In the mood for love

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Originally Posted by Golgot
Tuna, is your dvd melting, or just your keyboard? If your dvd is giving you grief, that's a shame, coz this is a smoothly framed movie - needs to be seen in all it's sheeny-ness.

Erm, and Jackie, if that question about rating was to me, i give it five kipper ties and three silk shirts . It's a wardrobe's worth of good film (might even knock your pants off )
That is not what I meant but thanks anyway!LOL!I better wear a skirt when I watch it so I don't get my pant knocked off!)LOL!
Anyway I just want to know if I can rate it!Is it Rated Pg-13 or R?
I am talking to anyone who knows but yu can answear if you like!See you around!JM
Jackie Malfoy
Favorite Movie of all time:Star Wars!
Online offline boyfriend:AdarkSideJedi(brad)
Other Sites I belong and and Adult!

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by Jackie Malfoy
Anyway I just want to know if I can rate it!Is it Rated Pg-13 or R?
I am talking to anyone who knows but yu can answear if you like!
I believe it's PG. It's a beautiful movie...and one you can enjoy with your parents.

Tuna's Avatar
Anyone else catch the 2046 on the door?
Boards don't hit back

there's a frog in my snake oil
Erm, it's been too long already. I remember being a bit confused by a section with people moving in and out concerning the numbers - but basically - no. Why, is it some bizarre reference to a flat FF Coppola lived in when he learning movement techniques from pet lizards? Tell all
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

I believe he is refering to "2046", the title of Wong Kar Wai's upcoming film.
"I know a man who was born with his heart on the outside. Every man's worst fear, he also had heavy hands. he couldn't touch his lovers face, he couldn't hold a baby." - Buck 65

I just finished watching In the Mood for Love and am feeling quite sad right now. I think Kong hit the nail on the head by saying it had a beautiful and haunting ending, I’m certainly haunted by it. This is an exceptional movie.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

there's a frog in my snake oil
That movie made me wake up and smell the coffee alright. Good to find a movie that can really affect you and change you.

WARNING: "In the Mood for Love" spoilers below
"Seize the day" we all say, but it takes a realised life-stream like this to make you really appreciate the sadness or gladness we can make for ourselves.

That final bit with the dusty window was just perfect. Or at least, i seem to remember the final poem/thoughts that went with it summed up the sentiment perfectly. Haunting stuff indeed. The ghosts of pasts we should have lived - and even the one we have

Despite the praise everybody likes to pile upon In the Mood for Love, I've got to say that despite being nice to look at, it really didn't do anything for me at all.

Originally Posted by Golgot
You're not old enough yet
Oh God, don't get him started.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Ah, if he starts shooting off we can always pay a werewolf to bite him That's how it works isn't it?

I know, I know. I'm resurrecting a very old thread. This is the only thread I could find for this wonderful movie and I didn't want to start a new thread just to make a couple of comments about this film. So, if this offends the moderators/owners then please delete this post and this thread will sink back into its proper timeline.

Anyhow, I just want to say how much I like this movie. I saw it a long time ago but just watched it again, and I must say that just watching the very elegant Maggie Cheung walk is a great pleasure. What a sleek beauty she is. And, even though I'm a guy, I really love all the different dresses she wears. I'm a fan of Wong Kar-wai, having seen several of his movies, especially ChungKing Express and 2046, along with a couple others.

The originator of this thread did a great review so I won't repeat any of that here.

Oh, we don't mind thread resurrections here. I know it's verboten on other sites but I've never understood why.

Resurrection always seemed better to me than starting a new thread. It keeps all similar posts/thoughts in one place.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Resurrection always seemed better to me than starting a new thread. It keeps all similar posts/thoughts in one place.
I loved In the Mood For Love....My glowing review Link Don't worry that link is to a thread here on MoFo.

I loved In the Mood For Love....My glowing review Link Don't worry that link is to a thread here on MoFo.
I just read it. Thank you.

(I wonder why that didn't show up in a search ???)

Default search searches for titles. Advance search lets you search whatever.

For reviews, though, you can go to the Reviews area and search for all tagged reviews of a given film (which in turn have links to where they were posted so you can find surrounding discussion):

Thanks boss!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just read it. Thank you.

(I wonder why that didn't show up in a search ???)
In The Mood For Love was also a nomination in the 15th Hall of Fame here at MoFo. It placed 6th out of 11 movie nominations. I don't know if you're interested, but here's a link to the 15th Hall of Fame. The members reviews (including In The Mood For Love) are on the 1st post with links to the reviews.