The Ring

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I haven't seen the original so I can't compare which one is more impreccable.

I saw the movie with some of my friends and I enjoyed it very much. There were some creepy parts but I'm afraid it didn't scare me as much as I wanted it to. I noticed some copied camera angles from "The Sixth Sense" and "Halloween". Still, "The Ring" is impressive. One of the best movies of 2002 for me.

My rating: 3 out of 4 stars

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Haven't seen either one, but my buddy Jack sent me an e-mail to say it was really great, and a lot of the time he's right on target. If he recommends it, I usually go see it, sooner or later.

Just resaw video of "32 short selections by GlennGould"
Really really great film. Subtle and cool,


I saw this three weeks ago and was pretty impressed. While many of the individual elements are derivative, the core of the story holds up well and the atmosphere is powerful. The movie gets REALLY good at that point where you think it's going to end in a ho-hum way but then goes in the opposite direction. Considering other ways it could have ended, the finale is great while at the same time leaving the door open for sequels.


Husband and I went to see this tonight, and on the way home, he had about a million questions about things that hadn't been explained adequately, and I agreed. We both liked the movie, but felt like there really weren't enough answers. Is there anybody out there willing to talk to me about this? I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone, though.


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I just saw The Ring and I feel kind of dumb asking but an somebody explain the ending to me. I followed the movie mostly but the end didn't really click.

it was . . . most interesting

I watched the ring about a week ago, and I think it was a great movie but there were just some things I didn't understand:

1st: Where did the little girl come from? On the offical website, it said that Anna Morgan conceived from outside sources???

2nd: Why was Anna Morgan dressed in a victorian dress from the 1800's, instead of 1970's attire?

3rd: At the very end of the movie, when she made a copy of the tape, why did she ALSO have to SHOW SOMEONE ELSE? Why couldn't she just make a copy and put it on her shelf? The same goes for her son, why did he have to show someone else the copy he made? They could have just made the copy and put it on the shelf, right?

4th: At the end, the little boy was mad that his mom (the reporter) found Samara's dead body, why? Why did Samara go on killing after her body was found?

I know this is a lot of stuff, but I welcome people to respond to these questions, Thanx.
I'm so
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It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfections!

mattnoevil's Avatar
german warlord with a pinch of salt
>>ok...i've seen the movie twice, completely overanalyzed it, and i think i can answer your four questions.

1: where did samara come from? well, the doctor on the island said that no one knew for sure, but the common assumption was that samara was adopted by anna morgan and her husband. now, if you're wondering how samara was BORN...i have heard that samara's actual creation is going to be the main subject of the upcoming ring sequel. pretty cool, eh?

2: anna dressed victorian for effect more than anything, i would guess. in the newspaper pictures she is dressed in quite modern clothes...and only in the "scary tape" do we see her in victorian dress. i think either samara herself is a few hundred years old and that the dress reflects her own age...or maybe samara changed anna's appearance strictly for the creation of the video. who knows what kinds of powers she has. vhs tapes aren't the kind of thing i'd associate with ghostly powers in the first place

3: rachel and aidan both have to show the tape to other people, they can't just make a copy...and here's why: one common theme that rachel learns about is that samara "only wanted to be heard." if rachel were to only make a copy of the tape without showing it, samara won't have her "message" spread, and would probably stay angry at rachel and, well, kill her and make her all green with her eyes rolled back in her head and whatnot. not pretty.

4: ah, this was my favorite part. aidan freaks when he finds out rachel "saved" samara. during a lot of rachel's little hunt for the truth, she gradually decides that samara was really a good girl who was misunderstood and killed by her crazy parents. however, she is dead wrong. aidan knows something rachel does not: samara is in no way a good little girl. she is, in fact, purely evil, drove her parents to kill her with no other choice, and also drove them to kill themselves. sounds like a bad kid to me. also, could you really believe samara was a good girl if she kills naive teenagers who watch her video? didn't think so. so, bottom line: samara does not care if rachel "saved" her. had she not copied the video tape, she would have died like all the others. the fact that no one's living happily ever after is what is leading me to believe the sequel will be good.

>>hope i covered your questions sufficiently. if anyone has more questions about this movie...feel free to contact me.

>>oh, and my opinion of this movie? haven't seen the original japanese one or read the book, but i thought this movie/book/whatever was very well written with the brutal twists in the plot [that ending was kick-a$$]...and the director is viciously genius. the sounds, static, camera times they were the scariest part of the movie, i felt. example: "but rachel, i saw her face..." BAM!!!! [make loud screechy noise and go to scene of katie's body in the closet....hell yeah!] ok that's enough. bye.
.:[FAT ELEMENT]:. online

mattnoevil's Avatar
german warlord with a pinch of salt
>>just saw the orignal japanese version tonight. i don't care what you people say, i think the american remake was TONS better. fluffy? i think not. at least the dead bodies in the american version LOOKED DEAD...even without gore! i suddenly feel patriotic...
first of all, given that the movie was made in 1997, even the lowest-budget film production company could have come up with better special effects.
also, the plot was riddled with corny-beyond-corny explanations. psychics, "inhuman parents", "evil seas", and miscellaneous other crap in this movie that got way more laughs out of me than gasps when compared to the american version's simple, subtle, almost BELIEVABLE use of the classic disgruntled ghost. not only that, but some plot threads seemed to have no resolution [ie: the volcano]. bah!
there really was no supsense or thrill to the pursuit of the truth in this film either. it seems almost like the couple were simply looking for chezi's body and story because they had nothing better to do.
setting all this aside....the translations in the subtitles were borderline offensive. i know that many japanese phrases and dialects don't directly translate into english...but i've seen a decent amount of japanese films/programs that manage to find truly bilingual interpreters that make the speech believeable. how hard could it be for the producers of this movie to find a translater that would tell them that the english language conjugates verbs and that no one here says "was it you who made it come???" as opposed to simply asking if they popped in the tape?
>>bottom line, if you want to be true to your roots or something like that, then go ahead and see the orinal ring movie. if you feel you gotta do it, though, do it BEFORE you see the american remake. the imagery and terror factors are lightyears beyond the japanese version. if you just wanna see a truly chilling movie with and twisted plot with images that will stick in your head for years to come...just get the american one. also, watch it on the biggest screen possible with the best, loudest audio system as well. you'll hate me and thank yourself. your research with the original, and get the crap scared out of you with the yankee version

I liked the American more than the Japanese version. I've also seen Ring, Ring 2 and Ring 0. If I were to put them in order from best to worst, it'd be like this:

1. The Ring
2. Ring 0
3. Ring
4. Ring 2

I think that it's supposed to mean
Ring 0 = prequel
Ring = Ringu
Ring2 = Ringu sequel

Correct me if I'm wrong...

Lets put a smile on that block
Yeah i think Fox is right. I saw The Ring last night, and ive gotta say i was quite dissapointed. Ive seen Ringu, the japanese version but i was only half watching, i wasnt reading the subtitles, and without even reading what was going on, that scared me far more than the one i saw last night. So is Ring 0 and Ring 2 good films? do we find out a lot more about the story? or does it all just get a bit stupid?
I will say one thing about the film last night, the american version is filmed brilliantly, like SC said, the surrealism in this move is excellant and some of the shots are pretty amazing, like the Red tree against the sunset.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

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The Ring was one of the best in 2002.
Admin at Star Trek Realm

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The movie was made beautifully, full of suspense and creepiness. The ending fell far short, and left me upset. Perhaps I dont get it. Maybe someone can help me out.
I understand Samara was weird, but why did her mother kill her?
I mean she wanted a child so badly and then she kills it? Is samara a natural child or was she adopted? Everyone on the island agreed that she was no good, Why? what were those xray pictures she made all about? To end it all the only reason why the our main character survived is because she made a copy of the tape. Thats it!!!??? I'm sorry but I just dont get it.

If someone could explain it to me, I'd be grateful.


i watched this movie expecting absolute garbage just teeny suspense but i walked away from it thinking that i had actually watched a good movie

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I saw the great movie but didn't quite understand the ending.

I started to conect many parts of the movie but there are some things that I didn't quite understand...
Like :

WARNING: "The Ring" spoilers below
1)The end of the Tape is when Samara gets thrown to the well and " 7 " days after you see her coming out and killing you ? ?

2)Why did she create copies of the movie ?

3)Is the kid gonna die too ? or not because he was being part of the fact that Rachel was going to distribute the movie ?

4)Rachel didin't die cause : she helped Samara or distrubuted the movie to Noah ? If the first is true then Noah didn't have to die. If the second is true then the Motel Owner didn't die cause he distributed the movie (if he saw all his movies) ?

5)How did the kid knew all the stuff about the kid but Rachel didn't ?

6)Why did Becka become crazy if she didn't saw the tape ? And how did she knew that Rachel had 4 days left.

7)Why did Anna kill Samara ?

8)What the F@#$ do the Horses have to do ? " Suicide Horse " ? ?

Please someone that really understood the movie reply me and help me cause I think that I will not sleep until i get some answers, OK ?

I'll try and understand what you are asking, I'll tell you...

Well, 1) It took seven days for Samara to die in the well, so therfore you die in seven days the way she did.

2) She created a copy to give to Noah

3) The kid won't die because he created a copy of the tape, Samara's final message.

4) It's not the distribution, it's the acual physically copying of the tape, When rachael copied it, she was spreading the last words of Samara. Noah did not physically copy the tape, he had a copy, he didn't copy it!

5) The kid is freaky, i don't know why! (should look into it.)

6) Becka went crazy because she saw Samara come out of the TV and kill the other girl, remember what you were like when she came out, imagine being Noah...that's right!

7) Need to watch the movie again to find out, it should be in the movie...

8)The horses? I think the horse was scared of the presence of Samara which radiated off Rachael... Rachael, god I love that name, and Naomi Watts too!!!

Hope you get your rest. Want to talk more about the move, ask for my E-mail, or it is probably on here somewhere!
The only man who can decode the Complex Tapestry of Femanine Emotion!

how can anyone like this crap? the best thing of the movie was the girl comin out the TV cause it looked real other than that the movie sucked