

Speaking of: Mike are there TWO of you?

and dont worry.....it took me, oh.......two or three days to figure out Slay was a man, what with the groovy chicks in the avatar!
something witty goes here......

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
"We're both men, Michael. I can understand your confusion though...you were awfully drunk that night. "

what, Michael, you were drunk, and you didn't tell me?

Hello Salem, my name's Winifred. What's yours
Welcome Pimp, didn't know you were gone, but welcome anyways.
In the effort of the being niceness program i made you.....

...a bundt cake
Click image for larger version

Name:	bundt.JPG
Views:	264
Size:	14.4 KB
ID:	3936  

Welcome to MOFO's!
Enjoy your stay!!

(200 posts!!!!)

HellboyUnleashed's Avatar
May The Forks be With Us
Originally Posted by undercoverlover
Welcome Pimp, didn't know you were gone, but welcome anyways.
In the effort of the being niceness program i made you.....

...a bundt cake
"An Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
-Ben Kingsley, GHANDI

"Snozberries taste like snozberries"

Hellboy brought up a good point. I don't want neg. reps unless you think I deserve them. I am trying to not get them. PimpDaShizzle V1.0 would like them though.

I would also like to thank everyone for giving me another chance. I am sincere. I think I found the happy place in between ripping peoples faces off and petting small mammals. Happy holidays.

Watch me do the robot...
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

Originally Posted by chicagofrog
"We're both men, Michael. I can understand your confusion though...you were awfully drunk that night. "

what, Michael, you were drunk, and you didn't tell me?
i never get drunk, never plan to, and never will, same with narcotics of any kind

Originally Posted by Mack
Speaking of: Mike are there TWO of you?

and dont worry.....it took me, oh.......two or three days to figure out Slay was a man, what with the groovy chicks in the avatar!
two of me?? there is another Michaelmyers on Mofo...
Originally Posted by Lord Slaytan
We're both men, Michael. I can understand your confusion though...you were awfully drunk that night.
if that happened, "then you are a petefile, and i'm not spening one more minute around a pervert..." (Family Guy)

Originally Posted by mack
Speaking of: Mike are there TWO of you?
we are to different people with names almost exactly the same.
and welcome back pimp
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Welcome back, Pimp.
Glad to see you new and improved.

Glad we got the Michael Meyers thing out in the open. I thought it was one guy who couldn't decide between to av's.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

maybe i should just change my name, of course, then i would loose all my hard earned rep...

Randomly visiting for now
If you keep with the same avatar most ppl know its you and you get to keep your rep. Welcome back pimp (reps for sticking it out dude)

Originally Posted by Michael_myers
maybe i should just change my name, of course, then i would loose all my hard earned rep...
Spooky is right. I only notice it is you when I see your avatar. The other michael likes to change his around.

Arresting your development
If your are willing...please change the name.
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by PimpDaShizzle V2.0
There's two of you. How bout' em' apples? You guys should fight for the name. To the death.
Damn, Clone Wars!

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Michael_myers
maybe i should just change my name, of course, then i would loose all my hard earned rep...
I will make a thread introducing your new name and campaign for you to get rep for making the change, if you change it. You guys both post good stuff, so it's pretty confusing this way.

or... fight to the death. It's good, clean fun either way!

i dont really mind having the same name. and yeah escape i get bored with just one avatar im always changing it.

ps. Michael if you wanan fight to the death im ready

It's funny. When I first came to this board, I also applied for the name untill of course I noticed it was already taken. But seeing that the michael with the pumpkin is a fan of all the halloween movies, and the michael with the changing avatar is only a fan of the first two. I will have to say michael #2 should step down on the account that he only likes michael
2 out of the 7 movies, shown in this site, (of course not including halloween 3) that he has appeared in.

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by Parky
Can a Mod not change the name for you, and allow you to keep your rep?
A mod could change all our avatars into a big pile of poo!
They have the juice card, the technology...