Are You Psychic? Take My Test.


You did! Budapest.

You have the power, Gunslinger.

To psychically predict that during a Universal Psychic Blackout... that is very strong. That is very, VERY strong. Do try to predict some other things for us.

Would you like a job at my Psychic Friends Network?

I wanted to answer gasoline, but for the seventh question!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I wanted to answer gasoline, but for the seventh question!
We all have degrees of psychic power.

Unfortunately, the Universal Psychic Blackout causes confusion with one's psychic abilities.

It's strange that Sexy Celebrity didn't guess any.
Well, he's not psychic.

And guessed the MoFo's top just thanks to sheer luck or logical assumption?

And guessed the MoFo's top just thanks to sheer luck or logical assumption?
The answers came to him in a dream. That's different than being psychic. Anybody can see the future if you dream it. Being psychic, though, is a 24/7 thing.

Here's my little test. I am thinking about food. What is it?

Any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth.

nourishment - fare - nutriment - aliment - pabulum

(Sorry if looking this up counts as cheating.)

I do think it's freaky that a lot of people thought that the man's name I was thinking of was Steve. Steve is the name of a friend of mine who died this week. That's probably his way of saying hello from the other side.

False prophet!

About the name, I'd say Bob. It's so simple yet beautiful name. Bob.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
You did! Budapest.

You have the power, Gunslinger.

To psychically predict that during a Universal Psychic Blackout... that is very strong. That is very, VERY strong. Do try to predict some other things for us.
I was going to say Budapest, but saw Gunslinger had it and changed it. Actually Gunslinger and I posted at the same time in that story thread and the posts were very similar. Maybe he and I have a psychic connection. Freaky.

Are you sure you weren't thinking of lime green Jello? For some reason, I felt very strongly about lime green Jello.

I was going to say Budapest, but saw Gunslinger had it and changed it. Actually Gunslinger and I posted at the same time in that story thread and the posts were very similar. Maybe he and I have a psychic connection.
Yes! You two do. It is because in a past life, you and he were brother and sister.

That sounds creepy. *shivers*

i was going to say budapest, but saw gunslinger had it and changed it. Actually gunslinger and i posted at the same time in that story thread and the posts were very similar. Maybe he and i have a psychic connection. Freaky.

Are you sure you weren't thinking of lime green jello? For some reason, i felt very strongly about lime green jello.
get out of my head!