What's your all-time favorite video game console?


Favorite Video Game Console?
3 votes
Nintendo 64
5 votes
5 votes
Playstation 2
0 votes
3 votes
Xbox 360
1 votes
Xbox One
2 votes
Playstation 4
0 votes
Wii U
0 votes
Sega Genesis
1 votes
3 votes
Atari 2600
2 votes
25 votes. You may not vote on this poll

It took me a while to pick a console myself, and even though I felt compelled to pick one of the more legendary consoles like the PS2 or N64—which were both a big staple of my childhood—thinking about it thoroughly I had to go with the Xbox 360.

Even though I have very fond memories of the first 2 Halos on the original Xbox, Halo 3 was my favorite one. It was the only online console game that I played hardcore, and have many memories completely dominating matches. After Halo 3 my skills dropped considerably on the later games, and now with Halo 5 I have regressed to "mediocre" status.

Other than H3, I fondly remember playing Skyrim (which really wasn't that long ago actually) the Gears of War trilogy, Alan Wake, Mass Effect, Dead Rising, Left 4 Dead, Oblivion, and countless others.

I have a feeling that I'm gonna regret not saying either the original Xbox or PS2 or even the Dreamcast (most underrated console ever) but as for now I'll stick with the 360.

Crap, I'm actually now starting to regret not saying the original Xbox...

I didn't even vote. I honestly can't choose one.

I may slightly be leaning towards Playstation 1 though. Maybe after I get my hands on Fox Junction, I'll let y'all know.

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It took me a while to pick a console myself, and even though I felt compelled to pick one of the more legendary consoles like the PS2 or N64—which were both a big staple of my childhood—thinking about it thoroughly I had to go with the Xbox 360.

Even though I have very fond memories of the first 2 Halos on the original Xbox, Halo 3 was my favorite one. It was the only online console game that I played hardcore, and have many memories completely dominating matches. After Halo 3 my skills dropped considerably on the later games, and now with Halo 5 I have regressed to "mediocre" status.

Other than H3, I fondly remember playing Skyrim (which really wasn't that long ago actually) the Gears of War trilogy, Alan Wake, Mass Effect, Dead Rising, Left 4 Dead, Oblivion, and countless others.

I have a feeling that I'm gonna regret not saying either the original Xbox or PS2 or even the Dreamcast (most underrated console ever) but as for now I'll stick with the 360.

Crap, I'm actually now starting to regret not saying the original Xbox...

Never got a Dreamcast, my neighbor had one as did one of my best friends. If I didn't have my PlayStation this was my next choice. It was also the first console on which I played the almighty.

Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Voted Nintendo 64, although I also have a lot fond memories of my Super Nintendo/Sega Genesis days.

Somehow the Super Nintendo is missing ...

I have some of my fondest memories of console gaming from that system.
Secret of Mana was badass and you could play with 3 people at the same time.

Never got a Dreamcast, my neighbor had one as did one of my best friends. If I didn't have my PlayStation this was my next choice. It was also the first console on which I played the almighty.
The main reason why I didn't vote for it was that I just played too few games on it, but the ones I did were pretty amazing.

The best one was definitely Shenmue, I still remember its 3 or 4 discs and how the first disc took like 15 minutes to load up. The game itself was a masterpiece.

The only other ones I remember vividly were Sonic Adventures 1 and 2, which were pretty much the last great Sonic games to come out, ironically when Sega bit the dust as a console competitor. Ever since then all Sonic games have been mediocre to just plain bad.

Other than those I do remember playing Crazy Taxi, Soul Caliber, House of the Dead and Jet Grind Radio.

Don't know too hard. The Sega Genisis was my first console, basically all i ever played on it was Sonic games which i pretty much mastered at the time. Next was a N64; loved that console, mostly played Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye, Super Mario 64, Super Mario Kart, etc. Then i had a Playstation for a pretty short time actually before i got a PS2, but i still loved playing the best Final Fantasys among other games. Next was the PS2 which was the console i had the most games for by far feels like i had everything for that, have fond memories playing GTA, Metal Gear Solid. The last console i really played was the Xbox 360 mostly online with friends, Left For Dead, COD, PES, etc, or Fallout or whatever myself. I got a PS3 after that and didn't buy any games other than the ones it came with after that and i haven't bothered getting an Xbox One or PS4 since i haven't really cared about gaming.

I was surprised the PS2 didnt start out on top. That system was solid for many years, and still does the job nicely today.

I was surprised the PS2 didnt start out on top. That system was solid for many years, and still does the job nicely today.
I'm going with Xbox 360 (Elite and later only) followed by Playstation 2 followed by Nintendo Gamecube in order of my game collection for each and their user-friendliness.

I'm not considering the original Xbox since every game I like from it is backwards-compatible with all models of 360 however.

Playstation 3 is significantly limited by model in this regard however as much as many classic PS2 games have found exclusive superior rereleases on it, most of it's library is playable on Xbox 360 without a bloody install time.