Next MoFo Countdown?


What should the next Countdown be?
9 votes
General Top 100
17 votes
8 votes
3 votes
12 votes
Skip to 40s
49 votes. You may not vote on this poll

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
He might not have rigged it, but it could have been rigged. Sci-Fi also was quiet for a bit until 40s was within a vote of it, then Sci-Fi suddenly gerts a burst of votes, gedouddahere'!

Just pointing it out, if nobody cares dont mind me.

I'm one of the people who voted for sci-fi when the '40's started to get too close to it. I was waiting to vote because I can't really decide between sci-fi and comedy, but I'd like a break between the '50's and the '40's, so I voted when the '40's got too close.

I waited to vote because I wanted to see which of the two genres looked like it was more likely to get the most votes, and I also wanted to see how close they were before voting.

I haven't discussed my preferences here in the thread because there are drawbacks for me with both of these genres, and I didn't want to have that discussion again.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Just making some noise to make sure its all legit, and it appears to be.

My job is done here.

I'm one of the people who voted for sci-fi when the '40's started to get too close to it. I was waiting to vote because I can't really decide between sci-fi and comedy, but I'd like a break between the '50's and the '40's, so I voted when the '40's got too close.

I waited to vote because I wanted to see which of the two genres looked like it was more likely to get the most votes, and I also wanted to see how close they were before voting.

I haven't discussed my preferences here in the thread because there are drawbacks for me with both of these genres, and I didn't want to have that discussion again.
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Trouble with a capital "T"
I think that Sci-Fi Countdown hosted by me will probably be next. The only other options that seem to have as much attention in the thread and poll are 40s and Horror. I think that we should wait to do 40s until after a genre countdown. And even though I know that the Horror countdown was different from today's countdowns, I still think we should try something different. Also, I think Sci-Fi is a genre that everyone enjoys, Horror might alienate some people. That is why I think Sci-Fi should be the next countdown.
Nope1172, how are you doing on hosting this?