
Mission: Accomplished

I found a suitable character in a movie with my name whom I can approve of the role he played on-screen and as an extra bonus, in a very enjoyable movie. All those dozens of other guys with my name always play junk roles in movies I despise. What a good day.

It's all paint anyways, but you know, sometimes that imaginary paint causes real pain, or worse, whether you like it or not, regardless of what you believe.

Hi all, hows it going? Hope you're having a great weekend! I hope the week ahead is great for you as well.

Wasn't sure where to place this, but it's about movie synchronicity - you watch a movie, then something in real-life comes up that is eerily similar to something in the movie.

6 days ago I reviewed Around the World Under the Sea (1966) - about an experimental submarine with a 6-person crew that ultimately ends up becoming trapped underwater.

Now there's this news story that's been ongoing for a couple days about an experimental sub with a 5-person compliment that has disappeared while touring the Titanic. (Hope is quickly running out as estimated oxygen supply is dwindling.)

This seems to happen a lot (the movie synchronicity that is) although it's probably explained away as just a matter of attention - the majority of movies watched that don't line up with anything in real life are just not paid any mind.

Anyway, to make this all the more coincidental: a few days ago, before the news about the Titanic sub came out, a neighbor was telling me about how they have these submersible tours now where people can go see the Titanic underwater!

Wasn't sure where to place this, but it's about movie synchronicity - you watch a movie, then something in real-life comes up that is eerily similar to something in the movie.

6 days ago I reviewed Around the World Under the Sea (1966) - about an experimental submarine with a 6-person crew that ultimately ends up becoming trapped underwater.

Now there's this news story that's been ongoing for a couple days about an experimental sub with a 5-person compliment that has disappeared while touring the Titanic. (Hope is quickly running out as estimated oxygen supply is dwindling.)

This seems to happen a lot (the movie synchronicity that is) although it's probably explained away as just a matter of attention - the majority of movies watched that don't line up with anything in real life are just not paid any mind.

Anyway, to make this all the more coincidental: a few days ago, before the news about the Titanic sub came out, a neighbor was telling me about how they have these submersible tours now where people can go see the Titanic underwater!

I just had real life synchronicity. I just finished a two hour work related course on cranes and then did the Wordle. The answer today was CRANE. Cue Twilight Zone music.

Wasn't sure where to place this, but it's about movie synchronicity - you watch a movie, then something in real-life comes up that is eerily similar to something in the movie.

6 days ago I reviewed Around the World Under the Sea (1966) - about an experimental submarine with a 6-person crew that ultimately ends up becoming trapped underwater.

Now there's this news story that's been ongoing for a couple days about an experimental sub with a 5-person compliment that has disappeared while touring the Titanic. (Hope is quickly running out as estimated oxygen supply is dwindling.)

This seems to happen a lot (the movie synchronicity that is) although it's probably explained away as just a matter of attention - the majority of movies watched that don't line up with anything in real life are just not paid any mind.

Anyway, to make this all the more coincidental: a few days ago, before the news about the Titanic sub came out, a neighbor was telling me about how they have these submersible tours now where people can go see the Titanic underwater!
Check out my latest playlist in the music thread, same thing, eery synchronicity with the submarine story. https://www.movieforums.com/communit...99#post2392299 I posted that June 14th, the submarine started its journey June 18th. Maybe someone in the Twilight Zone or X-Files can tell us whats up with this.

Michael Bolton - "I tried in vain." (to contact the surface)
Elton John - "When are you gonna come down, when are you going to land?" (when are they going to rescue them?)
"I should have stayed on the phone." (they lost contact 1hr45m into the dive)
"I'm going back to my plow." (the submarine is going to hit the bottom)
George Michael (They're getting really emotional now thats pretty much the end and theres no way out.) "Just let me go!"
Robert Plant and Yes - "I can dance, I can sing... if you want me to" - "I beg to hear your wonderful stories" (At this point theyve come to terms with their fate and resort to entertaining each other and bonding on their mutual deathbeds, singing each other songs and telling each other stories, probably getting really spiritual. )
Oasis - "My today fell in from the top." (a reflection on what happened, falling to the ocean floor.)

That's gotta be a terrible way to go. Pack a tin can full of strangers and send it to the ocean floor. I can only imagine what transpired in there over those three days. So, this playlist fits in nicely with such a story and it could be mere coincidence that it works so well but most certainly I was thinking of something completely and totally unrelated and off this topic when I stitched this string of songs together.

Then you gotta think about that new movie Air coinciding with this submersible accident, because they really need a lot more air than they got.

But maybe we all got the news before it happened because it was fate written in the fabric of reality.

One of the passengers looks familiar

Well, it seems that my carefully constructed story imploded as the occupants of the submersible were probably crushed to death in a painless quick manner and probably had little to no warning aside from a few groans of the structure under stress. I still suspect foul play, maybe a torpedo. There was a billionaire on board and more than one businessman, and in recent years a trend of billionaires going on adventures and dying has been underway. So, I am not convinced this story is so simple and innocent. If you are a billionaire you probably want to place your Robinson Caruso / Tarzan plans on hold and hang close to the house.

Hi folks. Hope you're having a great weekend.

Well, it seems that my carefully constructed story imploded as the occupants of the submersible were probably crushed to death in a painless quick manner and probably had little to no warning aside from a few groans of the structure under stress. I still suspect foul play, maybe a torpedo. There was a billionaire on board and more than one businessman, and in recent years a trend of billionaires going on adventures and dying has been underway. So, I am not convinced this story is so simple and innocent. If you are a billionaire you probably want to place your Robinson Caruso / Tarzan plans on hold and hang close to the house.
This is interesting (but not for the squeamish).
The only part I was NOT aware of was the "cooking" (apparently an unbelievable amount of heat is created even at icy depths during a pressure implosion).

This is interesting (but not for the squeamish).
The only part I was NOT aware of was the "frying" (apparently a great amount of heat is created even at icy depths during a pressure implosion).

What was left of them was probably very tiny and fried and up for sea creatures to munch on. At least it was painless.

What was left of them was probably very tiny and fried and up for sea creatures to munch on. At least it was painless.
I like how it pointed out that death took place instantaneously: before any type of pain could even be perceived and even before anything visual could register.

The pressure at that depth is so powerful that there was not even any warning - it just happens in an all-engulfing womp!

This brings up an old observation from the TV series The Orville. In one episode they went to a planet that had such great gravity that things on the surface were crushed (the inhabitants had much greater density & strength to keep them from being crushed).

But gravity doesn't work that way - take a delicate origami sculpture made of the most brittle paper and set it down on the ground - the fact that it has little density doesn't mean it instantly flattens under earth's gravity. Actually, nothing on earth just "flattens" due to gravity (except maybe water). If you were on a planet with greater gravity you might have a hard time getting up off the ground, but you wouldn't just be crushed (as the show depicted).

It seems the writers were confusing the effects of gravity with atmospheric pressure - which does crush things. Our sister planet Venus, for instance, has a similar gravity to Earth, but its pressure on the surface is similar to that in our deepest oceans because its atmosphere is so thick. Set foot on Venus and you will be crushed.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That was a good episode of The Orville. You're right of course, technically gravity doesn't work like it was depicted. Still a fun episode, though maybe they should've went with the atmosphere being really, really dense.

If someone set foot on Venus would they be crushed or fried first? Venus is hot! Hotter than Mercury because of what Carl Sagan dubbed the runaway greenhouse effect. If Venus could cool it might make a nice place to visit!

That was a good episode of The Orville. You're right of course, technically gravity doesn't work like it was depicted. Still a fun episode, though maybe they should've went with the atmosphere being really, really dense.

If someone set foot on Venus would they be crushed or fried first? Venus is hot! Hotter than Mercury because of what Carl Sagan dubbed the runaway greenhouse effect. If Venus could cool it might make a nice place to visit!
Both - crushed, fried (and melted by the acid rain).
The heat is also due, at least in part, to the atmospheric pressure.

Venus is so Earth-like, yet so opposite (there are planets & many moons we could land on - wearing spacesuit within the solar system, but not Venus.)

Theorists say Venus could be a good candidate for terraforming (once we understand such science) since, aside from its hellish atmosphere, it's the most Earth-like planet known... and only about a 2 month trip away.

I believe that I've probably seen 1000-2000 different movies thus far in my life, and between 2009-2020 I only saw about a dozen movies or so, almost all of them in theaters, a record low. I don't think that I ever saw more than maybe 150-175 different movies in a year. The movies that Ive seen repeatedly were not my choice to see and most of the time I dont re-watch a movie.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Finally something I'm above average at.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

How the heck can it be July 4th on Tuesday? Summer gallops away.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.