Least favorite movie in your collection


Have been going through my collection and have given quite a few away to charity can't even think of any at the moment
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

BTW, if you do enjoy the truly terrible, may I suggest my last 'discovery'.

Birdemic: Shock And Terror

There is now a sequel on its way. I suppose this is the flipside to lots of people like myself, if you'll excuse the pun, 'flocking' to something like this.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
8 Legged Freaks

I was a member of a postal DVD club and I forgot to put an x in the box that tells you you don't want the monthly special, and I couldn't be bothered to send it back. I never even watched it. Just looking at David Arquette's face on the cover tells me all I need to know about this movie.

I would say Wishmaster 2. Enjoyed the first one but the second was one of the least satisfying sequels I've seen.


Good special effects. Story is riddled with cliches up the ace

Crazy Stupid Love

Harry Potter 1

BTW, if you do enjoy the truly terrible, may I suggest my last 'discovery'.

There is now a sequel on its way. I suppose this is the flipside to lots of people like myself, if you'll excuse the pun, 'flocking' to something like this.
Birdemic! Wow - I had the unfortunate pleasure of working with that Director once and he tried to scam me out of some money! Then a producer from Birdemic 2 just emailed me last week!!! Can't believe these movies exist! So funny.

I can't say that surprise me. I watched this with the RiffTrax on and my favourite line was during the opening credits; "Does this movie know it's a movie?"

two can keep a secret, if one of them is dead..
Least favorite in the collection? probably DeathProof. mind you, I have never really finished it. I reach about the half way point but then I generally end up falling asleep. Maybe I'll try watching it again?
for my personal blog: fireworkeyes-hauntedhearts.blogspot.com

for my movie reviews: letterboxd.com/raineotaku

^ Do because the second half of the film is the best.
I'll second that, the ending of the film is sorta the whole point.

Little miss sunshine and Due date, bought because of hype watched once now will sit on my shelf never to be watched again. moral of the tale will only buy films that I have seen and really like .

The Room. It is one of the worst movies I have seen. Lots of people love it because it is so bad, but once the initial shock and unintentional hilarity wears off, it truly becomes one of the biggest chores to watch.