Virgin Hall of Fame


I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Thanks for explaining Ms M. Yes I can understand what you are saying about Stingo in the book having two many side stories. I never read the book but in the movie I thought Stingo was the least interesting of the three main characters, so I'm glad we didn't have to have another half hour in the movie about him moving to his families farm
Side stories! Thanks CR
Yes, I agree that Stingo is the least interesting person in the movie and also in the book. Maybe he supose to be only "background" to Sophie and Nathan?
Stingo was shown in the book as a young vain scribbler, who from the beging was interested only into having sex with Sophie. As You said, he is the least nice character.
Half an hour about Stingo could make me sick either.

movies can be okay...
I already watched "Léon" so I only have one movie left to knock down, which is pretty exciting. If all goes as planned, by the end of this week I will be finished with the remaining film as well.
"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

Trouble with a capital "T"
I already watched "Léon" so I only have one movie left to knock down, which is pretty exciting. If all goes as planned, by the end of this week I will be finished with the remaining film as well.
Glad to hear it, when you have watched all the movies, make your voting list like this:

1 Your favorite movie in the Hof, the one you think should win
2 your second favorite
3 your third favorite
4 your fourth favorite
5 your fifth favorite
6 your sixth favorite
7 your seventh and least favorite of the movies

Then send me that voting list by PM.

When I have all the voting list in, I will tally up the points and reveal the winner.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
CR, You know I'm terrible in searching movies, so I won't watch My favourite year
I'll make list of 6, ok? Though I think MFY would be third or fourth.

i can fix that ms.m
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

Trouble with a capital "T"
CR, You know I'm terrible in searching movies, so I won't watch My favourite year
I'll make list of 6, ok? Though I think MFY would be third or fourth.
Maybe Velvet can help? But if you can't find My Favourite Year and those links I sent don't work....then yes send me a list of 6.

Trouble with a capital "T"

The Official Deadline is January 7th, so have the movies watched and your voting list PMed to me by midnight PST January 7th.

This is the current movies watched list. Unless they've watched movies that they hadn't posted about yet.

Sylvie 3/7
DocHoliday 1/7
Mescango 2/7
Ms. M 6/7
Okay 5/7
Siddon 3/7

looks like your gonna only gonna get three lists. Seems like sylvie and mescango have dissapeared and docholiday appears to not be watching the films

Bottle Rocket, this was a rewatch for me. First time I watched it I found it a bit to precocious for me and it failed to have all of those imaginative visual flares later West Anderson films had. It improved drastically for me on second watch as I was able to enjoy the filmmaking more. I love how Anderson plays with foreground and background and color.

I still didn't care for James Caan character as he felt like a collection of strange characters instead of just one of several we see in later Anderson films. But in the end I liked it well enough it moves up my personal rankings form bad to good.

movies can be okay...
Léon (1994)

Léon is a professional assassin, who one day, after a tragic incident, decides to take care of his 12 year old neighbour played by Natalie Portman, and for the rest of the film, we follow their journey and adventures together, while their relationship grows closer and closer...

I do commend the filmmakers for having the balls to showcase a taboo subject matter, but that alone is far from enough to win me over, it's the execution where it counts, and I'm not really confident with saying that the film was ably executed. Sure the movie is shot competently, the events are fairly entertaining, and the dynamic between Léon and Mathilda can get pretty interesting, but when you have the assassin/Mafia world as the background, and you fail to correctly put it together with the main story, things start to get messy.

My main issue with "Léon" is that it completely does away with the idea of consequence, whenever it's time for an action scene, it pretty much turns into your standard superhero movie, where there's absolutely no tension or consequences to any action, it turns stale, dull, and more importantly predictable which is such a shame.

As for the acting, Natalie Portman did a good job and truly was a great child actor, which in reality, only equals to an alright actor. Jean Reno did good as well, but wasn't anything special either, and I guess that is another problem I had with the movie, the fact that there was absolutely nothing exceptional about it.

The music is another aggravating part about the movie, not only is the film already cheesy to begin with, but the soundtrack only makes it worse, by adding unnecessary music to get a cheap and unearned reaction out of the viewer, seriously the use of music sometimes felt so ridiculous and unfitting.

I really shouldn't be surprised, but I was also taken aback by the fact that this is #27 on IMDb's 'top 250', which isn't anything substantial or concrete in my eyes anyway, but I guess I wasn't expecting it to be somewhat unanimously loved.

Even though I have been talking about "Léon" as if it is the worst movie ever, it's clearly far from that, in fact I gave it a pretty good rating, it's just that I wasn't ready to only sit through a good film, because good is exactly where it stops.

I won't dance. Don't ask me...
Léon (1994)

Even though I have been talking about "Léon" as if it is the worst movie ever, it's clearly far from that, in fact I gave it a pretty good rating, it's just that I wasn't ready to only sit through a good film, because good is exactly where it stops.
Too bad You didn't enjoyed Leon. It is my nom and one of most fav movies ever.

The worst movie ever? Insane!

I appreciate Your opinion, Okay and great rev as usual

My Favorite Year (1982)

One of my favorite movies that really should be watched by more people. I like to think of this as the best Woody Allen movie he never made, inspired by Sid Ceasar's comedy show this play was adapted into a film. It's the story of a young comedy writer babysitting his hero aged film star for a live TV comedy show.

This is a story that doesn't have any padding, the pacing and dialogue are fantastic. The supporting characters are well defined enough but the movie is really about Peter O'Toole showcasing a number of his hidden talents. And the ending hits you like a ton of bricks.

movies can be okay...
I already watched "Sophie's Choice" so I'm definitely going to make it, I'll write my thoughts on it tomorrow morning, and I'll send you my list by then as well.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I already watched "Sophie's Choice" so I'm definitely going to make it, I'll write my thoughts on it tomorrow morning, and I'll send you my list by then as well.