MoFos - Identify Your Gender!


I thought Sexy is a woman when I first joined here.

I wasn't much off anyway.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I think of very few cases. I never had an idea of Sexy Celebrity's gender but he said he was a he a few months after I started posting here. Other cases are of users who left the forum.

i thought sexy,swan and omni were 1 person.
I'd say these are three different personas. All three quite crazy, but in their own way.

I think I've said this somewhere before, but I tend to assume everyone online is a guy unless they have a username with a female identifier in it (like Miss Vicky for instance).

If someone has a female avatar that is really sexy looking, I assume it's a guy. But if they have a female avatar that is not sexualized, I might be more inclined to think that they're female. In either case, I'll use whatever pronoun I see other people using in relation to them until corrected.

I myself am female, but I completely understand why people would assume I'm a guy. I'm not exactly ladylike in behaviour (especially not IRL where I swear like a drunken sailor), and my tastes and hobbies are typically associated with being masculine.

It never bothers me when people think I'm male. If I was someone else I'd probably think I was male too.

I'm fairly certain I've seen other people refer to you as male, so I just always assumed you were. Otherwise, having "Mr" in your name would generally override having a female avatar though, since avatars are easy to change but names are not (or at least I don't think they are).

Master of My Domain
Pretty sure he has said it isn't Mister, that's why it isn't Mr.Minio. I think it is m r minio
Dear diary, today I finally learned that the 'Mr' in 'Mr. Minio' is not Mister.

I did not expect that. Does this count as a surprising revelation about someone's gender (even though the assumed gender has stayed the same)?

Now I'm curious about whether or not there are other users whose names are not what they initially appear to be.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Now I'm curious about whether or not there are other users whose names are not what they initially appear to be.
I suppose my user name sort of isn't what it might appear to be. I guess that depends on what people assume its meaning is.

Weird about M.R. Minio, I always thought it was Mr. Minio.

So am I female or male from your description?
Youre male! Dont go trying to do an Omni and make people guess then not tell.

Yeah, I was completely blown away by you being female when I learned it from Camo. That whole time while working on that Survivor challenge with you, I thought you were a man. I don't think anyone on this forum has surprised me as much as you. And that's something.
Well to be fair, I did choose Justin Trudeau as my character. But who else was I going to pick, Angela Merkel? The Queen?

...actually, playing the Queen might've been fun. But I stand by my choice to play as the Prime Minister haha.