My favorites...


Trouble with a capital "T"
Nope, no criticism I either like or love the one's I've seen.

Blade Runner is one of my favorite films,
The Bridge of River Kwai
is awesome,
Goodfellas was potent!
It's been a long time since I seen 2001 and For Your Eyes Only, but I liked them.

OK, you talked me into it! I'll watch S O B, I added it to my Netflix queue so it might take a few weeks for me to get it but I'll post my thoughts on it.

Seeing how you're a fan of the Beatles, I have one for you it's a Bio-Pic written by the lead singer of the Turtles who on one faithfully night meet both the Beatles and Jimi Hendrix. The actors who play John Lennon and Jimi Hendrix are amazing. It's called My Dinner With Jimi

I have White Palace. I don't think it's very well known or popular, but I do like it a lot. Very nice list, so far. I also love the song you posted, For Your Eyes Only.

13. Clueless

14. The Prisoner of the second avenue


I for got it's THISgood..Jack Lemmon is the king

I most like the stallone scene. He went out and didn't take the wallet, but thought he did. so he bumped into Stallone and thought he stole it and chased him across the city. and jumped on him, they both fell on the ground 'give me the wallet!' poor Sly realised he's dealing with a madman and out of shear fear gave him HIS wallet. He came back home 'can you believe what's this town coming to? some punk took my wallet in broad daylight!' anne: 'you didn't take it with you!' 'what? what am i gonna do now? I have to return him his wallet! I'll end up in jail in the end!'

14. the Man Who Knew Too Much

HA! I love Repossessd! Leslie Nelson and Linda Blair in an Exorcist spoof? Hell yeah! I especially enjoyed the end musical number and the exorcism commentary my Jessie Ventura and Mean Gene.

16. Asterix aux jeux Olympiques

One of the most hillarious films I've seen. A good way for France to enter this humble thread.
There is a movie where Alain Delon is in a movie with Bennoit Poelvoorde? The hitman from Le Samurai is in a movie with the serial killer from Man Bites Dog?


HA! I love Repossessd! Leslie Nelson and Linda Blair in an Exorcist spoof? Hell yeah! I especially enjoyed the end musical number and the exorcism commentary my Jessie Ventura and Mean Gene.

haha, yeah...they don't use steroids in professional wrestling anymore, Jesse?
-Or any less


Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I have White Palace. I don't think it's very well known or popular, but I do like it a lot.
I actually really like "White Palace", too. I knew of it when it came out but that was it. Then, about 15 years ago, it was on TV. There was nothing else on. So I just decided to watch it just to see what it was like. And I enjoyed it so much. I don't own it (would like to, actually). So I am always hoping they show it on TV again, but they never do.

Beatle, you are getting a big rep for including the nice little surprise of "White Palace" on your list.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

I actually really like "White Palace", too. I knew of it when it came out but that was it. Then, about 15 years ago, it was on TV. There was nothing else on. So I just decided to watch it just to see what it was like. And I enjoyed it so much. I don't own it (would like to, actually). So I am always hoping they show it on TV again, but they never do.

Beatle, you are getting a big rep for including the nice little surprise of "White Palace" on your list.
Thanks, it's my fave love film, especially that last scene. And I love Susan and James.

19. The Impossible

Hey Beatle, I thought I was one of the only people who saw The Impossible. I was a bit traumatized afterward. A powerful and gut-wrenching film! The 2004 tsunami has been of interest to me since it happened. (One tiny scene that I can't forget and which haunts me was a shot of a baby car seat floating away and the sound of a terrified crying infant!)

There's an HBO movie called Tsunami: The Aftermath dealing with the same event. It doesn't have quite the same pacing that drives The Impossible, but is nonetheless equally emotional. Sadly, this movie doesn't have quite the same type of ending as The Impossible.