Would foreign films do better in North America, if they were dubbed?


I honestly can't imagine watching the likes of Das Boot or The Hunt For Red October without subs.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh okay, well if dubbing is so bad, then why do a lot of European countries seem to be prefer it over subtitles?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Would foreign films do better in North America, if they were dubbed?

I mostly don't like dubbed films myself. But consider this, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is dubbed into English and highly rated on IMDB.

Oh okay, well if dubbing is so bad, then why do a lot of European countries seem to be prefer it over subtitles?
You’d have to ask them not us here in America.
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Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
But I thought most Americans prefer dubbing also though, cause if I recommend a foreign language film to a friend or family member, they will ask, is it dubbed or do I have to read subtitles, and then when I say no, they turn it down. So when most people I know want dubbing, does that reflect the majority?

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It's always unfortunate to hear people turn down foreign films. I find that French and Italian movies often tend to turn up in my favorites, probably because they have such a unique style that really resonates with me.

As much as I love Dario Argento, my favorite of his is Deep Red, one of the few he didn't have dubbed. Suspiria is a great movie, but the dubbing was actually kinda distracting at first when I rewatched it.

I suggest people get less lazy and read the subtitles, since there are so many quality movies they're missing out on.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well some of my most favorite non-English movies are The Battle of Algiers, The Skin I Live In, Cell 211, and Parasite. But I cannot get people I know to watch them cause there are no English dubbed versions out there.

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A lot of my favorite movies are foreign films, and I don't mind reading subtitles at all. However, if I see really good ones, I try to get my friends into, they hate subtitles, and movies should be a visual medium experience, etc.

So I wonder, if more foreign films were dubbed, instead of subtitles, do you think they would do better here in North America, in comparison?
Probably. I hate subtitles. Too distracting.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well how about this. With computer effects nowadays, they can do some amazing things like with digital de-aging and things like that. What if you took a non-English movie nowadays like Parasite for example, and used computer effects to digitally make the mouths move in different ways to make them speak English? Then dub it over with English, that looks much more accurate to the mouth movements then.

Would that work better for dubbing?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Yeah true, just trying to think outside the box on how to get more people to see foreign films.

Subtitles are not the problem. The only audience for foreign movies in america are sophisticated arthouse crowd. There are a lot of them, atleast 5-10 million of them. You just need a lot of awards buzz with incredible critical praise and not to be mean, but the movie can't be asian. North America has a weird aversion to asian movie no matter how good they are.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh really? Why the aversion to Asian? You mean like Far East Asian, or more south Asian Bollywood?

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Well how about this. With computer effects nowadays, they can do some amazing things like with digital de-aging and things like that. What if you took a non-English movie nowadays like Parasite for example, and used computer effects to digitally make the mouths move in different ways to make them speak English? Then dub it over with English, that looks much more accurate to the mouth movements then.

Would that work better for dubbing?
Sounds interesting. Personally tho I hate foreign language movies. I never watch them.

Well how about this. With computer effects nowadays, they can do some amazing things like with digital de-aging and things like that. What if you took a non-English movie nowadays like Parasite for example, and used computer effects to digitally make the mouths move in different ways to make them speak English? Then dub it over with English, that looks much more accurate to the mouth movements then.

Would that work better for dubbing?
Hell no for me too. Subtitles or its rubbish! Even if the mouths moved in a natural way relating to the words coming out, it would still lose a lot when it comes to the actors skill to emote, express some feelings via speech which only comes naturally when he or she is doing it their own language
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Sounds interesting. Personally tho I hate foreign language movies. I never watch them.
Well all I can say is you are missing out on the real stuff!

Not Indian...chinese, japanese and so on
I would say it's mostly anything that is not English, not just Asian. Americans are a very insular bunch. For most of them the world ends at California on one side and Florida on the other. The relative population interested in the good stuff and make the effort to read is very low.

Most people i meat who say can't watch and read, I just tell them don't underestimate your brains capacity to do both. Which irks most of my friends, and I get is stare back like, "Are you questioning my intellect?"