Rate The Last Movie You Saw


You can't win an argument just by being right!
Just curious, since you're on a Washington kick and enjoy these, have you seen 2 Guns?
Not yet but putting that on my radar, edar. Thanks. I'd like to see what he can do with a comic role.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Not yet but putting that on my radar, edar. Thanks. I'd like to see what he can do with a comic role.
depending on how you feel about his co-star Mark Walhberg, I have a strong feeling you'll enjoy it

Creep 2 (2017) - Patrick Brice

- This is exactly what a sequel to a great first film should be. This sequel has everything I like about the first one and the storyline is way better and the dialogue is awesome. Mark Duplass stole the show once again and he's definitely one of my favorite character ever. I heard they're doing a 3rd one? I'm all in for it. I freakin' love it.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Yi Yi (2000)

Pretty much genius. I think I'd need to watch it again to really understand all of the characters and their relationships. Maybe more than once.

I have this on Blu-ray - still need to watch it, though.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
John Carter. As much sill fun as the first viewing when it first came out. Alien dog stole the show. Looks like demented pug but with teeth.

The russian prison tattoo subculture is fascinating.

I like how he's so calm and quiet then only shows emotion when he's killing baddies.
It's great as well how Washington's face is always a study. Even during the action he's showing McCall's character.

Vigilante genre is probably my go to.
Have you seen Dead Man's Shoes (2004)?

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.
Not a bad horror movie, but it could've been better.
Should have been titled "Asylum on Haunted Hill", because it's an old asylum, after all, not really a house.
The characters didn't seem scared enough and kept losing each other in the basement in cliche fashion.
Some good surprises, but the ending felt forced.
Too many just-in-time moments.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

The Man from Earth (2007, Richard Schenkman)

The premise had some potential, but the execution was horrendous - incredibly uncinematic and just plain annoying at times. And what a cheesy ending.

Can't believe this has an 8/10 score on IMDB - is it because it has a twist at the end? (just kidding) Seriously though, it's almost like plot twists are the pre-requisite of a good movie these days, and the more complicated they are, the better. This one, however, probably has one of the most predictable twists ever - you could see it coming from a mile off. Given you managed to make it that far into the film, that is.

I actually started watching this once based on the IMDB score and had to turn it off. I'll get round to watching it again sometime, maybe.
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Creep 2 (2017) - Patrick Brice

- This is exactly what a sequel to a great first film should be. This sequel has everything I like about the first one and the storyline is way better and the dialogue is awesome. Mark Duplass stole the show once again and he's definitely one of my favorite character ever. I heard they're doing a 3rd one? I'm all in for it. I freakin' love it.

I didn't even know this existed! I enjoyed the first one so will give this a go.

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User

Blade Runner - Final Cut (1982)

I cant comment on which version I preferred as its been so long since my last viewing but after last night, this is the highest I've rated it. I never really appreciated it fully before and although I didn't love it I can certainly see how people do.

Next stop. 2049.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
More stupid fun but just no meat to it.


Mehhhhh. If you're expecting this to be as good as Drive or The Driver, you'll be disappointed. Run-of-the-mill crime thriller that feels like the B-level movie that it is.




I was really excited when I first saw this, but everyone seems to share your opinion.

I have a feeling a lot of this ($8 bil)new Netflix content is going down this path. Not bad, but not really worth it.

The Babysitter might not have been great, but it was fun and worth watching.

I'm really curious about Bright in more of a morbid sense. If the tone is wrong, it is gonna be a trashcan bomb.

I was really excited when I first saw this, but everyone seems to share your opinion.

I have a feeling a lot of this ($8 bil)new Netflix content is going down this path. Not bad, but not really worth it.

The Babysitter might not have been great, but it was fun and worth watching.

I'm really curious about Bright in more of a morbid sense. If the tone is wrong, it is gonna be a trashcan bomb.
I'll try to stay optimistic about Bright but I'm 50-50 on how I believe it'll turn out. Could be quality, or could be a dud.