Superior Sequels


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I wonder, does anyone think Ivan the Terrible Part Two is a superior sequel to it's first? I've always thought that although the second film is great and it's color sequence is just plain amazing, that part one really gave us more of a real sense to the people were seeing and aspect of the setting. Both wonderful films though, Eisenstein was a genious.

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
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since most of you already know the american superior sequels i'll just name the Superior asian movie sequels

Drunken Master 2 (which in America is called "Legend of Drunken Master")
God of Gambler Series (Starring Chow Yun Fat)
Saint of Gamblers (Starring Stephen Chow)
once upon a time in china series (Starring Jet Li)

Originally Posted by undercoverlover
I was sorely disappointed with Be Cool as a sequel to get shorty but the sequel i was probably most impressed by was actually X2. The first one was good but nothing special and some characters had barely more than 3 lines. X2 was faster slicker and had real character storylines.

My fave sequel is Probably Batman returns, Catwoman and the penguin, most excellent. The ones after michael blew totally. What the hell George Clooney as Batman. Which bright spark in casting came up with that one?
I totally agree with you about X2 and Batman Returns. Both of the those were amazing. I hope that X3 is as good as or better than X2, even though it's hard to imagine it can be.

Movie Forums Member
Originally Posted by Jedi Rufio
I totally agree with you about X2 and Batman Returns. Both of the those were amazing. I hope that X3 is as good as or better than X2, even though it's hard to imagine it can be.
Hmmm sorry but i would have to disagree with you about X2 because my favorite charachter Gambit wasn't there *sigh*

i know that this is a very biased opinion though but overall heh i did enjoy X-2 more then the 1st one

Originally Posted by fireyhope
Hmmm sorry but i would have to disagree with you about X2 because my favorite charachter Gambit wasn't there *sigh*

i know that this is a very biased opinion though but overall heh i did enjoy X-2 more then the 1st one
I too like Gambit and I hope Colossus has a larger role in the new movie as well. I just don't want to see X3 thinking it will be phenomenal and then be let down, that's what I was trying to say. For example I thought the 2nd Matrix would be the greatest movie ever since the 1st was so good. I do think that X3 will probably be better, I just don't want to be wrong know what I mean?

Im suprised that Holden selected Ocean's 12. A-List cast, and errrm, that's about all i can remember being (slightly) good about it. The Julia Roberts scene was lame to say the least.

Lord of the Rings
"Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same."

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LOTR two towers and return of the king were both as good as the first

The Godfather Prt. 3 was the best one, despite its HORRENDOUS absolutely terrible ending...

Last Crusade was the best INDIE movie- mostly because of Sean Connery

Originally Posted by Hartigan
The Godfather Prt. 3 was the best one, despite its HORRENDOUS absolutely terrible ending...

Last Crusade was the best INDIE movie- mostly because of Sean Connery
Although I enjoyed Last Crusade, it can't touch Raiders of the Lost Ark. And Godfather III was not even in the same league as the first two.