The Fantasy Hall of Fame


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Tideland (2005)
To be honest, my first thought after watching this movie was to just use this for my review . . .

and then just leave it at that, but I decided to elaborate a little bit.

The first 30 seconds of the movie weren't too bad, and then the train went past, and the movie just went downhill from there. I hated everyone in the movie, including Jeliza-Rose. In fact, I thought the best character in the movie was the squirrel.

It was bad enough that the girl's parents were disgusting people, but even Jeliza-Rose was creepy and disgusting too.
WARNING: "SPOILERS for "Tideland"!!!" spoilers below
She showed absolutely no emotion when her mother died, and then, after her father died, the movie just replaced her parents with two different disgusting people.

I hated the relationship between Jeliza-Rose and Dickens. It was creepy and disgusting.
I hated the weird voices she used for the dolls heads. I found the weird camera angles dizzying at times. There was even something weird and kind of creepy about the lady who found Jeliza-Rose at the end of the movie.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

When I saw her, I knew immediately she was the little girl in Silent Hill. Christophe Gans directed it as well.
She was also in the SyFy channel series called Dark Matter. She's a young adult there already but still very recognizable.

She was also in the SyFy channel series called Dark Matter. She's a young adult there already but still very recognizable.
Wow, I didn't recognize her from that either. I wonder what else I've seen her in that I haven't realized yet. Should probably check out her IMDB profile haha.

Excalibur (1981)
Directed By: John Boorman
Starring: Nigel Terry, Nicol Williamson, Helen Mirren

Most films based on Arthurian legend focus on a smaller part of Arthur's tale - typically either his journey to become king, or the quest for the grail afterward. Excalibur instead expands its scope to include Arthur's entire life, from the circumstances surrounding his birth, to the moment he's carried off to the Isle of Avalon. Despite having a runtime that's nearly two and half hours long, this commitment to the whole story makes the film occasionally feel a little rushed. However being the retelling of a classic myth, it wouldn't have been necessary to expand on the little details anyway.

The beginning of the film, set during Uther's reign, is dreary, chaotic, and violent. This is both a visual and symbolic choice to set his era apart from the kingdom his son would one day lead out of darkness. With its impractically shining armour and bright castles, Arthur's world is instead weaved from dreams. The aesthetic works incredibly well because Excalibur is, after all, a film about legends. There is no attempt to portray the Middle Ages in a realistic manner, as that would defeat the purpose of the story and the hope it is meant to instill.

The film features fantastic costumes and elaborate sets. The performances are a little uneven at times, but overall they're quite enjoyable. Nicol Williamson's Merlin was quite impressive, as he managed to balance the character's wisdom and eccentricity quite well. While Carl Orff's “O Fortuna” was originally a suitably epic choice of music, watching it now, I couldn't help but laugh at its use because it has since become such a cliché. But that's a minor complaint for a film that was just as engaging to watch this time as it was when it first enchanted me many years ago.

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The trick is not minding
Hit up my local rental store to see what they have available. Found Kiki’s and Beauty and The Beast in the foreign section so will just rent it from there. Most movie are accounted for. Once I start this up next week, I should be able to burn through it easily.

Speaking of burning through the HoF, I've been going through the nominations a little more quickly than I thought I would. But I've had a bit of free time, mostly only doing half shifts at work, and since I was already familiar with the majority of these films, watching them just felt nice and comfortable, if that makes sense.

@ahwell @Citizen Rules @edarsenal @gbgoodies @HollowMan @MovieGal @pahaK @rauldc14 @Siddon @Wyldesyde19

As our adventure continues to unfold, a new path has been laid before us! Our companion gbg, who had been journeying with us in good faith without having sworn an oath to the fellowship, has now joined our quest in earnest. In order to accommodate the new addition, the deadline has been moved to Saturday, September 19th.

So what new wonders lie in wait? Spielberg's E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) may be a controversial pick, as many would consider this film to be squarely in the realm of science fiction. But sci-fi and fantasy are woven from the same cloth, and there is often a lot of overlap among the two genres. Just because a film features an alien, doesn't mean that it's automatically ineligible.

E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
Directed By: Steven Spielberg
Nominated By: gbgoodies

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It's been ages since I've seen E.T. so I definitely need to watch it again. I never really cared one way another about it when I was younger, so it'll be interesting to see if I like it more now.

I had just finished watching La Belle et la Bête when I saw gbg's PM, so now I just have her nomination and the LotR films left.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I've seen E.T. and know it well enough that I might not watch it again.

I hope you know it well enough because you love it, and you've seen it many, many times. (Like me! )

I know it well enough that I just rewatched it recently, and I'm going to watch it again anyway.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just asked my wife if she wanted to rewatch E.T. and she said yes, so we will. She also said and I quote, "they're still nominating films in the fantasy hof?"

The trick is not minding
Also, this was a film I planned on nominating for a future HOF for either Sci Fi or General or any that may have been applicable.
Pretty sure this may become the front runner now here

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I just asked my wife if she wanted to rewatch E.T. and she said yes, so we will. She also said and I quote, "they're still nominating films in the fantasy hof?"

Sorry I was late to join, but I finally realized that I was likely to watch all the noms anyway, so I might as well join.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Also, this was a film I planned on nominating for a future HOF for either Sci Fi or General or any that may have been applicable.
Pretty sure this may become the front runner now here

I don't expect it to beat the Lord of the Rings movies, but it's a personal favorite since it was in the theaters, and I don't hear about it on MoFo very often. I thought it needed a bit of a bump.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Sorry I was late to join, but I finally realized that I was likely to watch all the noms anyway, so I might as well join.
I'm glad you joined

It was funny as I had just posted and said I wouldn't rewatch, then immediately asked my wife is she wanted to see it again, then she wondered why noms were still being done

I reviewed E.T. here

Also, this was a film I planned on nominating for a future HOF for either Sci Fi or General or any that may have been applicable.
Pretty sure this may become the front runner now here
@Citizen Rules and I were discussing a "History" HOF. The film has to be an event that took place or a story of a specific person. You cant just pick one because its a WW2 or whatever type film. The main event or character has to be real. Oh yeah, no fantasy film based around a historical person either. Caligula with Malcolm McDowell would be out. I enjoy the film. I love reading about Gaius Julius Ceasar Augustus Germanicus but no, sorry that film doesn't qualify.

Very excited for this new nom!!! I love Spielberg but this is one I somehow haven’t seen!