Actors With Great Faces


"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
May Kelly (Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey, Mary Had a Little Lamb)

Diana Ringo (Finnish actor and director, she has an adaptation of George Orwell's 1984 coming out soon)

Brooke Lewis Bellas (actor and producer, Slime City Massacre, Red Rooms)
It's All About the Movies

Trouble with a capital "T"
May Kelly (Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey, Mary Had a Little Lamb)

Diana Ringo (Finnish actor and director, she has an adaptation of George Orwell's 1984 coming out soon)

Brooke Lewis Bellas (actor and producer, Slime City Massacre, Red Rooms)
I think you might wanted to post in this thread

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

Kurt McKinney, who starred in No Retreat, No Surrender

Mathis Landwehr

Mickey Hardt

Good one! I'm a huge fan of Savage and I always hoped that his career would have been bigger than it was, after The Deer Hunter, Inside Moves, and even his small part in The Godfather: Part III. But I still respect the guy for what he's done.

Peter Coyote

"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Trouble with a capital "T"
Good one! I'm a huge fan of Savage and I always hoped that his career would have been bigger than it was, after The Deer Hunter, Inside Moves, and even his small part in The Godfather: Part III. But I still respect the guy for what he's done.
He had an awesome role as a rogue Captain on Star Trek Voyager. Very memorable performance....and an unusual but not unhandsome face.

He had an awesome role as a rogue Captain on Star Trek Voyager. Very memorable performance....and an unusual but not unhandsome face.
Yes, he was indeed great in that role. He was super in an episode of The X-Files. I forgot to mention his great performance in The Onion Field (1979) where he was outstanding, but it's such a tough movie to watch. He was also great in a fine TV-movie, Coming Out of the Ice (1982), where he played a man being sent to a Russian gulag for decades. Willie Nelson, of all people, co-starred with him and was good. I really want to see that one again. He's also in Salvador (1986), Do the Right Thing (1989), The Crossing Guard (1995), White Squall (1996), The Thin Red Line (1998), and Summer of Sam (1999). The only one of those I've seen is The Thin Red Line and I despised that movie, and don't even remember Savage being in it. He's also in Bad Company (1972), Steelyard Blues (1973), and Cattle Annie and Little Britches (1980), all of which I want to see.

And @Captain Steel might know this---John Savage was in the TV-movie All the Kind Strangers (1974), which he and I have discussed lately.

Currently watching First Wave (A Canadian series). The leading actor Sebastian Spence has some distinctive facial features IMO.

Everyone has a great face for some roles. Not everyone has a great talent for the role that fits their face.

Don Calfa. This guy had an awesome, memorable face. He was in everything from Barney Miller, to Return of the Living Dead, Weekend at Bernies, Foul Play, Cinderella Liberty, Kojak, Baretta, Night Court, etc. etc. Just a great character actor:

I always used to mix up Don Calfa with Terry Kiser

Forgot to mention one of my favorite Calfa performances....absolutely loved him in the Dudley Moore film 10 where he played the pervert with the telescope across the way from George Webber's house whose house was supplied with hot and cold running naked women.