

"How tall is King Kong ?"
Antivax rhetorics (or the "there's no vaccine protection anyway, if it's not 100% then it's 0%" kind) seeping into my own family in order to rationalize what amounts, at the roots, to an insurmountable fear of needles and an extraordinary level of vanity.

I don't react very well to it.
Get working on your custom lists, people !

Antivax rhetorics (or the "there's no vaccine protection anyway, if it's not 100% then it's 0%" kind) seeping into my own family in order to rationalize what amounts, at the roots, to an insurmountable fear of needles and an extraordinary level of vanity.

I don't react very well to it.
Well, let's clear it up so we're not spreading rhetoric - and if I get anything wrong, I hope to be corrected.

The vaccines reportedly effect the severity of infection in a major way. They help prevent hospitalization by keeping symptoms from becoming severe and have all but eliminated death as a direct result of Covid-19 in those fully vaccinated. (However, certain co-morbidities, depending on their prevalence & severity, when combined with C-19 can still bring about death even in vaccinated individuals.)

What we've learned is the vaccines do not provide immunity as they were first projected to do. You can still contract C-19 and can still carry and spread C-19 if vaccinated, from and to both the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.

X-factors: these are things over which there is controversy, as almost every week new reports come out that support or counter former findings...
  • Whether vaccines provide better or worse protection than natural immunity where natural antibodies are present in those who have had & recovered from the virus.
  • Whether those vaccinated may be able to carry a higher viral load than those unvaccinated or recovered.
  • Exactly how long the vaccine will provide the protections it does - thus there are questions on the need for boosters, how many or for how long they may be required.

Same day I ordered mine.
They must have heard me. Got mine just now.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

From this Thursday here in England, if you test positive for covid you no longer have to stay at home and isolate, you can go out into the public mask free and spread it...

Our government trusts, and 'advises', that people will continue to stay at home...

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It's so wierd, i feel like it's groundhog day. There's always news reports saying "coronavirus pandemic is winding down", but only a week later it's like "hospitals overcrowded by infected", etc.

it might never end.

From this Thursday here in England, if you test positive for covid you no longer have to stay at home and isolate, you can go out into the public mask free and spread it...

Our government trusts, and 'advises', that people will continue to stay at home...


it might never end.
Our pandemic will become an endemic (maybe already has): it’s specific location being the entire world & we have to live with it.

It's so wierd, i feel like it's groundhog day. There's always news reports saying "coronavirus pandemic is winding down", but only a week later it's like "hospitals overcrowded by infected", etc.

it might never end.
Actually, based on most scientific & medical consensus, it WILL never end.

Most viruses never really "end." Pandemics & epidemics end only because society declares them "over" when death tolls begin to subside, but the viruses that cause them rarely ever just die out completely, rather they move looking for susceptible hosts and adapt (mutate) in an encoded attempt to reproduce via hosts.

If, again, we use the "Spanish Flu" as an example, we say it ended after 2 years & 2 months, but it didn't really end - it only mutated & became less virulent as immunity among the human populace increased. It didn't disappear, just became indistinguishable from the more common flus. If Covid-19 follows a similar pattern the same thing should happen, but somewhat quicker with vaccines, treatments & modern medicine.

(Which is why I'm counting to down a timeframe similar to that of the Spanish Flu.)

CringeFest's Avatar
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Actually, based on most scientific & medical consensus, it WILL never end.

Most viruses never really "end." Pandemics & epidemics end only because society declares them "over" when death tolls begin to subside, but the viruses that cause them rarely ever just die out completely, rather they move looking for susceptible hosts and adapt (mutate) in an encoded attempt to reproduce via hosts.

If, again, we use the "Spanish Flu" as an example, we say it ended after 2 years & 2 months, but it didn't really end - it only mutated & became less virulent as immunity among the human populace increased. It didn't disappear, just became indistinguishable from the more common flus. If Covid-19 follows a similar pattern the same thing should happen, but somewhat quicker with vaccines, treatments & modern medicine.

(Which is why I'm counting to down a timeframe similar to that of the Spanish Flu.)

i just meant the general sense of caution and fear that comes with the pandemic, the social element of the pandemic. Idk about it being the same as the flu, lots of countries are still struggling with what they're going to do in terms of restrictions, like the UK for example, some countries recently had their first cases. I feel like in places like the US people will stop being afraid of it just because there's been so much exposure already, but Idk it could be permanent here too.

Had my very first Covid test in a medical office. Negative. Feel like crud, but I don’t have the flu either.

I’ve sneezed more in the past two years than I have sneezed my entire life. Thought I would share this momentous revelation.

I’ve sneezed more in the past two years than I have sneezed my entire life. Thought I would share this momentous revelation.
I've had similar experiences which I think I've expressed here - isolation, distancing, masks, rabid hand washing & personal hygiene, better diet & supplements haven't worked all that well for me personally, as I've been more sick in the last two years then ever before.

I suspect I've had multiple forms of Covid (including Covid toes!) But even if not, all these mitigation exercises should have been equally effective against similar microscopic viruses - yet I feel like (the mask wearing in particular) made me more susceptible to illness.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I just heard a story that made me angry, worried and demoralized.

I know someone who was at a garage sale recently wearing a mask, the rest of the people there were not wearing a mask. Some of them started making fun of him and the owner of the garage sale got mad at him for daring to wear a mask to her sale, so he had to leave. This person is someone who cares for an elderly person with respiratory issues...and our state still has mandatory mask laws.

I also read about a woman who pointed a gun at another woman in a car because she was angry over the car's bumper sticker that read, 'I'm vaccinated'.

I was planning on wearing my mask after our state's mask mandate is dropped, which will happen in just a few days. But after hearing about those stories, I'm worried.

Hatred & intolerance is spreading today in America faster than Covid ever did.

I just heard a story that made me angry, worried and demoralized.

I know someone who was at a garage sale recently wearing a mask, the rest of the people there were not wearing a mask. Some of them started making fun of him and the owner of the garage sale got mad at him for daring to wear a mask to her sale, so he had to leave. This person is someone who cares for an elderly person with respiratory issues...and our state still has mandatory mask laws.

I also read about a woman who pointed a gun at another woman in a car because she was angry over the car's bumper sticker that read, 'I'm vaccinated'.

I was planning on wearing my mask after our state's mask mandate is dropped, which will happen in just a few days. But after hearing about those stories, I'm worried.

Hatred & intolerance is spreading today in America faster than Covid ever did.
Yeah, this kind of stuff - no matter what direction it's pointed at - is unacceptable.

Those who rallied behind freedom of choice (when the science wasn't 100%) should be the first to accept the choices of others.

The good news is I'm declaring Covid over in 13 days!

(I've explained it enough times - but for clarification - this does not mean the virus will suddenly cease to exist, just that it's time to declare a return to a semblance of normalcy without all the hysteria, draconian measures, mandates, the double standards of those who dictate guidelines, shutdowns, politicization & hysterical reactions, while still practicing common sense and focusing protection efforts on those most at risk).

Now, the media, due to the war on Ukraine, has pretty much beat me to it as their former constant focus on Covid has dwindled to almost nothing outside of if the CDC issues an official statement. But I'm still holding the first day of Spring as my declaration of independence (from Covid hysteria) day.

Hatred & intolerance is spreading today in America faster than Covid ever did.
Horrid mentally ill woman on my street called me a dyke today after I said hello to her.

Wasn't particularly surprised to hear that North Korea has no vaccination program, in typical BBC reporting fashion though they mentioned it was one of only two countries to not have one and then didn't bother to say who the other was. So now I'm glad I'm neither North Korean (also I prolly wouldn't be allowed on here) nor from somewhere else