
The kids are in bed so what should I watch, All About Eve, Frenzy, or some West Wing episodes?
Never seen West Wing... can't really go wrong with the other two, though. Frenzy is an underrated gem. Have you ever seen it?

Chappie doesn't like the real world
sure.. can I join? and fyi.. Please dont think Im a teenager... so many here do.. LOL

Im in my 40's
Anyone can join! I knew you weren't a teenager because you said someone looked young enough to be your son. I didn't think you were one before that either.

I really think we should get rid of the members thing and just let this be a free for all for people. I don't want them thinking they can't come in and chit chat.

I'm in

Next commenter gets a gift:

Or should I take this to the pretend you're smoking thread?
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

sure.. can I join? and fyi.. Please dont think Im a teenager... so many here do.. LOL

Im in my 40's
I assume everyone is a teenager when I don't know their age. Until I learn they're not.

Anyone can join! I knew you weren't a teenager because you said someone looked young enough to be your son. I didn't think you were one before that either.
My "prom" date is who looks young enough to be my son. My daughter is only a few years older than him.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Never seen West Wing... can't really go wrong with the other two, though. Frenzy is an underrated gem. Have you ever seen it?
Not yet. Def will before the 70's list. Maybe tonight is the night.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Business managment (yuck), but I want to change what I'm doing. It's all free through my work and there are a range of different areas of study, so I'm sure to find something that interests me.
I could stay in school forever. Every once in awhile, I go and take a class on something and I'm itching to do that again. It's cool you don't have to pay for it. I'd take everything!

I could stay in school forever. Every once in awhile, I go and take a class on something and I'm itching to do that again. It's cool you don't have to pay for it. I'd take everything!
I like school when they're classes I enjoy. I took a philosophy class and an Eastern Humanities class and loved them.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I am 30.

Godoggo is also now 30, too.
Yep. There is a whole crew of us that are a few months apart in age. I'm happy enough to leave my 20s behind.

I could stay in school forever. Every once in awhile, I go and take a class on something and I'm itching to do that again. It's cool you don't have to pay for it. I'd take everything!
I am. I love learning, especially science. This subject is difficult because it doesn't hold my attention, but I'm persevering and I plan to work my way through all of it.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson

I am. I love learning, especially science. This subject is difficult because it doesn't hold my attention, but I'm persevering and I plan to work my way through all of it.
Science is the best. I admire scientists the most. I would love to be one, but I'm not very good at it. It took me an hour to understand the second law of thermodynamics.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I like school when they're classes I enjoy. I took a philosophy class and an Eastern Humanities class and loved them.
My friend teaches epistemology and her husband teaches ancient philosophy, so I've learned some stuff through them. In high school there were classes I didn't like, but in college I enjoyed almost everything I took. I miss it.