What are your 2024 movie/show watching goals?


Idk, probably just do more of the same. Right now, I'm using curated lists which match my taste and attempting to watch every film listed on them. This is working out really well for me so far, so I'll probably just continue it. Here's what I'm currently working through:


Also, since I've watched several hundred short films over the past year and a half, I'm currently working on arranging them into a top 100 which I'll probably post here sometime in the next couple months.
Are the short films that you watch mostly older ones or more recent or do you watch a mix of old and new?

Are the short films that you watch mostly older ones or more recent or do you watch a mix of old and new?
A mix of old and new. Here are a couple sources which I've found beneficial:



I've seen everything on both lists except for one short which I can't find anywhere.

My plan is to keep doing what I've done for a while, only making it better because of decreasing pandemic concerns. For me, that means getting my butt in the seat in a real movie theater on a weekly basis. Live audiences have been increasing and last weekend, our favorite dinner venue, a food hall downtown, was busy enough to require us to look for an unoccupied table. That's good news.

As for movies in my own HT, that continues unabated, so not much change needed there.

I forgot the opening line.
My plan for 2024 is for me to have watched enough films on my watchlist to at least knock the total back by 150 (possibly too ambitious.) The only problem is every time I log on to MoFo I usually end up reading about a film I just have to see, and my watchlist goes back up again. Anyway - my watchlist thread is here for anyone interested. I include a review of each film I knock off in order.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

My goal is 1 2024 movie a week on average. Since I've shown some real curiosity in Night Swim, I think I'm gonna go see it to kickstart it. After that, I'll look for a couple direct-to-streaming movies to get a head start.

Idk, probably just do more of the same. Right now, I'm using curated lists which match my taste and attempting to watch every film listed on them. This is working out really well for me so far, so I'll probably just continue it. Here's what I'm currently working through:


Also, since I've watched several hundred short films over the past year and a half, I'm currently working on arranging them into a top 100 which I'll probably post here sometime in the next couple months.

Do you know what determined the order of the list? Surprised to see Woman in the Dunes at #10.

Do you know what determined the order of the list? Surprised to see Woman in the Dunes at #10.
I think it might just be the personal favorites of the user who created it. It wasn't a case of numerous ballots being tallied up. Either way, my goal for these lists is to watch everything listed on them, so rankings usually aren't that much of a concern for me.

My goal is to watch more documentaries.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi​