We Are Buying Unique Movie Ideas


Trouble with a capital "T"
A great movie idea?

Some Baloney with a generous amount of Spam, on Rye....filmed with a high speed camera for a slo-mo eating shot. Don't forget the spinning overhead camera shot.

Make a movie about the wealth and success of the Internet.
Watch a trailer and go to the moviesright.

Do another spiderman remake. There haven't been enough of those yet.

How about a movie about an African prince who wants to make a movie and decides the best way to go about it is by posting in internet forums related to movies. Here's the twist though: his keyboard is out of control! It keeps posting random commas and sometimes the spacebar, caps lock, and shift keys refuse to work. This is all compiled by his incredibly poor grammar. The result is that no one will take his posts seriously. In the end he is forced to quit film biz and work as a bell hop for a huge hotel.

So where's my $10,000? I expect the check in the mail within five business days or I sue!

Master of My Domain
Just got a movie idea.

It's called, "The Sexy Curse"

Plot: A man named Sex E. Celebrity is a very depressed man because of people making fun of his first name. One day he discovers his power to kill anyone he looks at, and decides to go on a rampage of revenge. He soon wipes out the whole town and keep gaining power, to the point where he gains the ability to terminate even non-human objects or life forms. But when trying to destroy a mirror factory that was in his way, the mirrors act as of course a mirror and show his reflection, resulting in destroying himself.

Expected critical reaction:

- New York Times

"*A really hard academic synonym for awesome because all other newspapers have taken the good ones*"
- The Washington Post

"I regret dying before seeing this masterpiece!"
- Ghost of Roger Ebert

Now hand over that money.

"I regret dying before seeing this masterpiece!"
- Ghost of Roger Ebert
Hilarious! I think your movie is going to become a blockbuster hit. They'll be calling it, "The Next Hunger Games."

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I have a story about an African king who sends e-mails trying to give away 5 billion dollars, but nobody wants it, and everyone deletes their e-mail and go about their day.

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
Here's one, worth $19.95:

A failing internet con-artist, having failed his latest scam, retreats to the outskirts of the web and finds himself in a predicament - he is low on money, bills are piling up, and he has 30 days to come up with $50,000. If he fails, he loses his house, his car, and pretty much everything else. In a desperate attempt to prevent this, he jumps back into the thick of the internet, promising to buy movie ideas for $25,000-$50,000 each for good movie ideas. I'll leave to you to choose the happy ending (he gets his money and keeps everything), the sad ending (he doesn't get the money and he loses everything), or the busted ending (he gets the money but is caught in the act, earning him some time in prison for multiple scam attempts).

If you pitch it well enough, you might be able to convince a good actor to take the role; if not, there's always Will Ferrell!

Registered User
Such a lame attempt to scam money. I've seen this so many times on other forums...
Lamest part is that some sucker somewhere must be dumb enough to fall for it, or else it wouldn't keep being repeated

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
Dear AfricanDramaMovies,

I have attached a short clip of some of my work. Please consider this for your approval.

Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Okay I have an idea.

It's about a guy, no wait, it's about a GROUP of people living in Africa. They are desperate. Really desperate. Not for food or for shelter, but for the chance of making movies...

You would think that they worked their a** off every day. But somehow, they are too lazy when it comes to this particular thing... maybe, just maybe, they don't even life in Africa... no no, it's way worse. They are in fact thieves of the night, utilizing the interwebs to search for possible victims to their "weapon of mass destruction". They want to suck out ALL of the IDEAS of poor victims... then use these ideas for themselves and earn piles of money and a succesful life in the fast lane (b*tches and expensive cars, you know the drill).

But you know... these things don't come easy. There may be thieves of the night, but there's also saviors... Heroes with real emotion and heart... These people are also one big group, but a much stronger one... and they call themselves 'The MoFos'. They set out to put an end to this madness, and save the world from all this evil. They are the very last hope of mankind...

Will they save the world in time? Wanna find out?...... That'll be 500,000 dollars and 99 cents please.

How about a group of children's mystery books characters come to life to solve the murder of their Creator. It's called: Bookcase Inc.