No plebeians allowed! - Mr Minio's honest music thread


No idea what album will be next. I have some industrial, rock in opposition, more city pop, v/a compilations, next Metallica album and Nirvana albums I talked about before.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Noise is good for parvenus who only listen to it to show how high level they are.

Anyways, there is a couple of noise records I like, but I'm not really into pure noise. Noise pop and noise rock on the other hand...

Here's a good noise for ya:

Swan should be very intersted in it (see: the title).

I don't like pure Noise either. It has to incorporate just the right amount of Noise to be really good. Yellow Swans was interesting, but not really my jam tbh. My type of Noise has got ta be infused with Metal or Hardcore. Well, usually... I am still open to try anything.

I remembered you made a comment about Grindcore being inferior to Pornogrind in the Chill Club thread (or something along the lines) to Swan. I wanted to comment, but then the conversation moved on, so it didn't seem proper. I just wanted to say that Goregrind, Deathgrind, and Pornogrind have never appealed to me. I'd be interested to hear a band that I would like. I can certainly listen to it, which actually kind of surprises me because it used to trigger my gag reflex. But I still just don't really particularly enjoy anything I've heard so far. It's really brutally heavy, which is cool, but besides that I haven't heard anything exceptionally interesting. I do love Grindcore though. Now, I sensed you were being humorous, but do you really not like Grindcore?

Also I have been noticing for several years now a surge of Powerviolence/Grindcore bands like this:

大貫妙子 [Taeko Ohnuki] - Romantique (1980)

A great Kayōkyoku album. It's beautiful. Carnaval begins with her vocals, but then a giant orgy of synths starts! There couldn't have been a better ending to this song. ディケイド・ナイト has a very catchy chorus that made me fall in love with Ohnuki's voice even more. 雨の夜明け has some incredible tango accordion fills! Almost as if Astor Piazzolla decided to sneak into Ohnuki's room with his big instrument... And play! Taeko's voice really does sound stellar (damn you, Swan) in this song. 若き日の望楼 sounds refined with elegant piano and slow tempo. There's an additional male voice on Bohemian and they sing French. Fade out is always a bad way to end a song. 果てなき旅情 is amazing. You live for songs like this. Some Momoe Yamaguchi feels there. The part in the middle just before the vocals kick back in is incredible. And after this a guitar solo kicks in! It's in the background, so more as an atmospheric purpose than wanking purpose. Sadly, the song fades out. ふたり continues the idea of sophisticated goodness, but then some crazy beats kick in and backing men choirs! A trumpet (?) solo kicks in later. Pretty cool. 軽蔑 has a happy sound to it. Quite different compared to rather sad/serious feels from previous songs. It's more upbeat and in the style of first songs from this CD. 新しいシャツ is very nostalgic, warm, but kinda melancholic. 蜃気楼の街 is great, too and you know what? My version has a bonus track! Its title's I want to be saved in love. Pretty good and trumpet again! This and the previous album I reviewed need a lot more listens for pretty plausible at this point even higher rating. So far, though:

It's kind of funny that you say no plebs allowed and then the first two albums you rate are as entry level as can be. I'm not complaining though. I'm glad you made a music thread, and I like the way you've done your reviews so far. I don't care for Metallica or Slayer, but I enjoyed the way you talked about them. I hope you get to some really whacked out crazy music soon. :3
I actually wouldn't consider Reign in Blood to be quite entry level. When I first listened to it I thought: this ain't good music because it's faster than Iron Maiden . Only after a couple of years I started to appreciate it. Though that was perhaps because it was my Iron Maiden phase: music quality for me was measured as the inverse of the distance to Iron Maiden's sound.

I would regard as entry level metal Iron Maiden's first 7 albums and Brave New World. Maybe Judas Priest's Screaming for Vengeance. Well, those were the only stuff I could actually enjoy at the time. Though I disliked Halford's vocals at the time because they were too different from Dickinson's.

Still Mr. Minio should review some real thrash metal, like Kreator, Sodom and Sarcofago. Well I am commenting on a lot of other metal albums on my review thread. But nobody comments.

I actually wouldn't consider Reign in Blood to be quite entry level. When I first listened to it I thought: this ain't good music because it's faster than Iron Maiden . Only after a couple of years I started to appreciate it. Though that was perhaps because it was my Iron Maiden phase: music quality for me was measured as the inverse of the distance to Iron Maiden's sound.

I would regard as entry level metal Iron Maiden's first 7 albums and Brave New World. Maybe Judas Priest's Screaming for Vengeance. Well, those were the only stuff I could actually enjoy at the time. Though I disliked Halford's vocals at the time because they were too different from Dickinson's.

Still Mr. Minio should review some real thrash metal, like Kreator, Sodom and Sarcofago. Well I am commenting on a lot of other metal albums on my review thread. But nobody comments.
You have a music review thread, Guap? I didn't know! Link meh.

Oh. Well, I don't comment because I haven't heard of most of the stuff you review about. Same goes for Minio's last two reviews. I definitely look to you guys for recs though, so your reviews haven't gone unnoticed.

He's referring to Rate the Last Album You Heard thread.

EDIT: That's what happens when you open a MoFo in one tab and get back to it ten minutes later without refreshing the page.

I'm trying to sing and play this song, but I can't get it right. I can play the chords and sing it separately, but I can't get it to work together, which is embarrasing given how easy it is. I tried it for ten minutes and failed, so I guess I will watch a film now. I'm too easily discouraged to be good at guitar. xD

Trivia: Typical Slayer fan:
He understands Slayer perfectly. Indeed Slayer was instrumental in developing music to more extreme areas, being perhaps the definitive extreme metal band and indeed the most famous and influential North American one (together with Bathory and Celtic Frost from Europe).

I'm trying to sing and play this song, but I can't get it right. I can play the chords and sing it separately, but I can't get it to work together, which is embarrasing given how easy it is. I tried it for ten minutes and failed, so I guess I will watch a film now. I'm too easily discouraged to be good at guitar. xD
You should try to play Ramones or Judas Priest's Breaking the Law. Stuff that cannot leave you frustrated!

Not really a review since ain't nobody got time for that, but I listened to Nas - Illmatic - considered by my Internet friend to be the best rap album ever made.

Well, I've heard better rap albums.

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
Illmatic is a classic, but is by no means the best of the best. If you've listened to other albums by Nas, then you will probably agree that this is is best, as imo the rest of his stuff only has a few good songs per record. But I'd rather listen to Big Pun, Big L, EPMD, Eric B and Rakim, Gangstarr, Tragedy Khadafi, Pharaoh Monche and Mobb Deep when it comes to classic NY stuff.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

What is there to not like about Illmatic? My biggest problem with it is that it's too short. The lyrics are strong, most of the production is fantastic, and Nas is at his best form.

Since this is a music thread by Mr. Minio... here is the J-pop, rock idol group ℃-ute!
They indeed are cute, but I bet their music is mediocre (as with most idol groups). Still better than rap music, tho. (edgy, edgy)

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
Well, when you have exposure to artists who make better music, he just ends up being lackluster even if he is at top form. He doesn't have skill at writing hooks and on later releases his production really lacks and he samples himself all the time. The best song he did after this album was his feature on Mobb Deep - The World is Mine.