Star Trek...A Journey with TOS, TNG, DSN, VOY, ENT


Oops! Still not right! Original Crew, yes! But not from "The Original Series"... the giveaway is Scotty's grey hair & mustache!

P.S. Sorry for what I've done to your thread.

Trouble with a capital "T"
You know when you posted that I couldn't figure out what you meant by 'fun with color'. Then the next day it dawned on my that the crew's uniforms were white in ST The Motion Picture. But what really struck me about that photo is look at Ilea's head it's photoshoped on. I mean those look like her legs and body but the neck is really thick and the head small in proportion.

You know when you posted that I couldn't figure out what you meant by 'fun with color'. Then the next day it dawned on my that the crew's uniforms were white in ST The Motion Picture. But what really struck me about that photo is look at Ilea's head it's photoshoped on. I mean those look like her legs and body but the neck is really thick and the head small in proportion.
You can cross check by looking up images for ST-TMP. There were several similar group shots like this one that were unaltered. My only guess is perhaps trying to fill in color to the costumes behind Ilia made her head appear to shrink a bit.

Sorry to post "out of order", but this quizzical little observation occurred to me while catching a few moments of ST-VOY while channel surfing the other day...

Did anyone ever notice that Chakotay's face tattoo over his left eye is the same relative size, shape and has the same placement as Seven-of-Nine's cybernetic implant over her left eye? Kind of weird, isn't it? (Could ancient native Americans have been visited by the Borg?)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Sorry to post "out of order", but this quizzical little observation occurred to me while catching a few moments of ST-VOY while channel surfing the other day...

Did anyone ever notice that Chakotay's face tattoo over his left eye is the same relative size, shape and has the same placement as Seven-of-Nine's cybernetic implant over her left eye? Kind of weird, isn't it? (Could ancient native Americans have been visited by the Borg?)
Chakotay said he had the facial tattoo to honor his tribe, if memory serves me. I'm not up to Voyager yet. I'm on season 3 of Star Trek original series. People seem not to like season 3 but some of my favorite episodes in the last season.

I'm listening to Sci-Fi Old Time Radio and the most bizarre thing... a classic Star Trek episode narrated by a man with a U.K. accent interspersed with sound clips; music, sound effects and dialogue direct from the show. TOS.

Now thats over and now a similar thing... but with The Twilight Zone

Also a Star Trek fan. Started watching in the 90's the TNG where I first discovered Star Trek. But watched the episodes sporadically and never finished the entire show.
Then another successful one was Deep Space Nine which I almost finished And I consider it the best one from all series. Never watched the Original series, but I've seen the movies.
The only one which I finished watching is Star Trek Voyager which was interesting but not like DS9.
Enterprise was again interesting but they quit after 4 seasons. Don't know why, I remember it was quite successful though.
Don't like what they did with Discovery - too many parallel universes there.
Have to say that after Voyager - didn't like what Alex Kurtzman did with Star Trek, but apparently Strange New Worlds is quite a success.
I was and I will always be a "space opera" fan I watched many of them. Also liked Babylon 5 or lately The Expanse which is quite a great show.

Thinking of watching DS9 all over again (and also finish it) since Netflix has them all waiting to be seen Excepting Discovery and Strange New Worlds.

"We enjoy the night, the darkness, where we can do things that aren’t acceptable in the light.
Night is when we slake our thirst."
~ William Hill ~

Don't like what they did with Discovery - too many parallel universes there.
Couldn't agree more! Discovery made the Mirror Universe a regular part of the show (swapping regular characters with their Mirror counterparts as running subplots).
The Mirror Universe was great as a one-off in TOS & ENT (and even the fan-made Star Trek Continues made a sequel to the original episode), but too much of a good thing is not always a good thing.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hey @Gwildor welcome to all things Star Trek thread It's always good to have another Star Trek fan here.

I just finished watching all of the original series and hope to write up my overall thoughts shortly. I'm also a big fan of TNG, DSN, Voyager and Enterprise...and Babylon 5 too. I've never seen Discovery and not really interested in it. I'm considering watching Strange New Worlds as I keep hearing good things about it.

Couldn't agree more! Discovery made the Mirror Universe a regular part of the show (swapping regular characters with their Mirror counterparts as running subplots).
The Mirror Universe was great as a one-off in TOS & ENT (and even the fan-made Star Trek Continues made a sequel to the original episode), but too much of a good thing is not always a good thing.
Indeed. In general I liked everything made by Gene Roddenberry but also what Rick Berman & Michael Piller achieved/ or Rick Berman & Brannon Braga, but not an Alex Kurtzman fan though.
But as I mentioned, ST - Strange New Worlds is a great show. I've seen it so far, just wait to see what happens next.

Hey @Gwildor welcome to all things Star Trek thread It's always good to have another Star Trek fan here.

I just finished watching all of the original series and hope to write up my overall thoughts shortly. I'm also a big fan of TNG, DSN, Voyager and Enterprise...and Babylon 5 too. I've never seen Discovery and not really interested in it. I'm considering watching Strange New Worlds as I keep hearing good things about it.
Strange New Worlds is the best thing that came out after Enterprise so far, which was too short I think.
I've seen Babylon 5 Watched all seasons ! Interesting story creaded by J. Michael Straczynski - pretty unique !

Hey @Gwildor welcome to all things Star Trek thread It's always good to have another Star Trek fan here.

I just finished watching all of the original series and hope to write up my overall thoughts shortly. I'm also a big fan of TNG, DSN, Voyager and Enterprise...and Babylon 5 too. I've never seen Discovery and not really interested in it. I'm considering watching Strange New Worlds as I keep hearing good things about it.
Hi Rules,
Did you suffer through the entire episode of The Alternative Factor?
I can't stand that episode and can no longer sit through it.

P.S. I followed Babylon 5 until they switched the Captain or Commander (or whatever they called him). People say it got better than the early parts that I watched, but for someone who doesn't like having to "follow" shows, switching the main character was enough for me to check it off my list.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Strange New Worlds is the best thing that came out after Enterprise so far, which was too short I think.
I've seen Babylon 5 Watched all seasons ! Interesting story creaded by J. Michael Straczynski - pretty unique !
Yeah, sad that Enterprise didn't go a full 7 seasons. I see Strange New Worlds can be streamed on Paramount+ channel, so I'll have to give it a go. It's got to be better than that horrible Picard series, did you see that?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hi Rules,
Did you suffer through the entire episode of The Alternative Factor?
I can't stand that episode and can no longer sit through it.
Ha, I'm OK with that episode, but just OK. Think I might do a recap of my best and worst STTOS episodes when I'm awake. Right now I'm just typing but not thinking, too tired.

P.S. I followed Babylon 5 until they switched the Captain or Commander (or whatever they called him). People say it got better than the early parts that I watched, but for someone who doesn't like having to "follow" shows, switching the main character was enough for me to check it off my list.
I'm with you on that. I always liked the first commander much better...and I liked the red headed Psi Corp woman much better than the blonde who replaced her.

P.S. I followed Babylon 5 until they switched the Captain or Commander (or whatever they called him). People say it got better than the early parts that I watched, but for someone who doesn't like having to "follow" shows, switching the main character was enough for me to check it off my list.
Here is why Michael Straczynski changed Michael O'Hare with Bruce Boxleitner (which was a pretty good choice)

Yeah, sad that Enterprise didn't go a full 7 seasons. I see Strange New Worlds can be streamed on Paramount+ channel, so I'll have to give it a go. It's got to be better than that horrible Picard series, did you see that?
Yes, I've seen Picard - I liked the first season, then after that they kinda went nuts with the Borg Queen lol Couldn't continue watching that show

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yes, I've seen Picard - I liked the first season, then after that they kinda went nuts with the Borg Queen lol Couldn't continue watching that show
I watched all of the first season and it didn't have the heart and ethics of the Star Trek I love so I didn't bother with the second season.

Here is why Michael Straczynski changed Michael O'Hare with Bruce Boxleitner (which was a pretty good choice)

Wow. That was an interesting video! I never knew any of that stuff.
(Very sad, though. I didn't even know he had died).

Not that I really remember Michael O'Hare's acting, but looks-wise, he reminded me of Scott Bakula (Captain Archer from Enterprise).
