The Human Centipede Review

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If that was true we'd still be using ketchup
I'm more talking about gore in the sense of Serbian Film and Human Centipede. Gore in the sense of making your audience feel icky. Any idiot can put their worst ideas of sadism in a film, just ask Eli Roth or anyone who's directed a Saw sequel.

Gore like Dead Alive (Brain Dead) is joyous fun, and it happens to be one of my favorite films.

EDIT: For the record, I don't think any films should be banned or that filmmakers should be restricted. I just don't like films that don't have anything interesting to say. The Human Centipede is, IMO, one of those films. Now, the sequel seems to have very interesting things to say about fans of the first film, though if I were a fan of the first film I'd be offended that Tom Six thinks I'm a sexual deviant who mastubates with sandpaper and has sex with barbed wire.

I have a legit question. If the film didn't exist but a mere painting of the "centipede" was made, what would you think? Personally I would find it much more interesting, hilarious, etc. but the film does give us that in a still, unfortunately we have more of the story.

Also I defended A Serbian Film to a level in its own thread so I'm not bringing that here

Also I think it's hilarious when people get seriously offended by a film this harmless

if I were a fan of the first film I'd be offended that Tom Six thinks I'm a sexual deviant who mastubates with sandpaper and has sex with barbed wire.
He doesn't think that about his fans,just one fictional fan is like is more likely that his fans think that about him.

I have a legit question. If the film didn't exist but a mere painting of the "centipede" was made, what would you think? Personally I would find it much more interesting, hilarious, etc. but the film does give us that in a still, unfortunately we have more of the story.

Also I defended A Serbian Film to a level in its own thread so I'm not bringing that here

Also I think it's hilarious when people get seriously offended by a film this harmless
God, I hope I don't sound offended by The Human Centipede. Do I? I'm more offended by it's dumbness than anything.

He doesn't think that about his fans,just one fictional fan is like is more likely that his fans think that about him.
Are you sure about that?

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I just think it's better to stimulate the mind than to try to turn the stomach. Pushing the boundries of gore in film is just filmmaker mastubation.
>implying the mind and body are somehow separate and not inextricably linked in every way

Gore is the real of the human body. Every time I see gore, I think about that. It's a rather power realization if you've ever tried to accept it. Gore is in you at this very moment, allowing you to be what you are. It asks why we are so disgusted by it and, even better, how some people are not affected by it at all, or even like it!
"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

>implying the mind and body are somehow separate and not inextricably linked in every way

Gore is the real of the human body. Every time I see gore, I think about that. It's a rather power realization if you've ever tried to accept it. Gore is in you at this very moment, allowing you to be what you are. It asks why we are so disgusted by it and, even better, how some people are not affected by it at all, or even like it!
Why do people pick one particular thing and beat it to death? Did you read anything else I posted?

The Human Centipede is an empty film that is poorly made and horribly constructed with no point. I don't give a crap abbout the gore, as I already said, Peter Jackson made some much more disgusting films that I love. It's when you take a sadistic premise and construct a really crappy movie around it that I get offended.

Gore is fun. I have a very strong stomach and a sick sense of humor. I can't understand why people complain about gore or extreme violence after seeing movies like this. It was your choice to watch, and you must have had some clue what it would be like.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

Isn't it harder and more valuable to engage a mind rather than upset a stomach?
Not necessarily. Your question is skewed, though; Body horror is as mentally fascinating for some people as overt psychological horror can be. Say, for example, the horror implicit in Inception: You remember the very real threat of madness that was suggested in the film? The horror of being stuck in limbo isn't so different from the horror of being "fastened to a dying animal".

After all, Inception could basically be seen as an action movie version of Cronenberg's EXistenZ, using dreams instead of video games as the central plot device. So it would be insulting to imply or say that fantasy/nightmare scenarios which appeal to me are "smarter". You get where this is going?

Yeah, I like gore in the right kind of movie. It can be funny when overused within a slapstick or black comedy. Or simply unintentionally funny when done badly in an old exploiter. It can also be used to shock the audience if used sparingly within an otherwise restrained suspenseful movie. So yeah, I like it too.

Then there's films like this which Nausicaä quoted from the BBFC: -

Examples of this include a scene early in the film in which he masturbates whilst he watches a DVD of the original Human Centipede film, with sandpaper wrapped around his penis, and a sequence later in the film in which he becomes aroused at the sight of the members of the ‘centipede’ being forced to defecate into one another’s mouths, culminating in sight of the man wrapping barbed wire around his penis and raping the woman at the rear of the ‘centipede’.

There is little attempt to portray any of the victims in the film as anything other than objects to be brutalised, degraded and mutilated for the amusement and arousal of the central character, as well as for the pleasure of the audience. There is a strong focus throughout on the link between sexual arousal and sexual violence and a clear association between pain, perversity and sexual pleasure.
Now that just ain't my idea of a good time...I personally think anyone who gets off on stuff like that has got a screw loose. On the flip side, I don't agree with censorship so people should have the freedom to choose whether or not they watch it.

I can't understand why people complain about gore or extreme violence after seeing movies like this. It was your choice to watch, and you must have had some clue what it would be like.
I do now...and I won't be watching

Anyway, since the subject came up, relevant to HC, I'd just like to repeat what I've said elsewhere about horror in general:

For me, horror is more about feelings than ideas. While individual movies can certainly have clever or dumb premises and plots (which is still a matter of opinion), I think horror is essentially about touching something primal and wordless. The extent to which a film accomplishes that is largely subjective. Hitchcock's The Birds got under my skin too, and it was a very classy example of horror, many would agree.

Part of that was the vague fearful possibility deep in the back of my mind...of eyes being gouged out, in that instance, by beaks.

I also have friends who thought The Birds was dumb and silly.

Horror is, by its nature, very personal.

If you watch the movie in reverse, its a nice man trying to seperate 3 people.