The What the F*ck? Thread


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mulholland drive has gotta be the movie thats left me most confused. by the time i finished watching it i knew less about the plot than before i put it on. i wasnt even sure what the characters name were. i best watch it again sometime and try to figure it out.. probably some kind of international turnip conspiracy?

RIP 2002-2010
Originally posted by Toose
The ending of Planet of the Apes left me whirling in a cloud of confused whatthefukkisms.

I hear ya MaryLo.

I really did enjoy POTA until the ending... the whole Aperaham Lincoln thing really threw me and I've yet to engage with anyone who can explain it.
Hey how did you interpret planet of the apes did the humans branch off and one group devolve to apes or did the apes all just evolve into talking while the humans got stupid. Oh and im not talking about the remake either.. - hmm what wonders are here to behold?
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
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A bloody BRILLIANT WTF? movie:

Adolescence of Utena - It's an anime movie about a high school girl who dresses like a boy and dreams of becoming a prince. She wins the hand of another girl in a duel, and the two of them fall in love and fight to escape from the complicated (yet artificial) society that their High School has created around them. There's a whole lot of death, incest, sex (no it's not a porn), surreal imagery, and a car chase that I can't begin to describe....I love this movie so much, it's like David Lynch made an animated movie.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by iluv2viddyfilms
Hey how did you interpret planet of the apes did the humans branch off and one group devolve to apes or did the apes all just evolve into talking while the humans got stupid. Oh and im not talking about the remake either..
well in that case...[haven't seen the byzantian-production-house-bollock up that was the remake]...

Yeah, i thought: Humans had had a nuclear war. This had involved loss of society and dispertion over many many generations, potentially accompanied by mutation, which caused a slow loss of intercommunicable languages etc. They degenerated back to "talking in tongues" (i.e. emotional grunts etc?). No written word, no artefacts, just a desperate bid to surive that reduced them to "animal" level.

The monkey's however did alright once their main competitior did badly under the apocalypse. As darwinsim shows, when there's a big loss of life, the playing field is open for mutational experiements to thrive in a safer environment. [we probably came about coz of multiple ice-ages i believe - tho current thinking says extreme deprivation in drought-ridden africa propelled the cro-magnum types to develop ingenuity, whereas the neanderthals had it too easy in their mammoth-layden wastes up north. But this was have been the final act as it were] The monkeys followed an evolutionary path similar to humans, but there was little requirement (or time passed) to bring about profound physical change.

That's how i see it - with the added message that: we're all being a bunch of monkeys at the moment, and it's time we re-engaged the more discerning and dominion-based sides of our character that have got us where we are. Otherwise, we doomed Cheery innit

other WTF movies for me:

Being John Malkovich - yes, tho me and my foreign students had fun discussing whether the ending was meant to mean: those that are trapped in their own ego are doomed to live out life again and again semi-buddist style. i.e. for ever trapped in a prison of their own making. Very far from sure tho...

Anything by mr non-linear Lynch for sure.

Apocalypse Now did take many viewings to really get a lot of the nuances, despite having read heart of darkness.

Pi - love it - find meaning in it, but what did everyone else think? (i thought it was about how any true construct of "everything" isn't containable in the human mind. - not sure what the "i looked into the sun" bit is about exactly, but i've got an inkling)

ohhh, and it's too late for me to operate my memory box any more now.

Gg - the thread-bumper -
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

I must become Caligari..!
Well realy anything by Lynch, Especialy Eraserhead. The Scene in Apocolips Now : Redux with the play boy bunnys in the Chopper was very WTF .

Punch Drunk Love aswell with the Organ[ey] thing...
It's a god-awful small affair, To the girl with, the mousy hair, But her mummy is yelling "No", and her daddy has told her to go, But her friend is nowhere to be seen, Now she walks through her sunken dream, To the seat with the clearest view, And she's hooked to the silver screen, But the film is a saddening bore, For she's lived it ten times or more...

Originally Posted by Aniko
Also Xanadu is a big WTF. They tried to do to many "creative" things. I think it's the only movie I've ever walked out of.
This is definatly a WTF for me, what were they thinking
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by nebbit
This is definatly a WTF for me, what were they thinking
Who knows......

I'm probably going to be reamed for this....but the ending of Adaptation was another WTF for me. It ruined the entire movie for me.

I See You When You're Sleeping
I loved Adaptation and Being John Malkovich! Shame on you guys!

Anyway, hmm a WTF movie....Terminator 3!! It was crap!!

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by MinionTV
I loved Adaptation and Being John Malcovich! Shame on you guys!

Anyway, hmm a WTF movie....Terminator 3!! It was crap!!
That's what i've heard too. Not gonna waste me pennies. It'll turn up some christmas or other. A meaningless re-make/add-on, that only provides a CGI ride - so most of the reviewers seem to say [but might keep Arnie out of politics for another year-and-a-day if he makes another, much to my dismay, anyway )

BJ Malkovitch was top notch (just still not quite sure what it all wanted to say overall - what's your take slave-to-the-air-wave?)

Originally Posted by Golgot
[but might keep Arnie out of politics for another year-and-a-day if he makes another, much to my dismay, anyway )
Christ, yes. At least we can rest easy knowing he can't ever be elected President.

I may have just jinxed us. :P

Oh, well. My addition here, in the interested of on-topicness:

Some of my favorite What-the-F*cks are the best MST3K flicks, like Pod People and Manos: the Hands of Fate. The footage that plays with the credits on PP isn't even from the same film--and I believe the same thing happened with Cave Dwellers. I mean, what the hell is that all about? Did they think no one would notice?
You were a demon and a lawyer? Wow. Insert joke here."

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Mary Loquacious
Christ, yes. At least we can rest easy knowing he can't ever be elected President.

I may have just jinxed us. :P
Why, is there a no-austrians-as-president clause? There's an acting-president-precedent after all

Just remembered that....despite clinging to the idea that i understand 2001, there's still a sizeable WTF aspect to the ending. The aliens are buddist-actualists? (i.e. they live outside time - or perceive it as a physical dimension or something? Science-Solipsism meets Multitudinal-Motion?)

Anyone feel they've got a handle on this unwieldy loaf-luggage?

Never heaard of MST3K. Are they a mexican outfit or something? (dunno WHY i think that. The "Manos" title i suppose)

Originally Posted by Golgot
Why, is there a no-austrians-as-president clause?
I wish I'd thought of that...

No, but there is a stipulation that you must be American-born to be elected President.

Never heaard of MST3K. Are they a mexican outfit or something? (dunno WHY i think that. The "Manos" title i suppose)
MST3K is Mystery Science Theater 3000, where they show bad movies and make fun of them while the movie is playing. There's a very thin basic on-going plot that goes along with this, but the important thing is the flicks.

Hilarious, hilarious stuff. They're no longer going, but you can catch re-runs on the Sci-Fi Channel... or at least you used to. I haven't had cable for awhile, so I'm not sure.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Ahhhhh - read about them - and they showed one recently over here in britland. Unfortunately, i thought the original film was funny enough without their comments (i forget the name but i'd seen it b4 - scientist constructs a machine sent to him by high-spammed golden-haired aliens. Classily cack it was) It was kind of endearing to see low-budget americana parodying itself tho

Erm other spurious WTF films = the one i'm working on. I don't know how the hell i'm gonna edit it all together nicely. And it's a bit odd

Hilarious WTF documentaries and adverts (mainly 50s - 70s) i recommend....

Have a look at the Prelinger Archive on - That's where i get my footage. Absolute quality. Little films about how ultraviolet will heal all our ills; how Fordism and chevrolet cars set us free; how oil and competition are the secrets of social success etc etc etc. They're not so much WTF as WTF!!! most of the time.

For a funny, and actually quite frightening, WTF experience, check out The Atomic Cafe--it's a docu-collection of Cold War/atomic safety propaganda.

Gives me shudders, I tell you.

there's a frog in my snake oil
That's the kind of stuff on that site too. "Duck and cover" and all that classic stuff. Keep-your-eyes-out-for-commie-spies kind of things. But with the added bonus of govermental attempts at kid-psychology and full-blown industry propoganda - the reall 50's era battle for hearts and minds between industry and government etc. There are some absolutely hilarious attempts to curb and control the youth of those-days. Highly recommended

Damn, feel i should now propose:

The ending of the Matrix Reloaded. Is it a turtles-upon-turtles matrix-in-a-matrix message (oh alright spoilsport believers, i might have to conceed it probably is)...or is it the highly unusual and improbable leap of the binary and the biological linking up (which i think might provide a better analogy for one thing i think the bros are saying)

Ah, well, it's the poor middle brother in a "Thrilogy", what can u expect?

Originally Posted by Golgot
The ending of the Matrix Reloaded. Is it a turtles-upon-turtles matrix-in-a-matrix message (oh alright spoilsport believers, i might have to conceed it probably is)...or is it the highly unusual and improbable leap of the binary and the biological linking up (which i think might provide a better analogy for one thing i think the bros are saying)
Abso-freakin'-lutely. Couple that crazy ending with all the sh*t the Architect was spewing, and it all adds up to...

...dare I say it again...


This is what happens when you take a tidy, tight little sci-fi flick and try to make it an epic. I know the Wachowskis have said they always planned it as a trilogy, but I don't think they necessarily knew what they wanted to do with that trilogy in the beginning.

there's a frog in my snake oil
oooooh, i'm the wrong one to say that to My whole faffing-fixation, which has now tied me to yoda's apron strings, started on the matrix-pontification thread. I think the bros are going for .... *clonk* (note from Gg's unconscious: The consciousness of this individual has been, unplugged, temporarily, and will not be re-booted until he has nominalised his anomalies)

My other WTF movie is that stupid one with Roseanne where her husband leaves her for another woman, Roseanne becomes rich and seeks revenge, YUCK I can't even remember the name of it, I went to the cinema to see it and there was a blackout in that part of the city, They gave everyone a refund, I was rapt as I was thinking WTF I paid money for this!