Which One Is More Dangerous?


Which One Do You Think Is More Dangerous?
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I think they're both bad for you and the people around you… but if I have to pick between the two, I'd have to go with alcohol… I've seen how much damage a drunk can do one too many times….
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I've seen the harm that both smoking and drinking can cause the person and the people around them. I chose smoking because I have had a number of relatives die due to lung cancer or heart disease due to smoking. On the other hand I have seen the long term effects of alcohol addiction around the homeless shelter.

Smoking is not only harmful to the smoker. Ever heard of sidestream smoking? secondhand smoking? passive smoking? involuntary smoking? environmental smoking? Although drinking can cause all sorts of social/behavioral problems, I believe that the drinker (irresponsible) is more to blame that drinking itself. My vote is smoking.

Smoking is not only harmful to the smoker. Ever heard of sidestream smoking? secondhand smoking? passive smoking? involuntary smoking? environmental smoking? Although drinking can cause all sorts of social/behavioral problems, I believe that the drinker (irresponsible) is more to blame that drinking itself. My vote is smoking.
If we accept your view, then smokers have no responsibility for their smoking

Addiction is addiction no matter the drug
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Speaking as a smoker and a drinker - I know I am responsible for my behaviours. I take important precausions around non smokers and non drinkers. Since the smoking bilaw in Ontario- no smoking indoors in public places and smoking in designated areas outdoors in some instances, I have also chosen not to smoke indoors at home. The only harm I cause now is to myself and to the environment...As for drinking I drink responsibly at bars or at friend's homes. I don't even have a car or a license so me getting behind the wheel is out of the question. I may do stupid things occationally but it's more humiliating to myself than to others.

Drinking responsibly and in reasonable limits can benefit a person's health all around, lower blood pressure, relieve stress, etc. Smoking is not beneficial to your health at all, even if you smoke outside, alone, etc. It hurts you. Drinking is only dangerous to yourself if you get so completely baligerant and can't remember a thing, or drive or hurt other people verbally, emotionally, physically, etc. Or develop an addiction and end up hurting your liver, pancreas, etc.

So I think the big question here is, which is worse, being an alcoholic or smoking?

Maybe I don't make sense, I dunno.

So I think the big question here is, which is worse, being an alcoholic or smoking?
Yes I think that is the question, I think
We are all responsible for our actions!, I find most smokers like you gummy girl very responsible, so are most drinkers, but when addiction takes over especially related to drinking sensibility is thrown out of the window, getting your drug (Alcohol) is the most important issue, then stupid things happen. Addiction can happen to anyone, i consider myself lucky to not be addicted to anything except MoFo

Maybe I don't make sense, I dunno.
You make a lot of sense

If we accept your view, then smokers have no responsibility for their smoking

Addiction is addiction no matter the drug
I see your point.

crazed out movie freak
Drugs are bad mmmm k
"Aim high, it costs no more to shoot at eagles then it does to shoot at skunks"