The Sequel List


I don't think I missed this on your list.

I take it Near Dark (2008), is a remake of the Near Dark (1987) . . .

Adrian Pasdar ... Caleb Colton
Jenny Wright ... Mae
Lance Henriksen ... Jesse Hooker
Bill Paxton ... Severen
Jenette Goldstein ... Diamondback

Tell me it isn't so!

p.s. Gummo, do what?!?

Originally Posted by Filmstalker via
Despite recent comments from producer Don Murphy and director Michael Bay, it appears Paramount has set June 29, 2009 as the release date for Transformers 2. It's still a long while off, which means anything can happen, but Paramount doesn't seem concerned about the impending Hollywood strike, and wants everyone to know they're moving ahead with a sequel to one of this year's top grossing films. As it sits right now, its only competition will be coming from the animated Ice Age III , which is scheduled to arrive in theaters over the July 4th weekend in 2009.
Source: Filmstalker (via

I do not want to see any remakes of Alfred Hitchcock movies NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

I'd love to see Eddie start cursing and shooting again! BHC IV could be rock-a-locking!
Ace 3 with JC23 would be cool.
Apparently Singer's been told to put more action in Superman Returns Returns by the bad men in the big suits.
As for Spider-Man 4?Go webs go!
Any word on the next bond?
Little Fockers yes, Night @ the Museum 2 notsomuch.

Where's my Serenity sequel? Did Joss leave it in his other utility belt? I think if there's an X4 he should direct(if only to make up for his horrible "Do you know what happens to Toads when they get struck by lightning" line.

Star Trek 11 supposedly headed by J.J Abrams and starring Zachary Quinto(Sylar from Heroes) as Spock.
And lo the whispering wanderer weeps
what whit to whom did my life keep?

Sorry for the slack. here is some of the latest news.

Jackass: Number Three
Status: in the works.


The news according to the Hollywood Reporter is that MGM is backing a remake of the 1980s musical 'Fame' with '300' producer Mark Canton and Lakeshore Entertainment, MGM COO Rick Sands.

The $25 million "Fame" remake is slated to hit theaters in summer 2008 and will be based on the Alan Parker film set at the New York Academy of Performing Arts, which starred Irene Cara and Debbie Allen and launched a generation of wannabe performers.

Knight Rider

NBC is planning to bring back "Knight Rider". Plan is to put together as two-hour pilot for the project with plans to air later this season. The Bourne Identity helmer Doug Liman is set to produce and is open to the idea of directing the pilot, which if all things go well could become a series as early as next fall.

The Day the Earth Stood Still

Twentieth Century Fox has staked out a Christmas 2008 release date for its upcoming remake of the classic SF movie The Day the Earth Stood Still.

Starring Keanu Reeves, the filmwas originally slated for May 9, but the film hasn't begun production yet, with potential strikes looming in Hollywood. It will update Robert Wise's 1951 original, about the visit of an alien who warns the Earth to change its violent ways or face destruction.

The movie, which will star Keanu Reeves, was originally slated for May 9, but the film hasn't begun production yet, with potential strikes looming in Hollywood. It will update Robert Wise's 1951 original, about the visit of an alien who warns the Earth to change its violent ways or face destruction.

D-Wars 2

Oh and one more thing, God help me..... director Shim Hyung-rae's D-WAR, has received a proposal to shoot a sequel. It's targeting a summer 2009 release date.

There's said to be a Wonder Woman movie around 2009
And 1-18-08 (Godzilla) released 1st 18th 2008, apparently.

I can't wait for the Wolverine film either.
It's mercy, compassion, and forgiveness I lack. Not rationality.

Hellraiser Remake in 2008

It's been in the rumblings for a while, but finally there is progress on the talked about remake of Clive Barker's Hellraiser. The horror website is reporting that French filmmakers Alexandre Bustillo and Julien Maury are the two who will be helming the remake for Dimension Films.

No real details are known about the remake, but from the sounds of the reviews of Bustillo's and Maury's first film titled Inside (À l'intérieur) making waves within the horror community, these two could not be a better choice. Hopefully this will turn into a remake to really watch out for.

Look for the remake sometime in 2008. Release date subject to change.


Crank 2 to Start Filming April 2008

Jason Statham is most definitely leading Crank 2, the sequel to Crank, according to the film-makers Brian Taylor and Mark Neveldine who will be directing this sequel.

Hopefully by now you've heard the buzz that a sequel, Crank 2, is already in the works, despite what happens to the main character at the end. Crank writers/directors Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor are currently out shooting their other film The Game, but the plans are to start shooting Crank 2 early next year. Still not excited? A recent interview with Mark and Brian spills some details and now it's starting to sound a whole lot better.

"Crank 2 will pick up exactly where Crank one ends," says Taylor. "It's a true sequel. Jason Statham will return. It's not a prequel, it's not his brother, it's not a dream sequence. He will [scrape himself off the floor]".

The British website Empire conducted the recent interview and it's certainly one worth talking about. As with any sequel like this, everyone's always wondering how or what, especially with Crank's ending. Will it be a prequel? Will it be a flashback? The answer is no, it will be a straight sequel. How, you ask?

You can read the full interview here.

Crank 2 is set to start shooting on April 25, 2008.

Source: via Empire Online

Terminator to Return 2009?

The film will be titled just Terminator with a subtitle (like "Rise of the Machines"), not with the number 4. This isn't that revealing, except that the marketing strategy they're trying to go with is starting from complete scratch. Given that The Halcyon Company bought the rights entirely last year, it's obvious their strategy is to start from scratch without really continuing Terminator 3.

The story will focus on John Connor and Kate Brewster organizing the surviving humans to resist Skynet's army of robots. It will take place after the apocalypse and likely feature the "origin" story of terminators - "the first time a human looking robot is used to infiltrate the ranks of people." T4 will feature a new hero, explaining "Ben-Hur was influenced by Jesus Christ, but it was his story. Much in that way, this character will be influenced by John Connor."

Unfortunately Nick Stahl and Claire Danes will not return

The production company anticipates that Terminator 4 will be ready for release sometime in 2009, if not earlier depending on if and when everything comes together. The script is being written by Michael Ferris and John D. Brancato, who co-wrote Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, and no official director has been chosen yet.

The Halcyon Company will be producing a complete trilogy of new Terminator films.


Fast and the Furious 4

Acording to The Hollywood Reporter, Vin Diesel and Paul Walker are in negotiations to reunite for the fourth installment of Universal's "Fast and the Furious" franchise.

Justin Lin and Chris Morgan, who were behind "Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift," are returning to directing and writing duties, while Neal Moritz will produce the as-yet-untitled installment through Diesel's One Race Films banner. The story line is being kept under wraps. A spring start is anticipated with shooting in Los Angeles, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter via

Scream 4 On the Way

Scream 4 has been officially greenlit by the Weinstein Company, almost eight years after the last installment was released in theaters. No other details have been given out, other than the official announcement from the Weinsteins:

"The Scream franchise has become a cult classic. Together, all three movies have grossed over $300 million at the box office, just in the United States alone. The fans have been asking for a 4th Scream movie for years and we're finally giving it to them. As far as details go, we're only in the planning stages and we may not get around to it [Scream 4] for quite some time, but rest assured, it will happen."

Will the original cast be returning? "We've just entered the planning stages of Scream 4. There isn't even a script right now.


Fast and the Furious 4

Acording to The Hollywood Reporter, Vin Diesel and Paul Walker are in negotiations to reunite for the fourth installment of Universal's "Fast and the Furious" franchise.

Justin Lin and Chris Morgan, who were behind "Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift," are returning to directing and writing duties, while Neal Moritz will produce the as-yet-untitled installment through Diesel's One Race Films banner. The story line is being kept under wraps. A spring start is anticipated with shooting in Los Angeles, Mexico and the Dominican Republic.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter via


Michael Bay s Platinum Dunes production company have named a director for their new take on the 1987 vampire film Near Dark. Music video director Samuel Bayer (Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, Green Day’s “Bullet with a Bible”).

The film is to released sometime in 2008, though date is subject to change.

New Line studio has put writers Damian Shannon and Mark Swift (Freddy vs Jason) on the job to remake of the second Friday the 13th movie, being produced by Michael Bay's Platinum Dunes Production Company.

Paramount released the original "Friday" in 1980, making Jason -- the unstoppable hockey mask-wearing killer -- a horror icon, though the serial killer made only a brief appearance in the final frames of the first movie and never killed anyone. Jason didn't even don the famous mask until the third movie.

The second movie, which came out a year later was the first full-on Jason-with-a-machete flick. It didn't take place in Camp Crystal Lake (the setting of the original film) but at the camp right next to it. This movie places Jason at the camp, so it seems to me it's much closer to the second story than the first. There wasn't much substance to these original films, a "remake" really doesn't qualify as a term for this... maybe "re-hash" is a more accurate description.

This one will focus on Jason -- who will wear the mask and kill -- and keep the famous setting of Crystal Lake.

Source: Hollywood Reporter

martian leader's Avatar
RightUpTheLittleTramps@ss !

The brazillion job!! Can't wait!!

martian leader
Arnie Cunningham - All of this because some drunk ran over that sh*tter Welch?

Arnie Cunningham- Right up the little tramps @ss!