Top cult movie


The Crow........

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Repo Man
Straight To Hell
Big Trouble in Little China
Battle Royale
The Decline of Western Civilization Part One
Suburbia (Penelope Spheeris)
City Hunter (Jackie Chan)
Plan 9 from Outer Space
Shaft (1970's original)
any Dolemite movie
Faster Pussycat, Kill, Kill
Deadly Weapons
Cecil B. Demented
They Live
Meet The Feebles
Rock and Roll High School
Death Race 2000
Fritz The Cat
Mighty Peking Man
Switchblade Sisters
Iron Monkey
Five Fingers of Death

Can you tell I waych more cult movies than mainstream ones?
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

My life isn't written very well.
Pink Floyd: The Wall

Heavy Metal
I have been formatted to fit this screen.

r66-The member who always asks WHY?

The Boondock Saints
And isnt the Thing a cult favourite?
Anyhoo I like the thing!
When I Die Bury Me Upside Down So The World Can Kiss My A$$.

definition of a cult film in true technical terms is : a film that has a small following. or a film whose audience last through generations.

Thats it ....nothing more nothing less..

For example while its obvious that toxic avenger is a cult flick most wouldnt consider dark city a cult flick because of the stars and budget however it is because of the small underground style of following. same with any mel brookes films and eve the naked gun movies. as far as that goes casablanca would now be called a cult film as well as citizen kane. Actually about 80% of hollywood flicks could be considered to have a cult following, and if they dont now they may in the future.

dont even get me started on what the term b - movie actually means.
__________________ is your source to the wierdness.

Here's a couple

Sweet Sweetback's Baadasssss Song

The Stunt Man


A Boy and His Dog

The Ninth Configuration

I See You When You're Sleeping
Ahh, I forgot to mention Brazil, which was noted earlier. I also love Logan's Run. I find any decent dystopian world movie gains 'cult' status.


why did i ever do this thread...oh and trainspotting
i hate hugh grant

Prince Of All Saiyans
Are we forgetting Night Of The Living Dead, folks?

This film was responsible for the whole undead genre
of horror films, as we know zombies today. Yes we may
have had "Invisible Invaders" and "Creature With The Atom Brain" in the 50's, which were walking dead films of a sort, but Night Of The Living Dead was the one, the quintessential zombie film, in which no mad scientists or aliens were responsible-they were 100% pure walking dead, and flesh eaters to boot. if Romero hadn't made this film, who knows where zombies would be today (probably still in their graves)

We may not have had the Resident Evil games either.

And yes, other votes go towards The Exorcist, Taxi Driver, and a steadily growing favorite, Phil Tucker's Robot Monster, which would be an excellent double bill with Ed Wood Jr's Plan 9 From Outer Space.

It is hard to define cult movies, I used to think that Andy Warhol/paul morrissey films like, Flesh for Frankenstein & Blood for Dracula were cult, but when I went to look at the cult section of my movies, I have things like Taxi Driver, Bagdad Cafe, Assult of the killer Bimbo's, Crimes of Passion and Pulp Fiction.
So I don't Know!

Registered User
Originally posted by rocklarky
this is a tricky one i need to say

1.fight club
il think more into it later........
The number one must see cult flick of all time is

(drum rolls down aisle of theatre)


Now excuse me while I slip out for a little pep-juice at the milk bar and relax to the sublime sounds of Sebastion my little droogs.

A Clockwork Orange of course

I saw it at the movies when it came out then it was banned for 20 years it is a must for everyone collection

What abour O Lucky Man ?????

Viscuoa's Avatar
Movie Explorer
Hmm, 'A Clockwork Orange' is a great choice.
I might slip in 'Night of the Living Dead' if that counts.

Yeah, but I prefer if... (1968).
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Registered User
Originally posted by nebbit
You can slip in what ever you want, oh movie that is

What about O Lucky Man ??? any one
I haven't seen O Lucky Man but I did look it up on the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) and it sounded a bit too disjointed and eclectic for my taste. I know I speak from ignorance as I haven't seen the flick for myself, but I still don't see myself watching it in the near future.

Originally posted by Holden Pike
Yeah, but I prefer if... (1968).
I also like IF very interesting movie, as I remember IF and O Lucky Man had the same director and both were written by David Sherwin.