True Crime Thread


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
No, I'm pretty clueless. I remember the uproar and then I lost track. I don't think it is resolved yet either, could be wrong though.

Noticed an update on the Adnan case in the feed. I will be checking that out soon as well.

Noticed an update on the Adnan case in the feed. I will be checking that out soon as well.
Post whatever that is here if you can. Wonder if it is anything big, doubt it.

The last i heard was this from back in May that the Judge would be making a decision on whether Adnan would be getting a new trial -

From the comments on the site this was posted i took it that the decision wouldn't come out for at least another 6 months and this was only in May so i doubt it is that.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Took the plunge and listened to the second episode of Magnotta. Boy oh boy, rough doesn't even begin to describe. This man is an absolute monster and thinking about what he did makes me sick, The worst part of the audio for me was listening to the voices of those who watched his video. My stomach was flipping the whole time. Honestly, I don't know what you do about it but it should be some sort of crime, and whoever showed it to those children should be jailed, no exaggeration. We are some sick people, us humans. What does that do to people's minds. It makes me think he created more monsters. I don't know, How do you come back from that. This poor man that was killed, oh my god. Why would someone answer an ad like that. I don't even have words. I am at a loss in case you can't tell. I don't know how many more of these I am going to be able to do but I will check out the two that you highly recommended.

Took the plunge and listened to the second episode of Magnotta. Boy oh boy, rough doesn't even begin to describe. This man is an absolute monster and thinking about what he did makes me sick, The worst part of the audio for me was listening to the voices of those who watched his video. My stomach was flipping the whole time. Honestly, I don't know what you do about it but it should be some sort of crime, and whoever showed it to those children should be jailed, no exaggeration. We are some sick people, us humans. What does that do to people's minds. It makes me think he created more monsters. I don't know, How do you come back from that. This poor man that was killed, oh my god. Why would someone answer an ad like that. I don't even have words. I am at a loss in case you can't tell. I don't know how many more of these I am going to be able to do but I will check out the two that you highly recommended.
Wow. Didn't think you were going to listen to it after the first, as i said i thought it would be too much after the first bothered you.

Couldn't agree more man, the guy was pure evil. It is really terrifying how much this was for fame, pure and simple. It makes me wonder what would have happened if he became a celebrity for normal reasons like he was trying to do and the attention was sustained. I believe he would have always been capable of this but i don't know if he would have ended up doing it. Don't know, maybe i was to taking in by the reasons mentioned in the podcast but the guy clearly craved attention initially by normal means until his gay porn career started crumbling and he wasn't getting hired for any of the things he was auditioning for. Can't believe he contacted the group looking for him for killing the cats anonymously to say it was him, then turned up in London to deny it was him when The Sun had no clue what he was talking about. Nutjob.

Yeah those reactions are messed up. It was really chilling when Mike said that those who watched it may have exposed themselves to PTSD. Could completely see that. The song will probably give me flashbacks and i haven't even seen the video. I fully agree it should be illegal, all of the people who listened to it sounded young but the ridiculously young like 9 or 10 year olds from England, yeah fully agree who ever let them watch that should be jailed. That is child abuse in my mind. Felt terrible for the guy as well, was close to tears listening to his mum.

Anyway the other two parter isn't disturbing. It isn't even really a crime as i said. It is a bit sad in a few parts but it is mostly just crazy.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I wish we had gotten more of his background. I know they said in part 1 there was a history of abuse, but that's about all that was mentioned. I think I would be interested in what shaped his childhood. Chilling stuff.

I wish we had gotten more of his background. I know they said in part 1 there was a history of abuse, but that's about all that was mentioned. I think I would be interested in what shaped his childhood. Chilling stuff.
Me too. My guess is not that much is known about his early years. Canada isn't as open with stuff like trial proceedings as the US where a lot of this stuff probably came up. I imagine they reached out to people who knew him at that age and only a few understandably wanted to talk about it, so we only got a few anecdotes that may or may not be true. If this was in the US that probably would have been a 3 part one with a lot of audio from the Trial like some of the other episodes.

Just about to watch The Lucky Ones. I'll try and get to the next episode of Serial later if i'm not going out.

Is this a thread about murderers and gangsters and stuff like that?

Is this a thread about murderers and gangsters and stuff like that?
Yeah. And anything else crime related. Did you see someone jaywalk today? Tell us here and we'll discuss it in depth.

Yeah. And anything else crime related. Did you see someone jaywalk today? Tell us here and we'll discuss it in depth.
......... Okay.

Here's an article on Adnan's retrial that includes pictures of him now -

Pretty amazing how influential the Serial Podcast has been in getting this to happen. Of course none of their own investigating or speculation played a part but Sarah was the one who turned Deidre onto the case and as it says:

The testimony of lawyer Deirdre Enright, from the Innocence Project, was compelling: it introduced a formality into what was otherwise a series of interviews in which a group of almost-witnesses nearly-but-didn’t-quite remember things. Enright described the weakness of the case from a legal point of view: Syed’s palm print on a map in a friend’s car that couldn’t be time-stamped; records of a cell-phone tower which the phone company explicitly warned were not reliable. All these circumstantial nuggets might function as a garnish to the meat of a prosecution, but when they were the meat, it was pretty thin pickings.

Unless the state gets new evidence i can't see him not getting released.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Done with episode 4, pretty uneventful one for me. Not sure what the journalist that was imprisoned interview had to do with Bowe. I think there is conversations to be had about Guantanamo, but the casual way she brings it up and how she immediately wants your POV to join hers is infinitely annoying to me. The statement about a prisoner, "he wasn't much of a terrorist but we made him into one", bothered me so damn much. Much of a terrorist, what the hell does that even mean?

Done with episode 4, pretty uneventful one for me. Not sure what the journalist that was imprisoned interview had to do with Bowe. I think there is conversations to be had about Guantanamo, but the casual way she brings it up and how she immediately wants your POV to join hers is infinitely annoying to me. The statement about a prisoner, "he wasn't much of a terrorist but we made him into one", bothered me so damn much. Much of a terrorist, what the hell does that even mean?
This was the most boring episode of Serial i've watched yet.

Who is this guy telling her that they were just about to kill Bowe? Seriously i am not convinced that is Sanjeen or however you spell it. I have no reason to believe it wasn't Bowe telling her this and she just ran with it with a foreign sounding guy representing Sanjeen. Ok i'm joking, i do believe what she is saying but this Season has been a mess so far. If she didn't tell me who everyone is before they spoke i'd have no idea what was going on and who was who. And she hasn't at any time said were she got this info. In Season 1 she would say this was in Jay's Testimony, or Natalie said this later, whatever. Don't know i suppose she is getting information from people whose names she can't mention which is fine and understandable but i think she makes it more messy than it needs to be when she attributes certain words to Sanjeen for instance then she trips up by showing why it couldn't have came from him.

Sorry mate don't want to moan but thought i may as well during an episode that wasn't that interesting anyway . I really don't like her theories or her talking to people that much so far. Pretty surprised that it is Sarah and not Bowe that is turning me off of this Season so much.

I think there is conversations to be had about Guantanamo, but the casual way she brings it up and how she immediately wants your POV to join hers is infinitely annoying to me.

I really don't have much else to say about this one. I'll watch and post about episode 5 early tomorrow hopefully so i have the first reaction for once.

Hey have you/ do you still want to listen to this Sean? That last one really turned me off but i think i needed a rest as well since i had listened to so many of them over a short period of time. I was enjoying our talks so i hope we can still do this?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Yeah, I listened. I was gonna let you go first. I will be ready to pick up when you are. I was thinking the other day about what we could do after Serial. Have you seen The Jinx?

BTW, that meant I'm fine with a break.

Yeah, I listened. I was gonna let you go first. I will be ready to pick up when you are. I was thinking the other day about what we could do after Serial. Have you seen The Jinx?

BTW, that meant I'm fine with a break.
Yeah, i've seen The Jinx, Have you seen The Staircase? I've really wanted to rewatch it and it is ridiculously long so we could take our time with that if you want? Honestly if it counted in the Doc's Countdown it would have been my #2. Also Yoda loves (not sure that is the right word for it) it so i'll try to convince him to join us?