Donald Trump for President?


Let the night air cool you off
I was thinking that Trump's win could pave the path for the first woman President...


She'd definitely get the SHWING! vote!
Politically speaking, that would create a whole new meaning of shwing states.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Note: This post is not a pro Hillary post, I don't like Hillary, I didn't vote for her, I voted for a third party candidate.

Never in the history of America has so many prominent members of a candidates own party came out against them, as did fellow Republicans against Trump. This is a sampling of recognizable Republicans who came out against Donald Trump. This should tell you that the U.S. is in deep sh*t with Trump as president.

Excerpt from The Atlantic

Colin Powell said Donald Trump “has no sense of shame,” and is “a national disgrace” and “international pariah.” He said that “the whole birther movement was racist” and complained that the media was providing Trump with oxygen to fuel his campaign.

John McCain: Arizona senator and 2008 GOP presidential nominee, who is in a tight reelection battle, has announced he no longer supports Trump. “I thought it important I respect the fact that Donald Trump won a majority of the delegates by the rules our party set,” “But Donald Trump’s behavior this week, concluding with the disclosure of his demeaning comments about women and his boasts about sexual assaults, make it impossible to continue to offer even conditional support for his candidacy.”

John Kasich: Ohio governor and final Republican challenger to leave the race formally said he did not support Trump. “The actions of the last day are disgusting, but that’s not why I reached this decision, it has been an accumulation of his words and actions that many have been warning about,” he said in a statement. “I will not vote for a nominee who has behaved in a manner that reflects so poorly on our country.”

Barbara Bush: the former first lady has publicly disavowed Trump. “I mean, unbelievable. I don't know how women can vote for someone who said what he said about Megyn Kelly, it’s terrible,” she told CBS in February. “And we knew what he meant too.”

George W. Bush: The former president “does not plan to participate in or comment on the presidential campaign,”

Mitt Romney: “I wanted my grandkids to see that I simply couldn’t ignore what Mr. Trump was saying and doing, which revealed a character and temperament unfit for the leader of the free world.” Romney continued: “I know that some people are offended that someone who lost and is the former nominee continues to speak, but that’s how I can sleep at night.”

Jeb Bush: The former Florida governor and presidential candidate came to detest Trump during the campaign. In April, he said he would not attend the Republican National Convention. He now says he will not vote for either Trump or Clinton.
This list goes on and on and on! check the link.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
What a bunch of nonsense. First democracy was Athens in 505 BC, which was in fact more democratic than the US now. After that it's arbitrary to claim whether a country was the first "modern democracy" depending what you define as "modern". Brazil can be called "the first democracy after 1984", since it was in 1984 that Brazil became a democracy.

Trump is a very democratic thing: a non-politician choosen by the people. Non democratic would be a Clinton, which is a dynasty of politicians, back in power.

Now, just because you dislike him doesn't mean he wasn't democratically elected.
I think you misunderstand me. I have been very positive and supportive of the voters in this election, from my first election related posts. I would not portest a Hillary or a Trump win. The people with their eyes most open to today's reality, have spoken. Good for them.

I believe the orgins of your Statue of Liberty and your type of democracy come from one of your greatest allies, France. As it stands, they are struggling over there to protect their citizens and are telling their children that flowers and candles will protect them from the guns of terror.

I say that Trump's massive success is directly related. I respect the outcome of your election, in your country, 100%.
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

That Megyn Kelly that Barbara Bush brought up; is that the same Megyn Kelly who was on the Howard Stern Show talking about her breasts, their nicknames, and her sex life?

You Better Watch Out
You Better Not Cry
You Better Not Pout I'm Tellin' You Why
Donald Trump Is Comin' To Town!

Here's some more of that Donald Trump "misogyny" at work when he gets up close and personal with Rudy Giuliani dressed in drag:

Yes, my friends. These are the people running America now. A drag queen and his admirer.

It's grand to be an American seven years after 2010
King Donald's on the throne;
It's the age of men
I'm the lord of my castle
The sov'reign, the liege!
I treat my subjects: servants, children, wife
With a firm but gentle hand
Noblesse oblige!

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
When Bill Clinton first took office I was very afraid,
So, regardless of the political leanings of a candidate, maybe you just happen to fear change?

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
a friend of mine who lives in Seattle was jumped last night by three guys when he was walking home from work. he said he'd seen them come into the restaurant earlier that night and sit at the bar and ended up getting kicked out for being obnoxious to other guests. he said they were shouting "No more f**gots in America!" and chanting "Trump! Trump!" before they jumped him. he's very openly gay, btw.

i'd been hearing and seeing online a lot of people sharing stories and posts about the amount of hate crimes against POC and the LBGT+ community in the last 48 hours or so, but it's different when it happens to someone you know.

not enough people are talking about these gross hate crimes. everyone just wants to complain about the whiners and the protesters that are ruining their commute to work. meanwhile, google 'hate crimes since election.' prepare to feel sick.

make america great again? more like make racists afraid again.

That is unfortunate what happened to your friend, and it sucks what has been going on, but it is not a reflection of the two candidates views. Go search on YouTube or Google "Hillary Clinton is a racist", and you will be shocked at what you find.

Also, besides Trump supporting gay marriage before Clinton, Clinton has called the women her husband took advantage of bimbos, and Trump's supporters deplorable's.

It seems to me that there are a lot of misguided in hypocritical people out there.

a friend of mine who lives in Seattle was jumped last night by three guys when he was walking home from work. he said he'd seen them come into the restaurant earlier that night and sit at the bar and ended up getting kicked out for being obnoxious to other guests. he said they were shouting "No more f**gots in America!" and chanting "Trump! Trump!" before they jumped him. he's very openly gay, btw.

i'd been hearing and seeing online a lot of people sharing stories and posts about the amount of hate crimes against POC and the LBGT+ community in the last 48 hours or so, but it's different when it happens to someone you know.

not enough people are talking about these gross hate crimes. everyone just wants to complain about the whiners and the protesters that are ruining their commute to work. meanwhile, google 'hate crimes since election.' prepare to feel sick.

make america great again? more like make racists afraid again.
Yep. Tapping into those emotions, thats how he got in office, and I think would fuel further to stay in office.

I understand anyone wanting to give him a chance now that hes elected. I am, but Im not going to give Donald Trump unthinking servitude like so many of his supporters display.

Be as critical of him as any President youve ever been critical of. Dont give him unwavering just support because hes the President, or your parties figurehead now, only give it if he deserves it thru what he does. Just like any President weve had.

That is unfortunate what happened to your friend, and it sucks what has been going on, but it is not a reflection of the two candidates views. Go search on YouTube or Google "Hillary Clinton is a racist", and you will be shocked at what you find.

Also, besides Trump supporting gay marriage before Clinton, Clinton has called the women her husband took advantage of bimbos, and Trump's supporters deplorable's.

It seems to me that there are a lot of misguided in hypocritical people out there.
Hillary Clinton has been outright accused of being a lesbian because she had many gay friends before it was acceptable. Yeah its cute The Donald supported gay marriage publicly before the Clintons, but in real life he wouldnt have anything to do with them. That was more him increasing his popularity within that demographic for the success of his brand, his name. You also act like she held those women down while Bill "raped" them. Its over now, but going forward I hope you change your stance on him if he proves to be otherwise then what he sold everyone.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
That is unfortunate what happened to your friend, and it sucks what has been going on, but it is not a reflection of the two candidates views.
who cares? these crimes are happening by Trump supporters who think he stands for hatred and bigotry, otherwise why would they be happening? it sounds like you should be lecturing to them about what Trump's policies supposedly are, not me.

Hillary Clinton has been outright accused of being a lesbian because she had many gay friends before it was acceptable. Yeah its cute The Donald supported gay marriage publicly before the Clintons, but in real life he wouldnt have anything to do with them. That was more him increasing his popularity within that demographic for the success of his brand, his name. You also act like she held those women down while Bill "raped" them. Its over now, but going forward I hope you change your stance on him if he proves to be otherwise then what he sold everyone.
Just look it up