Digital Film vs. Normal


Originally posted by Steve
Have you seen DVDs of movies shot on digital? Notice the graininess? The bland color schemes?.

For me? Never!!! My system gives me perfect picture and sound.

Actually, I've seen Bamboozled projected digitally at the Hoyts Potomac Yard 16. It was the first movie they showed with their digital projector. Since the movie was shot on mini-DV, it looked better than it would have if it were blown up to film. But the colors are still banal and lifeless, and sort of blurry. If the movie itself weren't framed so well, it would have looked like total ****. I think that digital movies should be projected on digital projectors, but film should not be touched and should remain at the eye of the art form.
**** the Lakers!

Here is a very good online article on the subject:,a=5629,00.asp

Personally, I like digital more, but I do realize that there are some drawbacks to digital as well as some tossups between the two technologies.
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

What a breathtakingly researched and well-defended argument you have made.
Yeah. He's a smart one...

I ain't taking a stance without seeing for myself...but my impression (and guess, for now) is that digital, when done right, can beat the snot outta regular film. I could be wrong. We shall see. Either way, it WILL be all-digital eventually. The only complaints with digital are complaints that can, and will, be corrected over time anyway. It's not the's just the current standards, from what I've heard.

Everything's going to be digital eventually...and for good reason. Obviously it's not as if digital images are incapable of looking crisper than film. It's just that the methods and technology used now may not.


My argument is not based on the fact that DLP looks crisper than film -- perhaps not when on film, but when everything is digitally projected (I agree with you there, too, it's the way that the world is going and soon, yes, it'll all be digital) it will be -- because DLP does look crisper than film.

And there, for me and countless others, lies the rub. Sure for huge summer blockbusters that look great with this crystal clear image -- but digital movies (now, anyway) cannot create the feel of film. It's not a question of crispness. Digital is crisper. But film has flaws and things that make it film. It gives a film character, and it suits some films, just as DLP suits some. Imperfection is sometimes perfection.

Am I making sense?

Meanwhile, jrs1013, you're not. Believe it or not I was being sarcastic. Just because you say something doesn't make it right. Wow. Amazing revelations...

Originally posted by The Silver Bullet
Meanwhile, jrs1013, you're not. Believe it or not I was being sarcastic. Just because you say something doesn't make it right. Wow. Amazing revelations...
All I was talking about was the difference about DLP and film and how good it is compared to film. People have their own opinion and I was expressing mine. Maybe I might have over did it. But , I still think DLP is the way to go......I agree with you though not with everything. THAT I never said.

In the theater I work at, I've tested out movies--- compared (not all just blockbusters like u said) and I kinda know what I am talking about when I say it's better.

By the way , I know you were being sarcastic......

Digital is crisper. But film has flaws and things that make it film. It gives a film character, and it suits some films, just as DLP suits some. Imperfection is sometimes perfection.
Yeah, that's what I thought. It's the "records still sound better than CDs" argument. I hate to sound cynical, but I don't buy it. I want a crisper film. Those little black flecks and dark lines that show up on film now and then are NOT all that endearing to me.

XetoxIc's Avatar
Just look at digital in the home use, I have a 57" digital flat screen tv with digital cable in one room and the picture is so clear then you go into my bed room with a fairly new 27" tv not digital and you can see a world of difference.

Digital is the way of the future!
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I hate to sound cynical, but I don't buy it.
I know that. I disagree is all.