trees and snow, caroling, the works...maybe a little edgy...edgier than A Christmas Story...something like a mixed bag genre-wise...that's the kind of film I see missing.

In modern times..I haven't seen a film really ensconch itself in the Christmas aesthetic and make Christmas the blood line running through homage to Xmas...a true Christmas film for the 21st good, and better..than any classic Christmas film...

if anyone has any additions not yet covered that reach at least 30% of what I described, fire away!

I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't one, Joel. Hollywood has become too jaded, too deviant, too sour. Perhaps there's a good one from one of the Christian studios. Arthur Christmas looks cute, but it's animated.


I wouldn't be surprised if there weren't one, Joel. Hollywood has become too jaded, too deviant, too sour. Perhaps there's a good one from one of the Christian studios. Arthur Christmas looks cute, but it's animated.

If I had the budget, I'd do it myself, not kidding. I suppose it's not out of reach with some dedication and resourcefulness/industrious planning on the thrifty side.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
While I'm no fan of Sarah Jessica Parker, I always thought The Family Stone was a great contemporary take on Christmas spirit, family awkwardness, and holiday redemption.

While I'm no fan of Sarah Jessica Parker, I always thought The Family Stone was a great contemporary take on Christmas spirit, family awkwardness, and holiday redemption.
Noted. Thanks, bro!

Can someone direct me to the Die Hard is a Christmas movie discussion?

A Child's Christmas in Wales (1980s)
Porridge 1976 Christmas Special
The Children of Green Knowe (TV series)
A Tudor Feast at Christmas
Are You Being Served Christmas episode with the santas
Comfort and Joy (1984)
Trading Places (1983)
Desk Set (1957) - not all set at Christmas, but with a very good Christmas scene
The Good Life Christmas episode
Bad Santa

It's past Christmas...sorry. But for next Christmas try these:

Bad Santa
A Nightmare Before Christmas
The Santa Clause
How The Grinch Stole Christmas

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - This Christmas classic was pretty much known as the best holiday movie of all time. It becomes a Christmas staple. It have me laughing until cry.

Love Actually (2003) - a heartwarming Christmas classic, with a talented ensemble cast of eight very different couples dealing with their love lives the month before Christmas. You'll laugh, cry, and feel warm and touched inside when you're done watching.
I've always wondered if I would enjoy a Hugh Grant film as I've never seen one. He seems like a funny english gent. I'll put it on the list. Thanks!

Nothing better than spending Christmas with the festive spirit Kirk Cameron everyone's favourite Christian

I would love to see Kirk Cameron debate religion versus Scientology with Tom Cruise.

I would love to see Kirk Cameron debate religion versus Scientology with Tom Cruise.
So would I!

It'd be like a cage fight for psychotics. In the end I think Cruise would win. But maybe not. Cameron might talk the devil into Tom, and we might catch a glimpse of Tom break his spell and his eyes. Then his whole face might start emotionally melting until he is a crying mess, the hands of Jesus.