What's your unpopular movie opinion?


Welcome to the human race...
Yeah, I just read that part. That was uncalled for. I mean, for the millions who love LOTR, that's fine. I'm not gonna degrade them because I've barely seen any of them. They're just not movies I'm interested in, but it doesn't mean they're not quality.
It's just funny to me because I could make the case that starting song tournaments to vote on the best Beatles deep-cuts or whatever is also kinda nerdy.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

IMO the biggest crime of 1997 was that Boogie Nights didn't get a Best Picture nomination

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is the best in the series.

Jim Carrey deserved an Oscar nomination for Truman Show, and another nomination and win for Man On The Moon

Sylvester Stallone deserved the Oscar for Best Screenplay for Rocky (1976), and for Best Supporting Actor for Creed (2015)

The Lord of the Rings trilogy is a criminally overrated steaming pile of sh_t. Critical acclaim? WTF? Millions of fans? Nerds!
There's no way the screenplay for Rocky deserved the Oscar over the screenplay for Network. He should have won for Creed though. I also agree with you regarding Jim Carrey.

Titanic isn't crap at all. It didn't deserve Best Picture imo, but it's a quality film.

Avatar, yes! Complete and utter garbage movie.
Avatar's essentially Disney's Pocahontas... in outer space.

This might just do nobody any good.
Billy Zane is the best thing about Titanic.

“please, I have a CHild!”

This might just do nobody any good.
Going back to an earlier post, how is The Lone Ranger not a more revered film? For me it’s go one major flaw: Depp’s casting. I’d rather they’d cast a Native American actor, for sure, but, that said, Depp does commendable work.

And the story is so subversive too. You got a kids movie about fighting agains the tides of progress. The film ends with one of the heroes as a living exposition under a half-built Golden Gate Bridge, The other never to be heard from again.

Also, Tonto is Harmonica from Once Upon a Time in the West with various callbacks to Jim Jarmusch, John Ford and action sequences straight out of a Buster Keaton film.

Going back to an earlier post, how is The Lone Ranger not a more revered film?
I thought they buried that movie with all those E.T. cartridges.

Not sure how unpopular this opinion is, but I think Ang Lee's The Hulk is far better than Leterrier 's The Incredible Hulk.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

This might just do nobody any good.
I like Lee’s Hulk movie too. It’s too strange to hate. A big stylistic mess that tries hard to blend paternal trauma with over-the-top action.

Hulk vs radioactive poodles!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I like Lee’s Hulk movie too. It’s too strange to hate.

Hulk vs radioactive poodles!
lulz. What's a radioactive poodle, pray tell.