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the samoan lawyer's Avatar
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Have you seen Pariah (2011)? It's from Dee Rees the director of Mudbound. Thought it was pretty great, i know ScarlettLion liked it too.

Never even heard of it Camo! Cheers for the recommendation.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Your rating has convinced me! So I requested Somewhere from my library. I'm looking forward to it.
Hope you like it. Be warned it's like a much calmer and much slower Lost in Translation, a film that's already very calm and slow haha. It worked for me alot though.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hope you like it. Be warned it's like a much calmer and much slower Lost in Translation, a film that's already very calm and slow haha. It worked for me alot though.
I often like slow cinema. Have you seen Wanda (1970) also directed by a woman, Barbara Loden. The film is very, very slow with little dialogue and yet very expressive in watching the lead actress' expressions. The lead character is also played by the director. I thought it was a pretty great film. You might like it.

I often like slow cinema. Have you seen Wanda (1970) also directed by a woman, Barbara Loden and very, very slow and yet very expressive in watching the lead actress expressions. The lead character is also played by the director. I thought it was a pretty great film. You might like it.
Not yet, i already have it on my watchlist though. Right now i'm trying to go through different female directors work and Loden only made one so it will take me a while to get around to it. I will make sure to before the countdown though.

Guardian of galaxy vol 2 -

It's better than the first one, slightly,because of team interaction and some CD -tho' gamera and her sister way too silly -
Drax was on fire cracking the joke but weird not so much in action. tired by this milking baby groot cuteness.

Logan -

I like the idea, concept, with this aging dying old mutants . But nah execution totally lived up the previous terrible installment. Slightl better

Weew, think i need some rest for catching 2017 release

Babes In Toyland aka March Of The Wooden Soldiers (Gus Meins & Charley Rogers, 1934)

Childish but a classic in it's own way!

I often like slow cinema. Have you seen Wanda (1970) also directed by a woman, Barbara Loden. The film is very, very slow with little dialogue and yet very expressive in watching the lead actress' expressions. The lead character is also played by the director. I thought it was a pretty great film. You might like it.
I really liked this movie. Seen it twice. Did you know Loden was married to Elia Kazan?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I really liked this movie. Seen it twice. Did you know Loden was married to Elia Kazan?
You've seen Wanda (1970) twice, cool. Yes I knew she was married to Kazan. I wish she had made more movies.

Four Nights of a Dreamer (1971) by Robert Bresson

Three Colors: White (1994) by Krzysztof Kieslowski

Two distinct films on the subject of male fragility. The former a very intriguing reflection on the estranged meeting of the Other, while the latter a more stereotypical reflection on revenge through male activity. Hopefully the last years focus on gender issues will reflect more on the subject of male fragility and non-stereotypical behaviour in modern film. Three recent films that comes to mind are L'Inconnu du Lac, Moonlight and Tangerine which imo are all worth watching (Not on par with Bresson though )

Bei xi mo shou [Behemoth] (Liang Zhao, 2015)

Impressive in it's scale; sombre in it's outlook; sober in it's delivery

You mean me? Kei's cousin?

So here I am after another go-around with this movie, and after my one and only diversion to the Pioneer dub, this is yet another with the original Streamline dub and you can betchorass it's how I'm gonna be watching this movie from now on. It's far more entertaining and far more quotable and, for my money, the voices fit the characters better. Cam Clarke's Kaneda is far tougher and far cockier - he sounds like a tough guy from New York right from the first scene, which is how I always imagined the character sounding - where Johnny Yong Bosch sounds a little too much like a punk from Paine College trying to act tough for my liking; opinions differ, sure, but I know which Kaneda I'd want leading me into battle against the Clowns. Another thing is that, to my ear, Jan Rabson's Tetsuo sounds more like someone in pain during the mutation and other scenes where that's how he's supposed to sound. Another thing is that Lara Cody's Kei sounds more like a teenager than Wendee Lee's, who sounds 40. Tony Pope's Colonel immediately reminds me of my late paternal grandfather, a sergeant in the Army who served in Vietnam and served for 20 years overall from 1962-82, something Jamieson Price loses in the new dub. The scene where he, in a fit of rage, picks the scientist up and throws him on the ground reminds me of a story Dad told where my grandfather held a very annoying lesser officer out the window by his tie while all the soldiers in the room said "Drop him, sarge! Drop him!" Like the Colonel, he was also a big man at six-one and 280; I know it's not six-eight and 203, but still. And yes, my grandfather did in fact have a growl every time he spoke. Just imagine Pope's Colonel saying "f--k" and "s--t" a lot and you've got a pretty good idea of what my grandfather sounded like. If you want my honest opinion, the new voice actors in general don't bring the characters to life the same way the originals do, except for Matthew Mercer's Kai and Michael Lindsay's Yama, who match Bob Bergen's and Pope's, respectively. The original dub doesn't translate the Japanese dialogue as literally as the new one does, but this is for the better as far as I'm concerned since the new dub often translates it so literally that it's completely unnatural in English. No one I've ever known says, "And now you're a boss too... Of this pile of rubble." They say, "Now you're king of the mountain, aren't ya, but it's all garbage!" No one says, "It was a dream that I saw." They say, "I had a dream." (which is actually the more accurate translation in this case according to Funimation's subtitles which were translated directly from the Japanese dialogue by Kodansha in 2013) And "You're gonna kill him, Tetsuo. You want that?" just doesn't have the same force and emotion behind it as "That's enough, Tetsuo! Are ya tryin' to kill him?!" (again the more accurate translation in this case according to those handy subtitles) And give me "Stupidity! Utter stupidity!" any day of the week. Besides, it fits better with how cocky Tetsuo's gotten to be at this point. Also, it's eerie how much Neo-Tokyo looks like the real world. On this viewing, I was struck by how reminiscent its dark, dirty, grungy alleys and rundown, deteriorated buildings are of Atlanta from the months I spent there in a buddy's apartment and the bad part of Augusta (really all of Augusta) from riding through there in the backseat of Dad's '91 Lexus (and Mom's '92 Buick) as a kid. In any case, this is a movie I could watch over and over again for sure. It's a fun and exciting movie, while dealing with religion and just how much can go wrong simply from a scientist doing crap he shouldn't be doing, that's gotten easier to get into with each viewing and that's a sure sign of a classic as far as I'm concerned. Well, I'm done and I'll see you guys later.

Kevin and Perry Go Large (2000)

Guilty pleasure, Kathy Burke is and always has been hilarious as Perry, so much love for this film. Why couldn't Alan Partridge and most other Bristish comedy series turned into a movie get it right. "Allright sadact give us your tape" Rhys Ifans is brilliant too, as pure fun Bristish comedy.

The Killers (1946)

Slightly different from the previous film I watched in era and genre. Haven't seen too many Burt Lancaster films he was good but sometimes sooooo over the top like the chair through the window for instance, I like some of the films from the 60's and beforehand but the
acting is very wooden at times and it's no different here. I loved all the actors themselves the woman that played the Swede's initial love interest was especially great. the storyline was solid, music, setting, editing,I'll have to give it another viewing as there is a lot going on, really good movie nonetheless.
"If you're good at something never do it for free".

I've been looking for Kingsman Orange Tuxedo for the upcoming Christmas eve...
Where do I look for it...???

Gangland, thanks for the link to Killjoy. You're right, it's the height of hilarious badness and not in a good way either. My favorite parts were the Killjoy "jokes" and how they landed with a thud. I can't wait to avoid the sequels.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Welcome to the human race...
Kind Hearts and Coronets -

feels like the Coens should've remade this instead of The Ladykillers
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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